Whos your favorite Final Fantasy Character?

Red XIII - He was so different to characters in previous FFs. I loved him the first second I met him and was even more ecstatic to find out you get him in your party. I don't think I've ever had a playthrough of FFVII where Red hasn't been in my party the moment I got him (except for parts where you can't have him...)
Zidane, he's different to all the other characters in the series and doesn't really follow the trend of typical FF characters, and Zack because liek he stole the lime light from Cloud and could pwn his ass any day. He's an awesome character anyway. :monster:
I would have to say Princess Garnet til Alexandros XVII
. I really enjoyed watching her transformation throughout the game, although she looks better with long hair. And summoner/white mages are the best! And Aerith.Who DOESN'T love Aerith :p Selphie and Rikku are fun too.
Mine is Cloud, definitely. I really like his attitude throughout the game and his weird psyche. It was interesting to see how he was slowly swallowed up into the worldwide conflict, revealing his true-self in the process - a naive and determined boy, full of weaknesses and flaws that he fought to overcome. Cloud's character as a whole is an odd combination (something that is evidenced by other characters in the game), and I've always been very fond of awkward characters anyway.

My favorite female character is either Celes or Terra. Both are just wonderful ;o;
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Hm.. Zack. Amongst all the characters I've came across, this guy was probably the most comical among them. Along with his upbeat personality, it's difficult for me not to choose him as my favorite Final Fantasy character.

And, for females, I'll choose Rikku. One, for her cheerfulness. Two, for her sexiness in X-2 :P
So many...let's see...

Zack from FFVII/CC: At the beggining I thought that he was just obnoxious, but, he was a dreamer, a bit like every single one of us. He was kinda "human", and funny.

Genesis from CC: Deep and melancholic, plus, I kinda look like him.

Sephiroth from FFVII: The way they made the character be after the whole "Compilation of FF being released made me think that either he or Squall are the FF Characters that mostly resemble me psycholigically(Ok, I don't wanna crash a meteor on Earth, but I think you got my point).

Squall from FFVIII: As I said above, his "lone wolf" atitude yet, caring deeply for others make me think that he is kinda like me, also, he is very similar to me.

Auron from FFX: Grumpy and wise, and very very strong. He is also very loyal and stayed with Yuna as he had promised her father, Lord Braska.
He knew what it meant to complete the Pilgrimage that Yuna was subjected to, but never ever hold back.

Riku from FFX: Cocky, funny, cutie, just my type of girl. Plus, she's all Ninja-like xD

Ashe from FFXII: Very very pretty, I fell in love with this character after beating the game for the first time, she's really cool and awesome
Zidane from FFIX. Not much is known about him at the beginning of the game. He is charismatic and not afraid to speak his mind. When it comes to good or evil, he always knows to do what is rite. When also go on the same journey that he takes and really get to know him. Even when his world is turned upsidedown, he always get back up on his feet, because he knows that you should never give up.
Aerith, she was flirty but honest about her feelings, girly but tough when it came to sticking up for what she believd in. She was kindhearted but playful and could laugh during bad times even though her life had been very hard. She was ladylike, she grew flowers in a church, I don't think she is half as bad as some people make her out to be, like she was taking Cloud away from Tifa, or that she was annoying (I didn't see annoying at all) and furthermore Cloud never belonged to Tifa.

Rinoa, does this come as a surprise? lol, my favorite! She was outgoing and playful, but serious and direct (especially when dealing with Squall) She never tried to take things too seriously, but put herself wholeheatedly into what she believed in. She wasn't afriad to speak with her heart or her mind and I think she was very feminine and pretty, what I like.

I also really like Rikku and Yuna, and Penelo and Ashe to a lesser extent.
I absolutly loved Auron! He was funny in his own sarcastic way, mysterious, and loyal. To me, he seemed like a real person, someone that I would like to hang out with.

I also liked Zack. He was sweet, flirty, and a little on the dumb side which never failed to make me smile.
Wow, this is a hard one. xD

Guys- Zack for his amazing upbeat personality, Zell favorite guy in the whole series, I love his role, Basch for his strength and story, and Cloud because, well, who doesn't love Cloud? xD

Girl- Yuffie! The most underrated character in VII in my opinion! I love how funny she can be, and she's always in my party. =D Rinoa gotta love how she always has a plan at first. xP Terra, you have to feel bad for the esperkin, but love her moves :P and FFX Yuna, she seems different to me in X-2.
I love almost all of them, but Squall is my favorite. I really relate to the guy, because in past I've had similar issues: thinking that relying on other people is weakness, being really emotionally cut off. And like him, a girl forced me to stop that.

He's a very well-drawn character, and I really respect his pride and his ability to do what has to be done.
That would be Squall. This guy is filled with sorrow and keeps wondering if the ppl likes him or not. He trying to protect the ppl around him without even think about himself. He is an orphan and he keeps competing with that blond bastard. He's very cool, calm and Emoish >_>