Dirge of Cerberus Who's your favorite Tsviet?


  • Azul

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • Rosso

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • Nero

    Votes: 17 54.8%
  • Shelke

    Votes: 6 19.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
i love shelke lol it's the hair for some reason she looks brilliant and the way she talks is cool too love her accent ;P
Hm... dun think I've seen Nero yet. But I think Shelke is very cute. :3 She's just one of those calm cool character's that I like... and for some reason, I seem to like the shorter-sided characters. XD
My favouirite tsviet is Rosso because she spends most of the game mocking vincent and she has a russian accent which is awesome. I like the bit where she owns all the wro soldiers in Edge.
I myself like Nero even though he sucks in combat he is cool calm collective and of course he has awsome powers.
ain't Weiss one of the Tsviet? if he's then he's the best then Comes Azul, Nero and Shelke
My favorite would be Shelke. She has a pretty interesting backstory, and I liked how her character progressed from being uncaring, and unemotional, to having feelings and caring for her friends. She was the best in my opinion.
I voted for Nero

He was kinda cool with the mech wings and the dark air that came spiralled around him. He just came across as evil-in-a-good-way
Well, I hate Rosso's voice, but I love her swordstyle accompanied with her long-range Death Shot. (I say that because you're usually dead after she covers you with a curtain of bullets and pierces your very soul!)

That's why I vote Ross the Crimson my favourite Tsviet.
Rosso, hands down. Though Azul has an amusing history, he's not a hawt lady of doom that kicks your ass. Plus Rosso was coocoo. being coocoo always makes a good antagonist:monster:
Nero was the best of all the Tsviets and I was really disappointed at how easy he was in DoC. The first encounter was cool, but I was just shocked. and that was because I was playing on hard mode and not only that, he was just about the only guy that was both ruthless and cared at the same time. BTW, I totally agree with you Zaiku.
Hmm, I think Nero.
I don't know why, he just seemed different to the other Tsviets.
I wasn't much for Shelke she just seemed pretty useless like Azul said, but I liked her story more because you found out alot about her and Shalua as she became more and more emotional. As for Rosso and Azul they were just powerful but I still think they were good characters.

My Vote go's to Nero. =)
I would have to go with azul because he was hard for me to fight the first time and I like his beast form