Dirge of Cerberus Who's your favorite Tsviet?


  • Azul

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • Rosso

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • Nero

    Votes: 17 54.8%
  • Shelke

    Votes: 6 19.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Sep 17, 2007
I don't think I spelled that right:P Which of the four tsviets is in your opinion is your favorite and why? Vote and post here.
I swear I voted on this before...

Anyways my favourite Tsviet is Azul cause he carries a bloody cannon in his hand.. He seems so powerful. I cant believe that he could carry it though. I based on of my RP characters on the size he is cause i think hes so cool.
I thought that Rosso was a Russian killer. She is so cruel she would never spare a life.

By the way I already checked the DoC section in these forums, there's no such thread like this
I liked Nero the best, there was something really creepy about him.....he was too sofly spoken lol,. But yer, he was quality
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I liked Rosso, Nero and Shelke. Azul kinda bugged me lol and he was hard as hell to beat too >_<
I found Azul to be easy compared to Rosso. I know that Wiess wasnt a Tsviet but he was definitly the hardest. I found Azul to be a breeze.
If I could have chosen Weiss, hell yeah I would have, he really was awesome!! It's such a shame about this game because Weiss was actually a quality bad guy, wonder if we'll see him in another crazy spinoff?:blink:

But I chose Nero anyways. I loved how he was much darker than the other Tsviets, he seemed to be more powerful than the others. He also had a lot more character development- the whole thing with Weiss being his brother and learning what Hojo did to both of them.

Plus I was quite impressed with the Spider style Nero boss:D
Nero will win the poll

*voted for Nero*

I'm sorry but I think you should put more effort into your post. If that is the reason you voted for Nero than I don't think you've played DoC.
Also if you're trying to receive more posts then post in the game sections that you have played. You are free to edit your post whenever you want, that is if you find the reason you've voted for Nero.
Wow I feel like an admin. :offtopic:

Anyway:rolleyes: Go back to the voting folks ^_^
I liked Nero because he was so cool. The mechanic wing, the bandages and his sinister dark aura were just awesome. He gave off a more intimidating presence than the other Tsiviets. Yes, despite Azul's massive frame.

And I actually felt SORRY for him, when Hojo killed him, I actually CARED about Nero. When I was killing Hojo, I did it for Nero. But, if I could count Weiss, he would be my favourite, mainly because he was so brutal, but had compassion for his brother, unlike all other "loner" bad guys.
Nero is who my vote went to because his story and backgrounf story could actually smake a good manga storyline,but getting back to reality i liked him because of his dark aura and his being darker than the other tsviets.
I voted for Nero and Shelke

Nero had my vote mainly because he uses Darkness. He is also a very good villain. He speaks softly, but he has the bite to back it up.

Shelke is another awsome Tsviet. She is Ninja! I found myself having to transform into Gallian beast to actually damage her, she was that quick
I liked Nero, but Rosso....
блин, я не знаю как это сказать ><.....
I had some trouble fighting with all of them, but I liked all of them.

I don't really hate it, but except for Shelke, they all kind of died in a cliche way.

I liked Azul 'cause he looks like a muscle man, but he's pretty damn intelligent, although he dies happy 'cause he got his ass whooped by a worthy opponent or something.

Rosso, she was interesting. Had the "Bride of Dracula" thing going for her. She's sadistic, but possibly masochistic as well. She chose to off herself rather than get offed by Vincent, which I can understand as her being prideful.

Nero was cool. Aside from that Hannibal character them, he played the part of fan service, with his brother-complex LOL

It still cracks me up that line:

"Let us come together". I mean, that's more slashy than "Let us become one" :P

Shelke, what can I say? She has a sympathetic past and she's not really a villain. It's kind of freaky to realize she's 19 and looks like a 10 year old. Not to mention she's got Lucrecia's brainwaves implanted in her head.
Nero had my vote mainly because he uses Darkness. He is also a very good villain. He speaks softly, but he has the bite to back it up.

I was really dissapointed at how easy Nero went down actually. Every time he was on my screen I was like ooooh I'm so looking forward to fighting him

Then I kicked his arse and I was really dissapointed. He's still my favourite mind, he definately made me look forward to the impending battle just a shame about when I actaully got there >_<
My vote goes to Nero not only did he have a interesting back story but the aspect of his boss battle caught my eye on how he was able to shift through the area and walk upside down.