Who's ur favourite boss??

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Don't Forget Me.
Dec 5, 2006
Ontario, Canada
my favourite boss would have to be jecht just because he looked the coolest and had the coolest background song
I dont really have a favourite but meh i'll say Seymour Flux. Dunno why but the music is cool!
I would have to go with Jecht. Cause I liked the background music and I liked the way he looked.
yeah i'm gonna go with the group and say the jecht fight although i did like my dark bahamut fight ah good times :lol:
I didnt really think that Jecht was all that hard. I mean come on, you just get one simple aeon and hes a piece of cake. THE MAGUS SISTERS. They help a whole lot against him.
Talk about a spoiler with the Jecht thing! Easiest boss, hands down: Omega Weapon. Use Flare Fury and he's toast. Hardest boss, and my favorite: Seymour Flux. Took me THREE tries to take him down.
I didnt really think that Jecht was all that hard. I mean come on, you just get one simple aeon and hes a piece of cake. THE MAGUS SISTERS. They help a whole lot against him.

Hehehe, yea I never even fought Jecht, I just let the Magus Sisters do the work.
i found the jecht fight 2 be a lil ez if u got the magnus sisters. just use their overdrive and the keep the red one alive due to the fact that she did over 15k in dmg. the best boss for me, the hardest 1, omega wpn. the 1st was that bad... but the second 1 took my a lil bit. i had to train to get yunas revive skill(dont member the actual name), and cast that on auron, tidus, wakka, and herself. occationally i would bring in kimari and lulu just for the xp ;)
I think the hardest boss by far was penence because you had to beat all the other dark aeons to fight it. And just incase anyone wants to know the background music to the Jecht fight is called original sin by rammstein. :)
Mine would have to be Lady Yunalesca. There was just so much to her then beats the eye. I always had a complicated time with her no matter how many times played the game. I'm all about complicated bosses.
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