Who Was Stronger: Seifer or Squall?

Personality-wise, Seifer was much weaker. He attached himself to the Sorceress and was dependent on her, and I found that very annoying about him. Not to say that Squall wasn't annoying, but he seemed a lot more capable.

Seifer was following a dream, in which he... followed. Though Squall originally wanted to follow orders, he eventually took over and led. Seifer did the exact opposite. So he grew softer, in my opinion.
they're meant to be about equal rivals i'd say, just seems seifer is more open to slashing his training partner's face open, when squall acknowledges he is an enemy they can fight without regrets so squall shows that he is stronger...

but all you need to know is GILGAMESH PWNS ALL
im with squall.....
coz lionheart limit break so powerfull..... n i love that weapon :)
that mean squall strong vs seifer.....
Squall is better. Seifer sucks for multiple reasons. One, because if Gilgamesh can kill Seifer, anyone can. Two, He's to love struck to focus on crap. And three, he's TOO self confident. I hope Seifer isn't in Dissidia II!
I believe Squall is stronger, although if it came down to it, Seifer would win in a fight. All he has to do is kidnap Rinoa and hold her hostage ^_^
Squall dies at the end of the first disk. Everything after that is a dream. If we're talking 1st disk Squall, Seifer would win hands down. If we're referring to any disk after that, Squall wins every time.
I think that Squall is easily the tougher of the 2. Regardless of how the battles ended up being fought, Squall was the superior figure. Squall spent the entire game trying to prove that he was a valuable mercenary. That will to prove his strength combined with Seifer's lack of initiative to better his situation on his own, gives Squall a huge advantage. Ninety percent of battling is based on how strong a person is mentally, not physically. And Squall was worlds stronger than Seifer in that regard, in my opinion. Is Seifer tougher than Squall physically? We'll never know. But even if Seifer is tougher, it wouldn't be by much, and Squall was much tougher mentally. Squall may lose a few battles, but he'd easily win the war.
If you really want to See who is stronger do this.

Fight Seifer in Lunatic Pandora Alone,KO your team members.
Equip the Revolver.
Have around 5000hp.
Stat in 120's
Be at Level 45.

In this battle Seifer has all his abilities and should be more than a match for Sqaull
if you want an evn greater challenge cast aura on Seifer, this allows him to use his moves more often.
Seifer. because he made a speech on tv kickass! take that mr president!
I would say Squall is the better of the two thinking about it yet again...

In terms of mentality Seifer is actually pretty weak, he was easily persuaded by Ultimecia to join her, this shows how confused and troubled he really is in my opinion.

Squall isn't rash and as a cold way of thinking which are pretty useful in a battle situation, he also seems to put a wall around him which somewhat protects him from the influence of others, although that wall slowly crumbles.

In terms of normal stats, Seifer is superior to Squall at a max level of 100 they're like this:

HP: 5823
Str: 48
Vit: 39
Mag: 45
Spr: 38
Spd: 45
Luck: 19

HP: 4187
Str: 47
Vit: 41
Mag: 45
Spr: 36
Spd: 37
Luck: 22

Although i must say character stats might not be very important here, since they're related to game mechanics.

Looking at their encounters, during the opening sequence it seemed that Squall had the upper hand on Seifer, it looked like Seifer was having trouble blocking Squall's strikes and that's when he used the fire spell. That's just my opinion but it really seemed that way.

The other time they fight one on one Squall wins according to the story, so that would seem to indicate that he was better then Seifer.

As for cutting Odin in half i think it's a big feat, but game mechanics prevented of course Squall of doing the same thing since that wouldn't be any fun. I believe that Squall could have done the same if the situation presented itself.

Finally Squall as a lot of powerful offensive attacks more powerful then anything Seifer as, his limit breaks are overkill compared to Seifer's limit breaks, although i will admit that being a boss Seifer could never use that kind of attacks.

Anyway excluding character stats i consider Squall to be superior to Seifer in terms of power and mind.

That's my view.
Squall. When comparing him to Seifer as a boss.

a few days ago, during my Rinoa-only (at the end of Disc 2), I wasn't even paying attention during the final battle (Seifer and Edea) and he hadn't even taken off 1/10th my health (in total, I did have drain on my attack) by the time he was beaten. All I did was attack him 3 or 4 times. xP

But going by stats, Seifer is slightly better. If you had him through the whole game he would beat Squall in base stats. Which count for little in this game I know, but still.

Squall has a better Limit break and is mentally more stable.

Squall wins either way.

@Jimmy about Odin - I seriously don't even know why they put that in there. Seifer beating Odin... You can beat him with Squall in a single Limit-Break if you are strong enough. (Which is easy to do) If that counts for anything. xD
This thread's still around?

These days, after a friendly chat with people elsewhere, I've concluded they're about equal. Squall might be slightly stronger but not to any significant degree.
Seifer would have the upper hand on this one I believe. Since he did whoop Squall's ass on a one-on-one before. Remember that when we fight him during the story it's a 3 vs 1 every single time. I mean, sure we kick his ass but is he even junctionned to something to begin with? I'm not so sure (though he uses Fire, Fira, Firaga & Flare during the 4 encounters with him which needs a junctioned summon to be used, but thats just battle mechanics talks anyway I guess).

Squall his a pretty sloppy leader compared to Seifer's tyrannical skills to add insult to injury.
It has to be Seifer........Even though he does use fire/fira so what?.........Plus like bapohmat said its 3 vs 1 when fighting against seifer......and I mean this is a game and throughout this game seifer is the bad guy and squall is the good guy.......And we all know who has to win by the end of the game (squall).

I think you just have to rely on what you see in FMV's and cutscenes when deciding on who's stronger whenever your talking about FF characters.........you can't possibly rely on stats cos I'm sure a maxed out squall is nothing compared to seifer.
I think Squall is stronger even with the other two on my team I always found Seifer really easy to fight.
In the story Seifer fights with Squall at the end of disc 1 in a one-on-one fight on top of the "Arc de Triomphe" thing, and when Seifer is about to lose Edea steps up and finishes the job by stabbing Squall with blizzara. And in disc 2 Seifer has Squall bound on that torture machine... I mean, "what are you afraid of, I don't have my gunblade with me... interrogate me like a man". In other words to me it looked like Seifer was the witch's puppet, he allied with her for power.

Squall is a "one man army" if we are talking about gameplay, you can solo Omega Weapon with him only.
I'm really sorry that there isn't in the game a side quest where Squall will fight against Seifer and that there is a different plot about who wins and lose after the fight.
side quest about they're having a private duel? is there? o_O
me, too, I did know 'bout that

I think Squall win the fight anyway, I dunno, there's something that Seifer doesn't have and Squall has it, so I think that way. no offense, okay? ^^

well, it'd be different if Seifer took another way of living, who knows~ lol