Why is FFX hated by some people?

I very like the game, but I can make I list of things I didn't like:

1) Blitzball - I liked it at the beginning, but later it become kind of boring.
The games were too long and I sometimes won with the score of 6-0.
Completing the league takes tons of time (more than 100 minutes) and the prizes aren't that good. Better do the tournament. Anyway, I stopped playing Blitzball when I learned the "Status Reels" (or whatever it was called).

2) Voice Acting - Was poor and lame in my opinion. They didn't even talked like real people. There were some kind of strange delays, for example:
Tidus: "Yuna! Now!" (not taken directly from the game)
a 5 seconds pause...
Yuna: "Okay"
That was really annoying

3) Plot - It wasn't bad and I didn't hate it. But it was a too average in my opinion. I expected more.
I think that the difference between X and previous entries are what many hate about X.

1) X is very linear ie. one solitary red arrow telling you where you MUST go next. The locations seem to be just one way paths.

2) The omission of the world map. I personally feel that this makes Spira a very small world.

3) Tidus and his actor's voice. I don't hate it, but some seem to apparently. Yuna's actress wasn't any better- especially that scene in Luca:


4) Some people I know don't like Seymour that much. They say that Seymour has a terrible design and wears pyjamas. I tend to agree- especially complaining about his saber-like hair at the sides- but Seymour had truly evil Messiah-complexed-twisted-like motives.

5) The omission of a traditional battle system. I personally liked the Sphere Grid system. Others didn't because it looked so convulating.
My sister hates FFX...She feels she can't get around how annoying Tidus is to her or how awful she feels the voice acting is. She hates sappy things, too, and Tidus tends to have that sappy happy-go-lucky, "Let's get 'em, guys!!" attitude.

Personally, I love FFX, it is one of my favorite FFs along with VIII. The only things wrong with it, I feel, would be the sub-par voice acting on the ends of Yuna, Tidus, and Lulu, and the fact that yes, Tidus can be annoyingly optimistic and "BLAHZZ HEY GUYS!" sometimes. Haha, but really, I love all the characters, even Tidus, and especially him as the game progresses and he changes a bit.

I'm not sure why other people might hate the game...just thought I'd give my sister's opinion as I know she hates it pretty immensely.
Sure, the game may have Flaws in it, but all FF games do, sure, let people hate it, but that is their opinion, in my opinion, i find the game a great game, for the first voice act FF game.
Well,it does seem like most people dislike Tidus in some way,or at least Tidus's voice acting,but this game would still win the award for least hated FF.Personally,there is nothing I dislike about this game,nothing;I see several things that were not as good as they could have been,but it's not so much "negatives" as "the absence of additional quality",I.E,things that simply could have been better,though they weren't bad to begin with.
If a lot of people act like they hate X, for some of them, it might just be one of those instances where people lash out against things that are popular just because they're popular :hmmm: Also, I'm sure there are some other people who dislike the fact that it's more popular than other FFs which they liked better, and tbh it does irritate me that IV and VI don't get as much attention as X when I thought they were better. However, that's also my personal opinion, and the commercial popularity of a game doesn't rely on whether I like it or not :lew: (though it would be nice :D)

As far as things to dislike about the game, I have my own gripes here and there, but I would think even a hardcore fan would have been disappointed by the shortness of the ending, and its extreme lack of dialogue. There were a lot of emotional things to be fleshed out there that I felt never got fulfilled in a satisfying way. And the way Tidus handled things was kind of immature, imho :hmmm:
As far as gameplay goes, FFX was one of my favorites. The battle system was quick and fun, and I was admittedly addicted to Blitzball.

The reason why I didn't like the game as much as others, was because I wasn't invested in the characters. I really didn't care about...any of them. The voice acting was certainly bad on its own, but the characters themselves just didn't click with me. I couldn't identify with their blight, because I just wasn't interested in them or their problems.

Considering that the whole storyline revolves around the sacrifices of Yuna and Tidus, if you don't care about either of them, the game loses its impact.

