Whose you're Final Fantasy Date?

Aww man. I'm playing it right now, did you have to tell me that :gonk:

Sorry :sad2:

But I too knew it before playing the game. I read a short summary about the game . It mentioned "romantic development" :jtc: stupid summary.

But it is not exactly ended the way I expected, so you still maybe surprised;))
Edge from Final Fantasy IV...

He's a cute and rather funny guy..

Plus he's a Ninja... Ninja's are made of awesome..

Though Rydia might serve as a problem since Edge thinks about her alot and would do desperately anything to be with her... [* Sigh *]

Do they get together In the second Final Fantasy IV game.. ?

Somebody please say no..

Lulu...or tifa...or aerith... or quistis... or edea... orashelia... or rydia(adult) or...or..or... JUST GIVE ME ALL OF THEM!!!
Zack! Zack! <3 ;))
He's so lively and fun! He'd be my date..... I could just picture how even in the darkest times, where ShinRa and all the other stuff are coming to kill us, he could still make me smile, which is practically all I need at a time like that. xD:funnyface:
I'd like... die for him. :P
This is great "who would i date from FF" can I choose more than 1? lol

It has to be Tifa or Rikku.....although that does seems inapropriate so I'll say
TIFA OMG druell......
Rikku or Aerith... prolly Rikku because I can't picture myself doing.... things.... with Aerith XD
LOL This isn't "Which FF char would you have sex with" thread. :wacky: This is a who's your FF Date thread...xD
There should be a sex thread too xD :wacky:
Now now, Adri :wacky:
Anyway, I'm not sure if I've posted in here before, but just to get the thread back on topic I'd like to go out with Squall. He's just OMNOMNOMNOM. I'd also like to go out with Tidus. He's so fun and carefree. I'll bet he'd be a blast on a date.