Why is FFX hated by some people?


Final Fantasy Nut
Apr 3, 2008
I juist don't get why FFX is hated, sure the Japanese voices are better, the Sphere grid can be intolertable, Blitzball can be annoying and the game has its tedious points (what SE game doesn't) but what is it with all this hate on the game?
I gotta be honest dude, I don't see much hate for this game. I've never seen it horribly bashed in all the years I have been a FF fan. I've seen VIII ripped to shreds and IX, X-2 and XII absolutely savaged too. Hell, even the uber popular VII has more haters than X.
You pretty much answered your own question there. But the plot, especially early, plods along. The main problem for me, though, is that the two main characters are completely transparent. There's very little depth to either one, and nothing to really find out about them personally. Yes there is Tidus' whole deal with Zanarkand, but that's not about him specifically. And Yuna is just.... boring, tbph. But that's just one man's opinion.
I really haven't seen any hate for FFX. The people I know who do hate this game don't like it because they hate Tidus. I think he's okay, but there are some people who thinks he just comes across as annoying. It's understandable, but Tidus did have his moments where you could really enjoy his character. Some people just can't see it that way.

Don't get me wrong, this game could be hated for other things, but I haven't heard too many complaints about anything else other than Tidus. Don't know why, but I guess it's their opinion.
Can't say Ive seen much FFX hate, I love it, I personally think the story is great, so many twists...I dont think it's a sow starter either..but then I kinda like the 'slow' starts where you are plodding along doing one thing, then all of a sudden it kicks off and you have a greater evil to deal with. I love everythign about it, the sphere grid is win, I think I liek that a little TOO much :wacky: and weapon customising, you can just get involved with everything, I love it all :gasp:
I don't think the voice acting is that off putting, I cant be doing with Yunas voice and Tidus' iritates me abit, but that's not enough to put me off, I hate my OWN voice :gasp:

Plus it has Auron. It wins on that alone
To put it simply, you can't please everyone. Some aspects of the game are loved by some yet hated by others. A lot of people dislike FFVII yet VII is arguably the most popular game in the series. Anyway, I'm sure the reasons for disliking FFX differ from person to person. Personally I love the game, it is one of my favourite FF's. But I know that some of the things I liked about the game were not well recieved by others. For example, I loved the voice acting but a lot of people here disliked it.
I've not actually heard of any hate towards this game.

Sure it may not be as out there and in your face like some. i.e: FFVII.

But that doesn't mean that it's hated or disliked in any way. I feel that of late it's becoming more loved by gamers and much more appreciated.

Sometimes people take things for granted and it seems this game was taken that way when it first came out. It's only now that more people are seeing just how great it really is and showering it with love more often. XD

So yeah. Just because it isn't talked about much or had a million sequels/prequels etc, doesn't mean it's unloved. =)
I have seen a fair bit of FFX hate, particularly among game communities like GameFAQs round about the time it was released. I think people couldn't handle all the changes that were made, some people really don't like change, especially given how faithful FFIX was to its predecessors. Heck, I had a few gripes with it back in the day, but I learned to love it for what it was.

The thing that really put me off at first was the lack of a World map, and how linear the game feels as a result.
Well you coulod ask the same question about anything really. WHy do some people hate oranges? Why do some people hate winter time? Simple answer is everyone has different likes and dislikes, your not gunna be able to make a game that can cater for everybodies needs, its impossible.

On another note i hardly ever hear of hate on this game at all not compared with some other FF titles. FFXII for example.
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I actually know a few people who couldn't ever finish the game because the awkward and annoying voice acting for Tidus. I think that is absolutely ridiculous, but you can't please em' all.
A lot of people I know hate FFX.
Thats because they dont have time to live in the game, be a part of it,
like we are. So I think I woud fell like them if I never have playd the game before, and yust jump right in it.
By the way.. I thought FFX sucks the first times I playd it!

One thing: I LOVE FFXX!
I and my father have playd it since I was 10 or somthing.
And we love the game!
Before I move we playd it everyday!
I was thinking that those who hated the game either disliked this genre of games, or simply rushed through the game without bothering to listen to the music, or observe the plot changes...

Usually, when I play any form of RPGs, I'd always ensure I take in all the details about the changes in the storyline and so on. So generally, it feels like reading a book- which subsequently ensures that I never hate it.

Well, unless, of course, the Sphere Grid system's that horrifying. I found it pleasing to know with the Sphere Grid, I could make Yuna dish maximum damage with a simple melee attack, so I didn't really dislike it. (Working towards that)
I'm not a big fan on the characters. I always end up using the same team each time I play. I've never used Yuna once as I didn't like how they did the Summons in X. I used them as Meat Shields when a boss was chargin' his lazerz.

The bosses became easy and I was super mad about Omega Weapon when I fought him. I was expecting a fight as tough as Omega from VIII or Emerald in VII. No, I got a boss I beat in six attacks.

The final boss isn't tough for me since I never used my summons. Mine were all super weak, so him taking them over wasn't a big deal for me. I also didn't like Seymour as a villain. I am super happy he was left out of Dissidia as I couldn't stand him.
I really liked Seymour as a villain, I thought he was really creepy

And I haven't seen much hatred for this game, except from my brother who always says that IX was the definitive FF game.
There's one simple answer to that.

Not everybody will be pleased with what they play.

You will always have conflict no matter how hard you try to please the fans there will always be something that we can't stand or think needs to be worked on. Personally, I loved FF-X it was a step towards difference within a Final Fantasy, not that I have anything against the original FF's, in fact I love them too.. but change is nice as well which is why I look forward to FF XIII.

But like I said, everybody will have different opinions. It's just the way the world works but as long as you like it and stick with your own opinion then what others think shouldn't matter at all.
I haven't heard any awful lot of hate for this game if im honest, but prehaps because it created a whole new fan base for FF that could annoy some of the older, possibly bitter gamers that didn't like X stealing their favourtie game's limelight.

I have to say I did enjoy it, and it was good that it was a bit different. Maybe it was linear and you couldn't drop anchor on the airship as before but that wasn't too much of a disappointment.
ANIMA, please don't double post, use the edit button in future, this is the second thread Ive had to merge 2 of your posts, thanks flower ^_^
I think it's mostly because Tidus is a pretty fruity character in comparison to past protagonists, and also it's taking a step in a different direction.
The game is very linear. Which is sort of annoying. And most of the characters completely suck, save for Auron, and maybe Lulu. There's things to wonder about Auron, whilst the only thing you'll be wondering about Tidus is when he's going to stop whining like a little prick.

The game itself is fun and great. Even though it's extremely easy, except for Lady Yunalesca. That boss made me want to piss all over the TV.