Why aren't dinosaurs in the bible?

your right i never even think about this.In the bible it says that god made earth then MAN there were no dinos ever talked about ill ask some other ppl and see wat they tell me.

i asked my Gma and she told me that god made alot of difrent animals and no one knows how they got wiped out it seems that after the the earth was taken by water the dinos were killed that way, i cant i feel this way on wat she told me but it might be true:D

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wowzers, ok. Never thought I'd see this question in my life. Hrm... why aren't dinosaurs in the bible? Maybe because they don't represent anything that has to do with god, or religion itself. Honestly, unless dinosaurs found some religious truth in their lives, or anything, they really DON'T belong in the bible...
I was just a few minutes away from joining in Sir Auron's debate about creationism and evolitionism, but as I was reading through the topic, I saw a really interesting question: why aren't dinosaurs mentioned in the bible?
Now that I think back about it...I have asked this question multiple times, and no one has ever been able to answer it. I even attended a christian school for an entire year, in which I had to attend bible classes (what a bore). Anyhow...I asked my "pastor" this question before and he totally blew me off and changed the topic multiple times.

So...what's the answer?

Ok I am going to attempt to answer this from the point of view of the bible being real, because if it isn't then that would be the answer that it's just no real and that's why.

Basically if the Bible was real then it stands to say that the points in time when they dinosaurs were on earth were simply left out because of their lack of relevance in the human society at the time the Bible was created in explaining things to the humans that were part of that time.

If the Bible was real in my opinion God would have had to simplify things slightly or even significantly to reach the majority of people who were uneducated and incapable of understanding all the Universe's secrets at the time. Even in our current time I do not think the human mind is ready for all of the secrets the universe holds. For them I believe it would have been much too much.

I'm not really religious, and I know the evil of man all too well so even if God exists and the Bible originally came from his words I would have to believe that it was tampered with to at least some extent by humans in power to use it for their will in at least some ways.

Well the main reason is probably because fossils of dinosaurs hadn't been discovered yet. People just didn't know that stuff back then.
However, the bible details how the christian god created all the animals on the Earth, the bible written by god by inspiring men to do so. You would think that the divine creator of everything would know about dinosaurs.

I think that if God was real he obviously would know about dinosaurs but that doesn't mean he would find it important enough to put into an already extremely long book. It may not really have had much bearing on the message he was trying to portray. Not that this is my belief but just because something is left out of the Bible doesn't really mean much. The world most likely wasn't created in 7 days either, but it could just be that the way the earth was created was much too complex for people then to understand, and it would probably be hard to teach the concepts needed to understand the worlds real creation at the time in a way that all of the people back then could understand and believe.
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It's been awhile since I cracked open the Bible, but I don't remember there being a list of everything put on the Ark, or of the creatures god created. The Bible has been in circulation for hundreds of years, and human error must be taken into account. Even if you believe it came straight from the mouth of God, listing or mentioning everything he created (especially things that have nothing to do with humanity after his omnipotence has already been established) would be rather pointless when the morals deviate so far from the subject. Religion is supposed to be full of meaning, not random thoughts about dinosaurs. I'm not even sure if Jesus and his disciples knew dinosaurs ever existed, and I must admit I'm too lazy to Google it.

Humanity does not know everything, and certainly not the details of God's plans (supposing he exists and has one, instead of just jerking us around for fun).

From a scientific standpoint, man and dinosaurs are quite a bit apart on the time line of evolution.

In short, the inclusion of dinosaurs in the Bible would not add anything relevant, but instead kind of harp on his power. And if the writers, and or compilers, of the Bible didn't know about dinosaurs...

Well then they couldn't write about them.

I apologize if my post is weak and confusing, but I've been resisting the urge to use "Raptor Jesus". I hope my thoughts make sense to someone...
I think that if God was real he obviously would know about dinosaurs but that doesn't mean he would find it important enough to put into an already extremely long book. It may not really have had much bearing on the message he was trying to portray. Not that this is my belief but just because something is left out of the Bible doesn't really mean much. The world most likely wasn't created in 7 days either, but it could just be that the way the earth was created was much too complex for people then to understand, and it would probably be hard to teach the concepts needed to understand the worlds real creation at the time in a way that all of the people back then could understand and believe.

A fair point.

It just seems, to me at least, that excuses are made when discrepancies are found between what we know about the world and what is written in a Holy Book. (or not written!)

It's just my opinion of course, but I think that the Bible is just filled with what Man knew at the time, and some made up stuff thrown in to explain what they didn't. How can we 'know' that God knows as well? We just assume. By definition.
(I couldn't prove this, just my impression)
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In my opinion Science vs. Religion battles always result in the victory of Science. I mean seriously, Science is logically overpowering the things Religion says. Don't argue with me or anything, I'm just stating what I think.
It's simple- God neede room to work so he killed them all and created his own world with people called adam and eve.
Becuase the Bible states that the earth is only 4000 years old. When really, the earth is over 6 billion years old. The Bible is full of it.
Because the bible only tells the story from the first man created. I'm assuming the dinosaurs were there and killed off to fertilize the earth.