Why do people hate Tidus? >_>

My first playthrough I didn't like Tidus. I thought he was a bit...I dunno...stupid I guess. He irritated me in so many ways. But I left the game for a while and when I came back to it I restarted and actually began to like him. I completed the game on the second playthrough and I realised that he actually had a hard time of it- I mean the first playthrough I couldn't understand why he let himself end up in Spira- I couldn't work out that it wasn't actually his fault. However, there are still some things that annoy me about him- he's a show off and I don't like that about him. I do like his quirky attitude and the way he keeps trying to keep Yuna happy
As people have mentioned, its his voice. Maybe if it had no voice acting people may have reacted differently to Tidus. Or just mute the game lol. After awhile, I tend to get use to him. His love for Yuna and wanting to help her makes me like him alittle as he has such strong feelings for this girl, he will do anything.

I feel sorry for him in a way. Jeckt is a terrible father and I can understand where Tidus is coming from with the hatered for him. Tidus is kinda like Marmite, you either love him, or you hate him!
Well i personally hate him for just one reason--1.) His voice- every time i heard it, i had to force myself from turning the t.v off, i admit that i was happy that this was the first FF with voice acting, but being the main character, you would imagine that his voice would sound deeper, more like Auron's.
Kind of waver between disliking Tidus and then enjoying his character, but guess on both sides of not really being a huge fan of Tidus, and then really liking some things about him.

- He has awesome limit breaks [ Overdrives ]
- He is quick and speedy in battle [ Knowing Haste early is a bonus ]
- Love the random things he says in battle [ ''Don't run away, Mr Needles '' !!]
- Sometimes like the random way he does things, and sometimes just find him strange.

But don't dislike him because of his Father issues. Jecht was pissed on Sake half of the time. >__> Don't blame Tidus for feeling kind of neglected towards his Dad.

Like Tidus because can kind of relate to the Fathership issues.
Hm, I wouldn't say Tidus is a badly scripted character, but he just isn't my type.

I /love/ him in battle, but not so much in storyline.
I love Tidus, his Spheare shot and everything!
I think Tidus is a copy of me!
I'm neutral. Whatever character the creators throw at me, I take them in my stride. Anyway, I don't see why people would label him as 'annoying'. Perhaps I'm too accepting, seeing as I haven't found a character that I thoroughly detested, from games (or manga and animes, for that matter).
Mainly cuz the character comes across as a whiner. Also the voice for Tidus is also pretty annoying as well imo.
i don't hate him i just think his voice is annoying and hes clumsy. and his past is very boring, although i had more respect for him in the end. but cloud by far is the best character, everything about him, his past, his nature, his strength, hair and sweet sword. and most of all i can relate to him.
Well, I don't see him as my ideal protagonist for an RPG, but I don't see him as a bad character either.

I think most people just feel he whines too much, and while I do think that at times I'd much rather listen to what Wakka or Lulu have to say, I don't think Tidus whines quite as much as many people say he does.

Besides, by the end of the game he pretty much picks himself up and changes anyway.
I like Tidus a lot...aside from his laugh. His laugh drove me up the wall...but other than that, I liked him. Quickhit is my favorite move of any FF besides the 4-hit materia from 7. So to all the people that hate his voice: if this FF was like the ones prior to it and you had to read what everyone said rather than hear it, would you like Tidus more?
To be completely honest, I don't really like Tidus. It's not that I hate his character and can't stand it, but sometimes his dorky attitude gets on my nerves. Some people find that quality cute and sweet, but I think it's an over-dose most of the time and it's irritating. He does have his times of maturity though, and he certainly has his amazing moments. That's why I can't completely hate him- he hasn't done anything wrong and his character is rather realistic and full of flaws. That's something really likeable, not to mention, towards the ending I had gained tons of respect for him. My heart was breaking watching him. ;(

I can see why he's hated, but I can also see why he's a great character too. Guess I'm on the fence with the guy. :)
I don't hate him at all. Tidus is one of my favorites male characters in FF games, because he looks more human. He actually shows his emotions, he doesn't hide them behind a façade of coolness or badassery. He's a normal teen. XD And I really loved his relationship with Yuna and how it developed. Very sweet. ^_^

About his issues with Jecht, well, I can't see how a child would like its father when he treats them like he treated Tidus. I mean he was just a kid and he was totally neglected. =/
I don't hate him, but neither I like him like other protagonists from FFs (Cloud, Squall, Zidane).

But I don't think that hating him because he isn't as good as the others is justified.

I think the only thing I didn't like about him is the voice acting, which wasn't good...

But then, if FF9,FF8 and FF7 (which are older) had voice acting, then it probably would by worse then FF10's voice acting (they are older after all).
Meaning that many people could hate the protagonists of those games for the very same reason.