As a follow up, any game that can spawn the bubblegum garbage that was X-2 is worthy of at least some trash talking.
I thought this was one of the more loved FF games out of them all?
for me its probably my 3rd favourite.

I think some people hate it mostly because of the VA's and Tidus... srsly that guy is so lame and annoying.
Its pretty easy as well but other than that, I can't really think of why anyone would hate it and I honestly haven't heard many people say the don't like it until recently.
Simple. There are 6.7 billion people in the world. Those 6.7 billion people have different opinions and tastes in thing that would affect how they view things, like video games. If all of those 6.7 billion people liked this game it would be dub the world's greatest video game. Hate may be too strong of a word though.

But for the minority that do hate it in the true sense of the word I think it comes from them finding some of the characters annoying and the English Voice Acting.
the same reason people dislike ffxii/xiii/viii/ix/i/ii/iii/iv/v/vi/vii et al. they have different tastes and like different things. it's an incredibly hard concept to grasp, and one that is frequently forgotten. no, really. people don't seem to be able to understand that little fact of life.
One of the few negatives that I can find about this game is that it's way to linear. The only real place where you don't feel like this is the the calm lands. Other then that the place is pretty much the whole time move from point A to point B. Even the airship is like this you don't get to fly the airship wherever you want like in past FF's. It's the same thing, you want to go to point A,point B, or point C.:)
I don't think X was a horrible game; average at best. It looked great and had some cool music. But I think what puts off some people(including myself) to this game are:

1. Tidus kinda whines a lot. I don't like my hero behaving like a child.

2. The Sphere Grid. It's not difficult and it is an interesting idea, but I just thought the standard Level System would be better. It's the same but you go one stat at a time. It seemed useless to break it down into a Grid.

3. The supporting cast wasn't that great. Besides from Auron, everyone else seemed kinda of dull and I wasn't really interested in getting to know the characters. I think a little more development should have gone into them.

Now, a lot of people knock the story of X, I thought it was tolerable. I wouldn't use it as my number one defense against the game. I thought it was basic with no monumental twists or turns. Which leads back to the characters. If you don't care about them, then you're not going to care about what happens to them. But the story wasn't terrible.

For me, just the overall feel of the game from beginning to end didn't leave me with the feeling the I really played a Final Fantasy game. I was so uninterested in what was happening and who it was happening to, that when I beat the game, I was kinda like, "Umm, ok. Next!" It really left me with nothing.

So I guess my real beef with the game is it not getting me interested in what was going on. Lack of character development mixed with agonizing voice acting and dialog made this game a pain for me.
The game really isn't all that hated, as far as I know. In fact, it is generally agreed to be the best Final Fantasy after VII. It was voted as the best game of all time by readers of Famitsu, with VII taking second place.I'd call that quite an accomplishment!

The linearity, which is often brought up, is a blessing in disguise for the game. It allows the game to be much more focused on story, than it would have been if you were allowed to explore more freely. That said, you get the airship near the end of the game and you can go anywhere you want whenever you want, so I have no complaints.

Some people also dislike Tidus, which is ridiculous. He is one of the most likable and tragic Final Fantasy protagonists, and no matter how annoying you think he is at the beginning of the game, by the end he is nothing short of mature and heroic. His happy go lucky attitude makes his fate even more sad.

I didn't see a lot of problems with the voice acting either. Yuna's voice is a little too "soft", but that's my only complaint. I found James Arnold Taylor's voicework for Tidus to be spot on.

What is there to hate about this game? It's a freaking masterpiece!
Alright look... You aren't ever going make all your fan base happy with the games you make, you are going have haters of the game, cause everyone want's something different...
Now there are haters of this game amongst FF people cause they didn't like something about this game... If that was the story, the linearity, the no open free world, the characters... There are lots of things it could be... Just cause this game is popular don't mean that it isn't going get hated on....
I too haven't seen much hate of FFX.Most people say that it was the last good FF game so yeah,it seems that it is acknowledged as an FF game at least.

I've seen far more hate for FFXII though.