

Oct 24, 2006
So who actually got a game today and how far are you? Also if you need help you can ask as well. I just beat the game MWAHAHAHAHA
played for 3 hours last night, got to lv5 solo. Got Libra, Broadsword, Thunder, and the tomato and wolf NMs. I can't beat the Flowering Cactoid though. As lvl 5 with Mythril sword and no black magic I only hit him 1/5 times and was curing more than damage.

I did get chain 28 (i think) out in the area just outside the two NPC brothers in Estersands. netted me a good chuck of XP and LP. I need to unlock gambits and find a 2nd player I think. Maybe 2 players can beat cactoid...
first impressions

I got my copy after school ^^ I played for about 2.5 hours, got to level 5, finished the Tomato, started the Wolf NM and Sunstone quest. As far as the license board, I unlocked sword 1, heavy armor 1, white magick 1, and shield 1. I can't wait to get home so I can find the point in the game when you can access the gambit system. :)
Anyone recommend which characters need which quickening spots on the board? I understand anyone can unlock one, but any suggested pattern?
20 hours in, lvl 20 for Vaan and Basch, 19 for everyone else. I am on my way to the Heene Mines (sp?)
same spot as natedog...21 hours in, heading to the Heene Mines but i spent time leveling up on the Ozmone Plain so Vaan, Balthier, and Basch are lvl 24+
Vaan and Basch are lvl 24 each and everyone else is level 21. Just got to the save point outside King Raithwall's tomb. Anyone run into something called a Salamander Entite yet? It's a big floating orange-red orb. I hit the damn thing with a 12-combo quickening and it didn't even take it to half-life. It's first hit after surviving that took all 3 of my current party members out. I just ran the hell out of there after putting the remaining 3 in and it took some running! The damn thing followed me pretty far before backing off. And the gem I stole from it before running away sold cheap. Chee.
same spot as natedog...21 hours in, heading to the Heene Mines but i spent time leveling up on the Ozmone Plain so Vaan, Balthier, and Basch are lvl 24+

I wish i would have leveled more, I got raped in the passage to Mt, whatever after Heene mines. So i gotta try to level some and try again after work.
I Need Help

So who actually got a game today and how far are you? Also if you need help you can ask as well. I just beat the game MWAHAHAHAHA

I hope its FFXII you've beat, i really need help, i need to know how or where to get espers from, the game hasnt mentioned it none, and i believe you get them by doing the hunts, but im not sure, im at the part where you fight Ghis, the judge, so if you can please lend me a hand, and ive added you to my buddy list.
I've replied your message about this and in case you missed it, I'll post it here too.

There are total 13 Espers.
5 from Storyline which you will never miss.
That means 8 from side-quest.
I already responded to your email as well lol. Your about to get your first one soon. Plus you really dont want to get any side quest right now because you will get your ass handed to you lol
Vaan and Basch are lvl 24 each and everyone else is level 21. Just got to the save point outside King Raithwall's tomb. Anyone run into something called a Salamander Entite yet? It's a big floating orange-red orb. I hit the damn thing with a 12-combo quickening and it didn't even take it to half-life. It's first hit after surviving that took all 3 of my current party members out. I just ran the hell out of there after putting the remaining 3 in and it took some running! The damn thing followed me pretty far before backing off. And the gem I stole from it before running away sold cheap. Chee.

lol heres a tip. DONT ATTACK ANYTHING THAT HAS A GREEN BAR OF LIFE!! You WILL get your ass handed to you. They dont attack you so why bother attacking IT! lol Wait till your around lvl 30 + to kill monsters with green bars. They ARE part of your beastory and you NEED to kill them if you want to get 100% completed.
And don't fight around them. If you fight any other monster near them, they will be aggresive and attacked you too.
Ah, that's why then. I didn't attack the Entite at first (because it looked like a touch SOB) but since I was slaughtering the Urutans around it I saw it lock onto me and decided to hit it with a quickening. Better luck next time I guess, hehe.
Also, what's the point in completing the Beastiary and getting the "!" per beast that shows you have enough? Is there an actual advantage to this (kinda like "capturing" in FFX to get Auron(?)'s ultimate weapon) or is it just for you obsessive-compulsive FF fans that want to do everything right? :P
As for the Espers: When you say side-quests, although you don't HAVE to do them, is it the game that triggers it for you? Kind of like the quest that pops-up when you enter the Yensa(sp?) Sandsea or the hunts? Because unlike in games like Baldur's Gate or Planescape: Torment, I hardly ever talk to the non-special looking NPCs (there are so many of them!) and would hate to think that I passed Espers up just because I was too lazy to talk to all the green dots on the map :/
Bah, I own those Cactuar and Rabbits and they have green health bars :P
Also, a bit of a possible spoiler maybe? but where can I find werewolves?? I've jsut returned after Raithwall's tomb and the place where they used to spawn has changed and they no longer appear and I still have a number to go before I hit my "!" quota!
Thanks guys.