I don't really find anything else to hate about him, as the plot and the ending were both very good.
Seeing as how no other FF game had voice acting up until this point I am not going to hold that against the character when comparing him to others. Although, I don't think it was a good idea for them to hire the cast of Futurama to bring their fantasy world to life. But hey, that's what they did, gotta' accept it and move on.
My thoughts on Tidus? Or "Tedious" as I started calling him. For the first, I don't know, third of the game he is annoying. Way too chipper for my taste, and at times sort of playing into the whole "dumb jock" stereotype, which forced me to take action against him by muting the television and just acting like he wasn't there. This strategy failed more often than it succeeded. Lucky for me that things got better.
I don't know when it happened -it was most certainly sometime after the whole laughing scene fiasco- but Tidus started to mesh with the world of Spira and joined up with the rest of the cast in supporting the story. Maybe it didn't happen all at once, maybe it was a very subtle transistion over several hours. I just know that by the halfway point of the story I was very happy with Tidus and felt that his emotions and reactions had become a lot more varied and that he was actually a lot more believable.
Tidus wasn't my favorite main character. He isn't anywhere near my favorite main character. If you are wondering, Cecil is my favorite. Tidus was a solid main character, but never did anything to make me care too much of his overall journey. He was better than Squall. Squall being my least favorite character out of any game. He was also better than Vaan. Vaan was so boring and unlikable that I don't remember a single thing about him, so I don't have anything to actually hate about him.

That's just my two cents.
I liked him a lot, he seemed more human than any of the other leads and I thought his voice acting was believable and seemed to fit his character imo (apart from the forced laughing scene with Yuna above. you know when you want to laugh at something but you're not supposed to? i think of this scene and it pretty much stops my happy feelings). Maybe that's just me, I found FFX a really absorbing game anyway so...
I love Tidus, favorite ff character. Other than all other characters like Squall and ect. Tidus is my kind of guy.

Love everything about him, not annoying at all. :gasp::tidus:
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I didn't hate him and I didn't love him. He was just like any other character but the voice :O !!! I think they should've chosen a different voice actor. But his character idea was just fine :)
I hate Tidus for several reasons.

1. They set him up to be a great character from the word go. Sure, he was a show-off, but we could accept that. The first cinematic of Zanarkand portrayed him as a great athlete. HOWEVER, Auron gave him a sword and one second, he couldn't hold it for shit, next he's in battle carrying it like a natural. Here's an idea... Give him a better weapon! I don't like it when games portray someone as not used to something, then throw that aspect of the character out the window without any explanation. I still don't understand how a swimmer, someone who has to use his ARMS and his legs cannot hold a freaking sword, though.

2. He's stupid. The thing is, I'm fine with dull and dumb characters, as long as they have moments of clarity where they really shine above the rest of the cast. Tidus just doesn't... He never asks anything that ANY person with ANY degree of common sense would in ANY situation. Example:

Auron: 'We called it 'Sin'.'
Tidus: 'Sin?!'

Let's see... better questions we could have had here. 'What is it?', 'How did it get here?', 'Why is it attacking Zanarkand?'. Seeing as enemies in a Final Fantasy game tend to wait around until a cutscene is over before fighting you, I could have bought them having a short explanation right there. But, no... All Tidus does is repeat the name like an idiot.

3. He's a crybaby. As I've stated, none of these would be that bad if there was something about Tidus's personality that was redeeming. BUT NOTHING WAS. After getting trapped in Spira, all he ever does is whine and bitch about how he wants to go home. Which brings us to point 4.

4. He IS EMO. All the people who say he isn't, use some freaking sense. He keeps moaning about wanting to be back in Zanarkand. What do you think would happen if he got his wish? He'd be dead. Drowned like all the other people who lived there. Unless of course his Blitzball training allows him to breathe underwater FOREVER, and then, he'd just be living in an underwater ghost town bawling his eyes out until the water eventually subsided, and then he'd live there as a cranky old hermit. NOW THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN AN INTERESTING LEAD CHARACTER.

3. He is Selphie to the 90th degree hyper. That is to say, when he's not bawling his eyes out and depressing everybody, he decides to cheer them up from their Tidus-implemented depression to make them happy, then make us, the audience and players, annoyed as all hell.

He was a mass hallucination.
The idea on its own would have been great, had the character not already pissed us off. Instead, it left me wondering why we didn't get a better, more thought out and likeable character in his place, so that when it happened, it would ACTUALLY BE AN EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE.

5. His voice and dialogue, though this could be tied into the character being stupid, so I won't bash it too much. However, I don't buy the excuse that it was the first Voice-acted FF, so we had to be lenient. Square had billions and billions of yen to work with. If they really wanted, they would have made it better.
I don't hate Tidus, but he's not one of my favorite characters to play. I think people hate him because he is not one of the more typical FF protagonist, mainly he is not a loner or has a past that he tries to hide. His voice can be really annoying, but other than that I see no reason to hate him.