Why go Mobile?

Its a bloody stupid idea going mobile, even if we DID get it released over here my battery doesn't last 5 minutes anyway and the screen is too bleeding small. I would most defo give any mobile game a miss

I have enough dramas with the size of my PSP & DS screens. *sigh*
definately a stupid idea going mobile phone on this one and i hate playing games on cellphones, the buttons are to small for big fingers....but this FF is one i am forced to play
Its convinient that Square Enix have just recently announced this:

"Square Enix's support for mobile platforms is already notable, but games like Before Crisis Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy IV The After could be just the start. Today in Japan, the company announced the formation of Square Enix Mobile Studio, a fully owned subsidiary dedicated to the development and distribution of mobile contents.

Set to open its doors this April in Sapporo, far to the north of its parent company's Tokyo home base, Square Enix Mobile Studios will be headed up by Square Enix's current head of mobile business, Yoichi Haraguchi. The company expects to have 20 employees in its first year.

This announcement coincides with the start of Japanese distribution on Final Fantasy IV The After. Users of DoCoMo's i-Mode service can download the FFIV sequel now. EZmode users will get a chance later this Spring."

Wouldn't it be more useful to make another team that can develop games for consoles, even if they are spin-offs for the DS or PSP. Sucks really!
first off what happend to final fantasy i remeber when there were 0 sequals and i was completly content to be honest i think the sequals ruin the originals the first sequal ff x-2 sucked compared to ff x and the rest were to follow the same path sequals were a terrable idea. phones now i dont own a cell phone and if i buy one it wont be to play games problem 1 screen size. problem 2 graphics (that used to be the biggest seller of ff why go back a hundred years worth of graphics to a phone)Problem 3 sound (reading the dialog was ok until the ps2 came out and they actually spoke i dont want to go back to that :( also i love the music Problem 4 MONEY i dont want to have to spend 10 or so dollars for a game for a phone its not worth it Poblem 5 Phones lack all the neccesitys for a ff game

psp and ds

personally id love a main ff game for my psp cuz the psp is freaking awsem its got everything you need in life lol good graphics good sound mp3 mp4 games internet pictures its the perfect system THE ds honestly i bought a ds cuz i had the money then i bought revenant wings its ok but not as good as the original like all ff sequals honestly i dont like the ds the graphics suck all you can really do on it is play games ya you got a touch screen so what the psp makes up for that with photos.

overall it saddens me that the ff crew is going to the phone the phone is ment for talking the iphone waste of money ill just use skype on my psp or get a free cell for cheap im not spending 100$ for a phone is what im saying they all do the same and if i want a mobile game theres my psp and ds (even though ive yet to play a decent ds game :( ) a consol id buy a ps3 to play a ff game if it went to xbox id never play it i refuse to touch a xbox (simply they suck ) For the wii it might be ok if you get to use the weapon you want to The ds not looking forward to another touch point game THe psp woth every penny so put it simple

WINS psp ps3 and possibly wii
NEVERs PHones xbox and mp3/4 players
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Yes I definitely can't and won't buy games that are supported on mobile. You really need some high end $1000+ phone to even consider it which just ins't practical.

I can only hope the make ports to other consoles, although I don't think it's possible without a complete remake due to things like screen size, graphic capabilities etc.

I don't know what kind of market they're trying to break into, the market for The VII Saga is clearly on console.

It's just disappointing that the majority of us will miss out on what will probably be some fantastic stories due to the weird platform choices Square makes.
why mobile?:S
handhelds are so much better and are designed for gaming. agito will probably only be availible for japan and maybe america most likely not UK :(
why not make it psp it would be so much more popular and easier, plus it would be able to have better graphics and much more of a playable game.
i would most likely get it if it was for psp but if it did come out in the Uk i will definetly not get it on mobile and i probably wont be able to get it on my mobile anyway.
Well in spite of having been a huge international success for many years, Square still seem to be focusing mainly on their home market in Japan. The rest of us aren't nearly as important to them it seems. There's probably quite the market for cell phone games in Japan, otherwise, I bet that's why Square's making games for phones. Eventually we will probably catch on here in the west too. I wouldn't be surprised if, in a couple of years, Sony would begin producing cell phones with the Playstation brand (they are already doing it with the Walkman, so why not?) and perhaps even Nintendo will in a not so far away future make a handheld which will double as a cellphone :P
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From what i've seen most of the high end phones still won't be able to run it and even a PSP would be starting to have trouble running it becuase of the graphics. (I've seen a few pics and the graphics are almost as good as the normal FF13 ones)

But to answer the question I think it is ******* stupid to put it on a cellphone and I'm anoid enough the NZ is already behind in tech and I won't be able to play it on a cell phone for a few years, I hate living in a country thats behind in tech.