Why doesn't anyone want to play as Tidus?

yeah i'm serious...when i face cloud,he always user "Braver" and i tried to block it and counter attack with my Tidus HP attack "ject shot",but still his "Braver" crush mine --"
You're dodging too early. Dodge when it's in front of you to clear it. Like, when it's right in front of you.

Don't try to counter it. Cloud's strength > Tidus. Countering blows with him is not a good idea.

That's exactly why I said Cloud is generally a harder character to pull off for most. Dodging and defending are not exactly most people's kind of thing in a fighting game, and Cloud requires a lot of that in close combat scenarios.
I love playing as Tidus :P (my fav. character in the game) As second it will be Cloud, then Squall and Zidane. I guess Tidus and Cloud are most popular in the game... It's like 50% of fans prefer Cloud and 50% prefer Tidus xD
Loltastic xD Tidus = Cloud in fans? xD As if ^-^

If I'm EVER going to compliment Tidus on ANYTHING in Dissidia, it would be that his EX Burst is potentially one of the STRONGEST in the game. He doesn't do a lot of hits, but if you can get the timing right on his Final Blow in the EX Burst.. You could possibly do 2-3k DMG to a Lvl 100 Character <.< Seriously. That's pretty huge.
Loltastic xD Tidus = Cloud in fans? xD As if ^-^

If I'm EVER going to compliment Tidus on ANYTHING in Dissidia, it would be that his EX Burst is potentially one of the STRONGEST in the game. He doesn't do a lot of hits, but if you can get the timing right on his Final Blow in the EX Burst.. You could possibly do 2-3k DMG to a Lvl 100 Character <.< Seriously. That's pretty huge.

are you serious .SkyE ?? =)

cause my Tidus haven't reach that damage yet,you said his damage reach 2-3K when he is in EX Brust......


"This isn't over yet. There's no tomorrow for me...unless I beat you today!"

I'm very serious, Zazanami ^-^
I wish I had a replay to show you, but I don't xD I never record battles that aren't high level or anything spectacular. I can tell you that, if you time it right, you can do a high amount of damage with that Blitzball of his. It's leathal <.<

Besides :3 I'm not the type to lie to try seem smart. Trust in me.
Tidus is alright for me. :)
I mean, he's not my best, but he used to be my worst..... until I discovered Warrior of Light... =X
I loved Tidus in FFX! He's such an original character, and the story is not, well, cliche and typical! In Dissidia, he's still the same, but I find timing pretty hard when it comes to his dodging+attack moves.
Controlling him was hard, I'm so glad I got past his Destiny Odyssey...
since I could barely get him past level 12 now. :gonk:

Cloud is just so LOVED. I mean, VII's my favorite, but I try not to use Cloud a lot. I don't really want to use him, because at least one half of all Dissidia ought to have Cloud as their main, I wouldn't be surprised. :O
He's just too EASY.
Slash slash hack hack SWING---- Dive slash slash pound----- what else can he do really? xD He's not the best magic user out there, when he uses Fire/Fira/Firaga and goes "Burn!".... just that itself is terrible. It just sounds so NOT CLOUD. :funnyface:
that's 'cause his spells are Lightning and Ice, he never had Fire/-aga in canon story :P

and i disagree about hack hack slash, it's more dodge dodge block counter--- dive dodge rise dodge block counter--- blade-beam dodge block counter...against skilled players.
Lol.. played through Cloud's story first..

- Is Shot - xD

Though honestly thought that they made Cloud's fighting style a little too repetitive..
[ Hack/ Slash/ Hack / Slash. ]

Tidus's style is more unique surprising and guess more refreshing and reckon that SE made him a much better fighter to play within the Dissida game than Cloud's style..

Haven't got a main fighter yet but is playing through more with Cloud than Tidus despite the lack of Cloud's fighting style. Because of the nostalgic feelings it brought back from the original Final Fantasy VII game and it's just great seeing Cloud twirl his Buster sword after every victory cheer =3

Yeah guess is one of those sad Final Fantasy fans that is a Cloud addict just because it's Cloud :/

Tidus does have a great fighting style though and is DEFINITELY.. Not ignoring him..
Why do people keep saying that Cloud is all 'hack n slash'? The fighting style you refer to belongs to no Dissidia character. There is NO character in Dissidia that can be successful if they were just 'hack n slash'ing at their opponent. You want to know what Cloud's fighting style REALLY is? It's called the "Timing Game". If you EVER face a professional Dissidia player (using Cloud) you will RARELY land an HP Attack on them. Cloud is a slow character, which calls upon the player's ability to time the moves well to substitute for the lack of speed.

