Why doesn't anyone want to play as Tidus?

Tidus is my favourite, his currently lvl 90, im using him in shade impulse. His the tankest guy i got, and he was the first person i used when i got Dissidia. so everyone should use Tidus xD lol.
Personally, I hate Tidus because I hated FFX. I hate his character, I hate everything about him. (And FFX) However, if I didn't take that into account, and used his character, I still wouldn't use him.

I have a friend that used Tidus. Tidus' moves are easy to dodge or block, and you can see the moves coming from a mile away. It's ridiculous because he's so easy to beat.

I'm level 60 with Zidane, and I bought the CPU 30 level higher than you thing to help me grind, and I still had no problem taking him out when his difficulty was 9/9. That's why I'll never play as him, and that's why I can't take a Tidus player all that seriously.
I use him every once in awhile, i won't use him more till i get the adamant shield to complete the set so he'll be a beast for me in battle.

My main's are squall and terra, i use gabranth just for kicks.
Because Jecht is the manlier FFX character. XD

Seriously, Tidus' attacks are brutal if you master them. Having a free dodge on an attack is great, but if you can't time it (it's harder than you think) then it will be useless.
Tidus was nerfed considerably in the us version -_-

His offensive game was nerfed so bad in terms of range, and his hit and run style is gone since the loss of some of his chains

Dodge and ______ also has barely any invincibility frames, so hes not that good defensively either

His speed is his only saving grace
I really don't like Tidus he is the weakest person i ever used, the only person i used is Gabranth he is strong one compear to the other guys. But Tidus he suck's ass he is so damn weak.
or possibly youre not using him right.....

Tidus in EX mode with full health is multiple times faster than gabranth and alot stronger in damage per hit(plus he can combo for even more hits), with faster attacks and actual invincibility frames, hes pretty much better than gabranth in every way other the overall damage per move(tidus still does more in total), and his hp game(hatred). But the fact that Tidus's ex burst when done at full health does normally over 7000 damage will always be disturbing

BTW, to play tidus well, you need to use hop step ALOT

with a damage set and with full health in EX mode, a hopstep vs an opponent with 9999 brave does 3000 damage
personaly i dont like to use tidus much... got him to lvl 100 and havent touched him since. hel be forever branded a big cry baby to me. but as for gameplay i just find him easily punishable most times, but i often main terra and somtimes sephy and i typicaly dont make moves unless im safely pressuring from afar or punishing.
hes ok for me at a lv 37 he has good atak for me and is very quick moving it is a quick mover
I play tidus and he is my main yet it doesnt matter to me if other people don't plays as him just cause i do. Yes he is good in some ways but isn't that good of a charector if you don't play him right.
He just feels too erratic to me. Even though I do a lot of dodging anyway, he feels way too dodge-orientated. Plus I just don't like his moveset.
dude tidus is the shit i played as him first he is my favorite character! :D i got him at lvl 100 with 9999HP and his brv starts at 9074
dude tidus is the shit i played as him first he is my favorite character! :D i got him at lvl 100 with 9999HP and his brv starts at 9074

either youre using a shitload of resins and incense or youre playing against level ones, because having your brave start out that high is not natural
Personally I'm not a fan of Tidus because I find him to be a bit of a pidgeon-holed character, sure he has a rather decent moveset, but the requirements of dodging can be quite annoying at the best of times, he generally feels a lot weaker in comparison to characters that can always use there attacks without having to dodge to score a hit.

To me he is the Ex-Death of the Cosmos side, albeit with dodge being a less harsh a drawback than block, some people will be rather great with him, but they would always find they play much better with a character that does not have the restrictions tidus has in place.
At one point in the rather short history of Dissidia, Tidus was considered a top-tier character because of his ability to dodge (with the same sentiments toward Exdeath in his ability to counter). The only problem, however, is the fact that you have to dodge before attacking. This means that many players (most of whom aren't you used to that idea) will drop Tidus shortly after making this discovery. So no matter his damage output (which is admittedly quite high) he often is ignored by less tactic-oriented players.

That said the reason why many Cloud mains aren't considered "very good" is because of their approach to using him. Cloud's attacks are straightforward, yes, but that doesn't mean your playing style has to be. Instead many of the "good" players will catch the opponent on a dodge or failed guard. Of course...this has all probably been said before.

And now...random link! =D