Who was the hardest boss in the whole FF series?


Jun 11, 2007
on Earth
in my opinion the Omega weapon from final fantasy 5 is the toughest boss in the series to defeat, besides the hell wyrum of course. but Omega was tough because you have to go through 4 or 5 of tem to offcially beat Omega Weapon.
I have only played VII - XII so I can only pick someone from that area. I would choose as follows:

1. Ozma
2. Hades
3. Ruby Weapon
WOW it's the same thread!
Omega weapon from FFVIII oh yea and Ruby weapon what a smart ass!
I don't know really, I thought sin wasn't a hard battle but I had some difficulty with the Dark Cloud in FFIII, maybe i was just under leveled >_<
Yiazmat from XII. NEver have I run in to a more frustrating boss in my entire RPG history. I'm sure a lot of people got really frustrated due to the time it takes to defeat him.
ruby weapon for optional.
I got stuck on materia keeper for ages when i first played FFVII, so he gets a vote
I have playef ff from 4 to 10 and my top 10 is:

1. Penance (ffX Internacional)
2. Neo Shinryu (ff5 Advance)
3. Omega MK2 (ff5 Advance)
4. Omega (ff5)
5. Ozma (ff9)
6. Emerald Weapon (ff7)
7. Omega Weapon (ff8)
8. Ruby Weapon (ff7)
9. Shinryu (ff5)
and maby:
10. Brahioraidos (ff4 Advance) or Dark Bahamut (ffX internacional)

Now I am playing ff6 Advance and ffX-2 so this top can change.
I'd have to say the final boss in FF3. I remember the first time i fought her and your party gets killed (which they have to) and the screen went blank. I was like "well um... okay i guess i can't beat the game" and gave up and didn't play it for like 2 weeks, then when i tried again i realized that your party dying was part of the game and you had to wait a while for the npc's to revive you lol :P