Whos stronger Ruby or Emerald?

Pfft, with the correct materia setup, you won't even need to touch your controller for the remainder of the battle after you revive your two KOed characters; considering Ruby always counters with Ultima, you can pair KOTR with Counter. This leads into an endless loop.
As for Emerald, he's much harder due to your materia limitation - forget Lucky 7, that requires no skill or careful planning. As far as its concerned, automated battles are easier to win than manually playing it yourself. :monster:
I think that ruby weapon is the strongest. He uses more special attacks that can hurt your fromation and or get rid of one of your people for good. Which is worse then death because you can't bring them back. Which messes you up.
I think Ruby is stronger the Emerald and possibly stronger then all of the weapons.Emerald I think it took me atleast 5/6 minutes to beat while Ruby took me a whole day to beat. =/ Plus Rubys moves are just tough.Plus he knocks out two of your characters which makes it challenging
Ruby Weapon for sure. His defense is far higher than Emerald's. It makes damaging him hard. And in general, Ruby gave me more trouble than Emerald.
Wow, I don't even see this as being close. I'm surprised you and your friends have raging debates on it.

Ruby is only difficult because he takes away party members, other than that, Ruby is a baby.

Emerald has crazy health, crazy defense, does crazy damage, he's like five bosses all built into each other. I almost never have problems with Ruby, Emerald is always a hit or miss type thing. A half hour fight, about half the time I can get him before it's up.Most of the time, you die before it's up, but if you have Final Attack mastered on everybody paired up with pheonix mastered then there's automaticly fifteen deaths you can survive, plus however many extra, when people run out of it and one pheonix saves two or three people.

It's been years since I've played it, so I'm sorry, I can't really remember my materia formula for Emerald, other than the final attack/pheonix thing. I'll never forget how that saved my life.
i don't know how you can discount ruby's ability to throw away members of your party. that's part of what makes him difficult.

i beat emerald first. i found him to be quite easy. i tried ruby a couple times when i was at a low level. i lost. then i leveled for a while and when i came back he had disappeared! glitched out i guess.
^I recommend a second play through, there's nothing like the Emerald fight.
You weren't talking to me about ruby were you? I said that his ability to take away your characters from battle was the only thing that did make him difficult.
Eh, I dunno. Ruby Weapon has much higher defense tan Emerald. Plus, the two tentacles can inflict bad statuses, so you'd best have a ribbon on you. Taking away characters contributed to his difficulty, but so did his insanely high defense. It was easy hurting Emerald, but not so much Ruby. Yes Emerald had 4 additional targets, and Ruby had two, but Ruby's two additional targets have twice as much Hp as Emerald's. I still think Ruby is harder but, but Emerald is no push over either.
emerald is harder than ruby but they are both difficult monsters

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Please say why you think Emerald is harder, thanks ^^
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from what ive read, ruby seems more difficult, as theremis more strategy involved in taking ruby out. with emerald, all u need is mime and then keep spamming something like KotR or another equally damaging attack. ruby needs a lot more strategy as you only have one character available to you for the fight, and kotr isnt great for the fight as apparently he will counter will ultima when you use it.

a technique ive read up on that works quite well is having a mastered hades and kotr materia as well as w-summon. w-summon hades then kotr, as hades will paralyze him and he wont counter with ultima when you use kotr
I agree, ruby is much more difficult that emerald due to the fact that you have to have so much more strategy to defeat him. Emerald wasn't that difficult, i took the easy way out and kept reusing KotR and had all the ultimate weapons. I can't even remember if i ever beat ruby or not...

Both of these monsters are incredibly hard to fight and defeat, but
for pure destructiveness during the battling, I would have to go with Emerald. I remember one of the many times I fought it, I was using everything I had just to stay alive from its devastating attacks. Ruby was incredibly hard as well, especially with its ability to take away two party members, but that can easily be gotten around. So for me, it's Emerald.
I’m veering slightly more towards Emerald Weapon. The truth is, strategically, Ruby isn’t actually that difficult as long as you’ve equipped the correct accessories beforehand and have the right materia-combination, then defeating him is just a matter of repeatedly triggering mine until the fight is finished. Emerald, on the other hand is slightly more of a tricky customer. To defeat Emerald as a minimum requirment you must have the Phoenix summon materia combined with the Final Attack materia to revive your characters every time he wipes out your entire party, and you can only revive your characters along as you have the appropriate MP which is difficult because Emerald continuously keeps on draining it. Then there’s the small annoyance of the timer-count-down and if you haven’t got then you’ll be racing against the clock. All considered, I’d say that Emerald Weapon is slightly more trickery.
I'd go with Ruby being more difficult. Emerald's strongest attack all depends on how much materia you have equipped. Ruby on the other hand, that best way to beat him is to go in with two of your characters all ready knocked out, that way he immediately sticks his fingers into the sand. If you go in unprepared the battle can end incredibly quickly. Of course if you cheat and bring Aerith back and use Great Gospel, they are both incredibly easy battles :P
hey lets not forget daimond weapon he was a killer? lol Ruby weapon was far harder to I would say they were eqaull to each other for variouse reasons which i'm to tired to go into now zzzzzz
Ruby weapon is far stronger statistically.

1.5 million HP and killer counters and a shield against any physical attack= Ruby

800k hp, strong physical attacks, weak magic(relatively), no shield against any attack of any kind=Emerald

Considering the fact that the only special attack that Emerald has is Aire Tam (AIRE-TAM = MATERIA), he is far weaker to the Ultima counter attack, and the tenticles that prevent physical damage of Ruby.
Ruby is weak to Stop. Discussion over. That alone makes him weaker than Emmy. If he didn't get rid of two party members, he wouldn't even be worth talking about.
yeah but if your not spamming KOTR then ruby's high defense makes his weakness to stop irrelevant

Ruby beats Emerald on all fronts:
Higher HP
Higher Defense
Its tentacles give it mulitple turns and can really screw with your MP

Emerald just has the timer and Aire Tam