Who Was the coolest judge?

Coolest Judge?

  • Garbranth

    Votes: 16 66.7%
  • Ghis

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Bergan

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Drace

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Zargabaath

    Votes: 3 12.5%

  • Total voters
Hey hey, let's not go into insulting him as making the least amount of sense on the forums. Let's try to avoid the flaming Wolvatron even if it is slight.

As for actually playing as a judge, in which The Best hinted at, it would be kinda wierd for that to happen in this storyline. Maybe it would be sort of like how Steiner joins your group even though he's a Guard for Brahne. Who knows. I just don't see some Tin-man like Judge journeying around with our main characters in this one.
As for actually playing as a judge, in which The Best hinted at, it would be kinda wierd for that to happen in this storyline. Maybe it would be sort of like how Steiner joins your group even though he's a Guard for Brahne. Who knows. I just don't see some Tin-man like Judge journeying around with our main characters in this one.

i was trying to say what if we could play on the evil side as a judge

and congrats on becoming a moderater
Hey hey, let's not go into insulting him as making the least amount of sense on the forums. Let's try to avoid the flaming Wolvatron even if it is slight.

As for actually playing as a judge, in which The Best hinted at, it would be kinda wierd for that to happen in this storyline. Maybe it would be sort of like how Steiner joins your group even though he's a Guard for Brahne. Who knows. I just don't see some Tin-man like Judge journeying around with our main characters in this one.

no flaming was intended. if it came across as so, then my apologies to The Best.
Hey hey, let's not go into insulting him as making the least amount of sense on the forums. Let's try to avoid the flaming Wolvatron even if it is slight.

As for actually playing as a judge, in which The Best hinted at, it would be kinda wierd for that to happen in this storyline. Maybe it would be sort of like how Steiner joins your group even though he's a Guard for Brahne. Who knows. I just don't see some Tin-man like Judge journeying around with our main characters in this one.

Me also -

Bergan, would never become a traitor - he is too loyal to the Empire and to Vayne.
Ghis - he pretty much wanted to be Emperor - his lust for power brought him his end too early.
Zargabaath - Loyal also, despite his honourable spirit, he probably would stick to his roots.
Drace - Most likely to work with the group, but she feared for Larsa's safety, so she had to stay with him.
Gabranth - Hatred pretty much stayed strong with him, and with Gramis relying on him to pretty much take care of Larsa also, he couldn't work outside the Empire.
Bergan, would never become a traitor - he is too loyal to the Empire and to Vayne. yes then he is the best judge to the empire.. if u asking that question..

but bergen's strength was soo kl inm that cut seen with drace... but spose that is due to a certain stone...
well id say Gabranth, and so would most because he gets the most screen time and charcter development, im sure if zargabaath got more attention people would like him more
Gabranth hands down. I don't think he's evil more an anti-hero than anything else. He looks awesome and fights awesome though I'm not too fond of his armor. Ghis has the best armor. I always liked how Gabranth and Drace watched over Larsa so much.