Who's the coolest character?

I never saw Tifa as a tomboy!

Anyway, I think the reason FFVII is generally accepted as the best in the series is that there are NO weak characters.

As you can tell by my Avitar, I love Vincent but I'm afraid Cloud will always be cooler.
It's easy to take a liking to any of the characters because each and every one of them has a solid history behind them. ^_^
i personally take a liking to red XIII because he just has a sense of mystery to him when u first me him and well, theres really nothing cooler then a red, talking cat/dog thingy
OK, for the sake of arguement here is my list of cool.

1) Cloud (look, he just is OK)

2) Vincent (manages to do the goth thing without too much winging, I like that)

3) Red13 (Calm, deadly, wise, lovely)

4) All the rest.... Tifa is my favorite character but hey, if you are looking for cool, look at my list. As for my definition of Cloud as cool, as you see, I couldn't quantify it... thats why he's the coolest.
Yuffie's the coolest, followed by Reno. They had the attitude, looks, and personality that most of the other characters lacked. They didn't bore me.
Sephiroth, completely off the charts on the badass meter. then in a close second place cloud, then in an even closer 3rd Vincent valentine.