Cloud has a small moveset, which makes him a very repetitive character to use. His HP Attacks all have a charge-time when using them, and they are limited in range. Cloud has MANY weaknesses. Statistically, he's not even the strongest, no matter HOW big that Buster Sword is. All of this contributes more to the fact that the person who uses Cloud HAS to be pretty good at all the basics of battle to be able to use him successfully. By this, I mean, they have to be able to Dodge well, Block well, use the stage's properties well, and know their opponent's moveset so they can strike at the right times. I took my Cloud through Inward Chaos. Wasn't hit until I reached IW-4 <.< That's how serious I was playing. The battles varried in length, from 2-5+ minutes, but the reason I wasn't hit was because I knew enough about my enemy. I could dodge most attacks. I blocked successfully when I did. I always ended it with a 9999HP Hit.

Anyone want to say that Cloud's a 'hack n slash' character now? <.<
do i count as 'people' for saying he's more about counters than blind offense? :(

*back to topic* tidus is alright by my standards, i'm not really a weave-dodger though.
i disagree if someone said that cloud is only about hack and slash...this game need a right timing to land a damage to your opponent,just like .SkyE said Cloud is not only about hack and slash ^^....not only Cloud other character need a right timing,that's my opinion ^^


"This isn't over yet. There's no tomorrow for me...unless I beat you today!"

Cloud isn't the only character that needs timing, but his moves are very limited in range, and in combo hits. To land his Omnislash v5, you need to do it after TWO slashes. That's TWO hits, then the Omnislash. Finishing Touch, same thing. Granted, his HP Attacks in those forms give you a chance to deal heaps of BRV Attacks before hitting the HP, but those are the only attacks he has. It's a sad thing that you can't just go RIGHT into either of those two.

What I mean to say is that Cloud DEFINITELY needs timing precision, along with other things. Every other character can deal with missing their attack much better than Cloud can.
I don't think Tidus is a bad character. Most people will pick Cloud due to FF VII's popularity though. Tidus is pretty fast, like Zidane and Onion Knight. That helps alot in battle.
I've decided that Tidus is going to be the next character I take to level 100. He's on 51 at the moment. The thing I like about Tidus is that he IS a weaver. I got so used to Onion Knight's style where a bit of dodging was extremely handy in some of the tougher battles that I'm finding the transition to Tidus a little easier than i thought I would.

I hated him at first because of how open he is if attacks miss... but now I've gotten access to a combo, it's made things easier.

Also, if you master another character and then train against them, I find it easier. XD I'm raising Tidus against Onion Knight because i know the little guy practically inside our so it's easier for me to time his dodge and counter moves.

I'll be mastering Cloud after I think. ... maybe
Just a small reminder to those of you who are discussing Cloud, this topic is about Tidus so let's try and keep the thread on topic. :) If you'd like, feel free to make a thread about Cloud and his fighting style. Try and keep the Cloud discussion out of the thread. Thanks guys! ^_^
don't really like using tidus in the story or colosseum but I like using him in online battles.. my friends cant counter tidus' dodge-attack style so i win all the time when i use him haha.. but my favorite is zidane squall and jecht..
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don't really like using tidus in the story or colosseum but I like using him in online battles.. my friends cant counter tidus' dodge-attack style so i win all the time when i use him haha.. but my favorite is zidane squall and jecht..

now i can't use Tidus anymore,because my friend can read my movement (-.-)

i wonder what character i want to use to deal with onion knight (-.-)


"This isn't over yet. There's no tomorrow for me...unless I beat you today!"

iv started using tidus....its taking me some time to get used to his attacks since i was playing cloud and now cloud is like level 87? but tidus is a good character none the less
Personally, though, I like using Tidus, because he's quick (not as quick as Onion Knight, but it'll do), and with the right timing, you'll be able to dodge and counter enemy attacks. I admit that I'm not one of the serious players (I promise you will laugh at me when you see me play), but I've managed to know which attacks to use to deal great damage as well as save my ass from getting kicked.

And for those of you who were discussing and defending Cloud, I totally agree that he's all about timing. Although I haven't really used him in ages, I'd say he's pretty spiffy when you execute your moves correctly.