Who's side would you join? (Good or Bad?)

I'm gonna have to go with Cloud's posse. I just don't really have enough hate in me to want to destroy/enslave the world.

Oh, and on a selfish note, Vincent...mmmmmm....Vinnie <3 xDD
I would side deff with sepheroth and his gang not just because its him but i think fighting with him would be awsome i would totally jack barret's gun and kill him then use it! lol :) but i don't think i would want to be a remnent....:huh:
i would be neutral fighting both clouds party and shinra and sepiroth.
i would be fighting and destroying them both so i could prove that i was the strongest fighter in the universe.
honestly i would go wit cloud just to fight sephiroth..................................Oooo how i want to fight him so bad!!
Sephiroth seems like he's gotten it all together in the past and people just gave him a bad rap and pushed him over that ledge. I'd join up with him I feel kind of bad for him.;)
I'd join Clouds side because I'd benefit more in the long wrong. Sephiroth really likes to work alone, in the end he'd probably kill anyone that joined him, or he might just kill them if he's done using them.
This has to be the most difficult question of the game for me. :P I'm not too sure. Perhaps I'd be on both and play them both at once?
I don't know....I mean, I can't exactly blame Sephiroth, because he had good intentions (originally), I mean, if I lived there I would want to do what he's trying to do, but he was insane....so probably (like Bei Bei said), Cloud just because you'd benefit more in the long run. Even though you'd still have to live in a world where basically if you weren't superhuman, you probably wouldn't survive.
Without a second thought, I'd pick Cloud's side.

Sephiroth doesn't seem like much of a team player. I think he'd just as soon strike you down if you got in the way. Not to mention his complete obsession with Jenova, which would get old really fast.

"I'll reclaim the planet for Mother. It was hers first and they stole it. I'll get it back for her. Mother wants you to help me."

".....Mother also wants you to put on this slave costume and dance for me."

Boys overly controlled by their mommies don't interest me much anyway. :P
sephiroth...the only reason he loses is because there's that whole "The good guys always win" thing. I'd change that and go all Vincent Valentine on the "good guys", that way Sephiroth and I would win hands down...