Why dose everyone like ashe


Apr 28, 2011
Hal's place XD
I dont hate ashe but she not my favourite charcter. But why dose everyone like ashe!? :gonk:

She dosent do anything to make her stand out so why dose everyone like her?:gonk:

Please help me out and it would also be good to find out if some people dont like her as well :)

No affence to the ppl who like her but why?
I used to not like her, but I think it's because she is a good leader figure. Also, she is a fallen princess, which makes her general role in the game very important. Most people tend to like the other characters more though. (Like Balthier) :)
A large part of why I like Ashe is how she compares as a main protagonist to Vaan. Vaan is often seen as being FFXII's main character despite the fact that he's just there, his significance in the story dissipating the moment Ashe enters the fray and he is reduced to being a mere observer. It is on that note that I think Ashe is in fact the real main character as I see it. It's mainly her quest and her story. All the tomb raiding they do in places like the Tomb of Raithwall and the Stilshrine of Miriam is based on her goals to prevent Archadian aggression and restore Dalmasca. While Vaan is a mere observer, Ashe's importance and integral role in the story far eclipses that of his and for this reason alone, I see FFXII as being her story, as well as Basch's to an extent.

Okay yes, she may wind up people now and then with her personality, though her telling Vaan to shut up only made me laugh with agreement. I didn't mind her though, I thought she is portrayed as being a realistic orphaned princess who has lost everything - her homeland and her family. I was never expecting her to be jumping around happy and content like characters in previous games because that would totally be wtf-like. Her personality does admittedly stay stagnant for most of the game which may be a negative point for many players. However I like how she isn't stoic and at the same time never entirely cold and indifferent, which can be seen for example by the end she does succumb to tears when she believes
Balthier is sacrificing himself to stop the Bahamut
, showing how much she has bonded with the rest of the cast.
1) She's not an idiot
2) She's believable as a leader figure
3) She has psychological intrigue
4) She is outspoken and can carry her own damn self
5) She's passionate
6) She actually has character
7) She knows her priorities
8) She expresses her emotions through subtle facial expressions rather than bitch til kingdom come
9) Contrary to popular belief, she is well developed in comparison to other heroines in the series.
10) Her character broke the norm of your stock heroine formula that's been used to death in a great number of series.
11) Her treatment of other characters was rational and believable
She was unconventional, I mean if you look at the other female protagonists of the past installations they were usually very soft in their demeanors. Finally we get Ashe this strong-willed (emphasis on this BIG time towards the middle of the game), independent character. She's not afraid to voice her opinion whether she's consenting to something or flat out refusing to see something through. She's very staunch about how she is as a person and what I initially liked about her was how she never wavered from her opinion about Archadia and the opposing forces that were so prominent and invasive. She took up the helm without question and led that resistance like a true leader and took up the foremost position as leader of the party that you assumed control of as the player. She was key in like every element of the plot as soon as Vaan's whole explanation for being there (which was pretty weak but admirable executed--I mean come on, orphaned AND losing your elder brother? It's so cliche.) was completed. Vaan melted into the background but Ashe was just out there as soon as she was introduced. That's what I liked about her she was like this feminist, just charging into the fray, refusing to be watered down in her unconventionality and strength.
She is like a ninja in my game. She is currently holding the masamune but yeah she is pretty tough even for a princess. The only bit I don't like is that she was tasked to go to the tower to craft new shards. THAT TOWER WAS ANNOYING because you had certain bosses who restricted some parts like magic, items, attacking and as such.
I was under the impression that everyone hated the poor woman, I love her, I always have, she has a quirky annoyingness to her that is strangely likeable, she wasn't an over the top bitch, she was much better than that of the other females we were offered in the game; and save for Balthier and Gabranth she stood out the most to me from the Star Wars carbon copies, she did the bossy thing right -- and she wasn't a cry baby/drama queen like the rest of the crew, in my honest opinion.
I liked her because she could stand upon her own two feet. She didn't spend every other scene acting like a damsel in distress. Plus, she had a lot of depth. I daresay she is my favourite character after Gabranth.
i like Ashe cuz, shes not like an ordinary princess like figure. shes independent and has a good personality. though she can be stubborn at times she is open to advice
I wouldn't say everyone likes her, because honestly she's not my favorite :lew: I could appreciate the concept of her character, but I didn't feel like it was delivered very well. Her overall performance was not all that exciting to me; she didn't have the charisma I would expect from someone who is considered to be one of the main characters.
its because she has boobs and wears a shors skirt duhh

anything with half a brain would hit that
she is the cutest girl in ff 12...(for sure)
n sexy...xD

thats why i like her very mucccccch..!!
I don't mind her. I liked the first time we see her in the Garamsythe Waterway, but she doesn't have the magnetism of other girls like Rikku or Garnet, or even the moodier ones like Lulu or Lightning.

She is very, very nice to look at too, which always helps.
When i first saw her i thought she was just a copy of yuna.... but in fact shes alot different. I personally did like her, alot more than lightning lol. She felt like she could stand up and fend for herself.. like Tifa but with more political importance. Thats what i thought anyways xx :) xx
Honestly I do not like her. I mean, there's something in her attitude that I really can't stand. I think she's spoiled and she always gives orders, she looks strong and self confident, but in fact she isn't, she's very indecisive when she faces difficult situations.
I don't even like when she talks to the others with superiority, she wants to behave like a leader, but in fact the real leader is Balthier.

I see Ashe as a victim of her difficult destiny, she often doesn't know what she has to do, this is the impression she gives me.
Yuna (she's just an example) is master of her destiny, she really knows what she has to do in every single moment from the beginning to the end of her journey. That's why I like her the most, she is completely different from Ashe.
i only like her because she makes a kick ass white mage, and honestly her skirt annoys me its kinda slutty if you ask me i always thought she was a bit of a biatch
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