Whose you're Final Fantasy Date?


Jul 30, 2009
I was looking to see if anyone made a thread like this but there was none(I think) so I decided to make this one.

So....Which final fantasy character would you want to date?
My answer to that is a mystery and will remain that way...

But if you must ask I'll half to say Cecil.;)) No, wait! I choose Sephiroth insted
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Auron :ryan:

He's hot, has alcohol and a big sword, and cool glasses too
I'd go with Rydia me 8F Her adult form of course -__- She looks plain sexy in CGI form :monster:
Lulu :ryan: She's the most adult of the FF women, so it wouldn't feel wrong, and we'd have some fun 8F

Or Beatrix :wacky:
Yuna shes just so fucking hot and way overboard. Ahahah yeah shes my date xD. Shes got the body and the eyes and everything! But I would take Tifa too! Gosh Id take all the FF CHICKS!
Which version of yuna would you have? ffx or ffx-2. Id love to date Quistis, I like smart girls, and she has a whip...
I would just have Yuna. She can just change into different clothes xD
Lulu or Rikku. Probably Lulu because Rikku would probably get on my nerves after a while... but she'd be fun person...
Why can't I have Lulikku?
totally yuffie, wer about the same age, and i like her spunk lol
Probably Yuna.
Yuna is very cute (especially Moogle Yuna).
I'll probably ask her to wear the moogle custom XD
Ummm... None.

Whatever they'd say would probably just have been programmed by a random Square/Enix employee in the first place.

Besides, I have someone better in real life anyway. :awesome:
I would probably date Arc. He's the cutest to me, and we would probably get along pretty well. Our personalities match almost exactly!
Hmm...let me debate...

Tifa: Overall, her most endearing qualities...are her breasts. So, maybe, but I'm looking to dig a little deeper.

Ashe: Bitch. Next.

Penelo: Cute, intelligent, and caring. She'd be an excellent choice.

Aerith: Kind of...naive, and she has two men already, what a slut :D

Terra: Cute, but shy. Almost too shy; Seems she wouldn't be a good person to have a conversation with.

Rosa: Taken by Cecil. I won't get in the way of that.

Rydia: Hot, but the green hair is meh.

Yuffie: Waay too much spunk for me.

Fran: The bunny ears would throw me off.

Yuna: Very kind, a little naive, and sometimes complicated. She'd be a good choice, because she's loyal. Though, she's taken by Tidus.

I'll pass on the FFV girls, because one acts like a man and the other is her sister.

Rinoa: Squall will cut his wrists, or simply reply "whatever" if I take Rinoa. Either way, I won't play second fiddle.

Dagger: She's a little short for me, and she and Zidane have something great.

Refia: Eh...She's cute, I'll give her that. I don't know much about her.

I'm missing whatshername from II, but oh well.

Hmm, so I guess it boils down to Yuna, Penelo, or Tifa.

I'm all for breasts, but Penelo and Yuna have more of a personality than Tifa, so I will take her off.

Yuna or Penelo...hmm...Well crud. Penelo. I choose Penelo, since she's closer to my age and she's less naive than Yuna, and Vaan hasn't claimed her yet.
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Cid, we'll have so much fun and we talk in the same language!

Cid : @#$@ $#@!% @$*$%!
Me : Me too, @#$%! @)%(#)$@)!
Cid : *$&#%&@* tomorrow...
Me : What's @#$!%!# wrong?

That'll be the best date I've ever had.

I was not serious, though.
I'd love to go out with Setzer or Balthier, just because of their "screw it, let's do this" attitude.
Hmm...let me debate...

Tifa: Overall, her most endearing qualities...are her breasts. So, maybe, but I'm looking to dig a little deeper.

Ashe: Bitch. Next.

Penelo: Cute, intelligent, and caring. She'd be an excellent choice.

Aerith: Kind of...naive, and she has two men already, what a slut :D

Terra: Cute, but shy. Almost too shy; Seems she wouldn't be a good person to have a conversation with.

Rosa: Taken by Cecil. I won't get in the way of that.

Rydia: Hot, but the green hair is meh.

Yuffie: Waay too much spunk for me.

Fran: The bunny ears would throw me off.

Yuna: Very kind, a little naive, and sometimes complicated. She'd be a good choice, because she's loyal. Though, she's taken by Tidus.

I'll pass on the FFV girls, because one acts like a man and the other is her sister.

Rinoa: Squall will cut his wrists, or simply reply "whatever" if I take Rinoa. Either way, I won't play second fiddle.

Dagger: She's a little short for me, and she and Zidane have something great.

Refia: Eh...She's cute, I'll give her that. I don't know much about her.

I'm missing whatshername from II, but oh well.

Hmm, so I guess it boils down to Yuna, Penelo, or Tifa.

I'm all for breasts, but Penelo and Yuna have more of a personality than Tifa, so I will take her off.

Yuna or Penelo...hmm...Well crud. Penelo. I choose Penelo, since she's closer to my age and she's less naive than Yuna, and Vaan hasn't claimed her yet.

claimed her in FFXII:RW
Sorry to disappoint you :randompoke:
Mine would be Yuna from X-2. She is still kind of calm and pleasant, but not afraid to take risks that much. That makes her sexcellent :ryan: