Why do people think Kuja gay?

Read my signature and you will get the answer (Specifically, the last two words. One if you count the hyphen). Though personally I think Kuja is as straight as an arrow.
Might be the thong, girlish face(oh its a JRPG all the guys do), and Clothing.
He looked pretty Metro to me.
Well apparently his original character design was female...which would answer a lot of questions. I like him better as a male though; it's much more romantic that
he's Zidane's brother
Is definitely the thong and the hair, and the... well... everything!

I still like Kuja heaps though!
It's just the chibi style graphics that make him seem so feminine. I'm sure if they were high tech graphics like FFXII, you'd be able to see his muscles and chiseled chin, and you'd all think differently. XD
nope I never thought he is. he's like metrosexual to me also.

Well apparently his original character design was female...which would answer a lot of questions.
truly?? wow I never knew that.:rolleyes: they're normal sized in dissidia FF right? I saw a screenshot of him and he's not that muscular. still very feminine. even Zidane seemed to have no figure but he looked more like a guy.
Yeah, I never thought he was gay, but I can totally understand why the more homophobic and homo-obsessed FF fans might think (or hope) so.
Hmm, sure he looks feminine, but I never really thought he was gay. I think people are probably just thinking somewhere along the lines, "He looks gay." Hah, fair enough, but that doesn't mean he is one just because others might think he merely looks like one.

As far as fan arts are concerned...lol let's just say people have creative minds and it's only art after all. Try not to let it bother you. ;)
Oh yeah I just remembered. People in middle school call everything they don't like "gay" doesn't mean anything except that they're stupid.
Apparently in Japan Kujas a female, but the americans changed him to male because thier homophobic and s/he refers to Garnet as his canary. Just a rumour i heard, makes sense though ;)
Well as other people stated the guy wears a thong...he as long hair and as feminine look.

I don´t know if he´s supposed to be gay or not...but he sure as a "peculiar" style!
True if it wasn't for his outfit this thread would not exist. Most Japanese style male hero's dress/look feminine. (to Americans anyway) But I like the theory AG had about the girl gone gay supervillain cover up. It makes since more than anything else.

But I did like Kuja.. he Pwn's!!
Dunno who he is, but I just looked him up. I think he looks fine.. A paladin version of Zidane. xD
i never thought he was gay, but im not gonna lie when i first played the game and first saw him i was certain he was a girl.
I thought Kuja was a girl at first. I didn't shock me when I found out he was a male. It's a Japanese thing to have a male look like a woman. There are plenty of animes out there that have a male who looks very feminine. Oh and jrockers. ;P

I don't know. I find it a little disturbing that his little thong is so low and looks like he shaves.
If Kuja was a female in the japanese version then the poor woman must have been VERY flat chested for such body shape.....(Not that I'm against it, I'm flat myself so shaddap.)
I like him more the way he is (he's my fave villian), tough he do has a very original way of dressing, and feminine look, also his speeches in FF IX are (in my opinion) a bit...strange XD but that's just me, he also has good child bearing hips. *slapped*