Why is Rydia More Popular than Rosa?


Dark Knight
May 29, 2011
I've been reading a lot of forums and when FF IV's girls are mentioned.... more people know Rydia rather than Rosa. Why is that? Post your comments. Express your opinions. You can even tell me I'm wrong! :D
she's smexier then Rosa

MOD EDIT: Laguna this would be considered spam in a post count section. Maybe you can elaborate just a bit more on why Rydia is more popular than Rosa.
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she's smexier then Rosa

Yes, I'm sure that's exactly the reason

I just always felt Rosa was abit of wall flower, only thing that springs to mind when I think of her is she's a white mage and shes 'oh Cecil' alot. She's just got no personality
I think the general consensus is that Rydia uses more interesting abilities like Summoning. Rosa is a White Mage which is a class that everyone knows is useful, but doesn't get much love. So many probably prefer the Summoner class over the White Mage. Personally, I found Rosa kind of dull. If they gave her more depth then just being Cecil's squeeze, she would be a more interesting character. Rydia had an unknown backstory and the reveal of it was pretty cool
being part of one of the last remaining Summoner families.
Rosa is an emotionless robot. rydia allthough a robot has some mild personality.

which is why rydia is WAY better than rosa.

Before i get flamed for my Hatred of FFIV. I'll say its the Outfit. Rydia shows of her bling while Rosa covers up her sponduli. The male fans like that more.
Rydia is more poplaur than Rosa because she has more sex appeal. Look out her outfits, that show off her long legs. That's something a fanboy would die for. :kinky:

Also Rydia is tough, and people usually prefer a character who is mentally strong and doesn't rely on men to save her. When her Mother dies, Rydia picks up her feet after Cecil saves her life, and she tries to remain strong. Also she's tough enough to fight in dangerous battles and she's extremely young. When Edward looses Anna, Edward refuses to let Anna go, and Rydia tells a 27 year old man to grow up. People just like that sort of thing, they'll rather have a tough person along with them than a coward or a damsel in distress.

Those are my theories on it anyway. About Rosa and Rydia, I like them both. I like Rydia because she is strong, and Rosa is soft, elegant, pretty and not every girl has the strength to face tough enemies and move her from her past. Rosa seems more human to me as well, Rosa has flaws and makes mistakes, but Rydia you have to admire her courage. If I lost somebody dear to me, I wouldn't be able to cope, but Rydia had the strength to carry on and keep moving.

For me, it's simply that Rydia does more throughout the game. If you honestly think about it, if Rosa and Cecil weren't together, I'm not sure if she would have been a main character. Her role could be turned into an NPC and the story would continue on just the way it has. Rydia could have kept her white magic at that point.

Other than the fact that Cecil and Kain inadvertently killed her mother, Rydia had absolutely no reason to join Cecil, but she did. That, and her character becomes very important to the story later on. I mean, hell, she saves your ass from Golbez. Rosa hasn't saved us from anything.

As for why other people like Rydia more, it could be the sex appeal, it could be the fact that she's a summoner, and/or it could be the fact that she is a strong character.
I like both of the girls as characters...they both have redeeming qualities about them. Rosa is a bit more quiet and reserved...and of course there is her love for
. But to me she just doesn't show enough of her personality in this game...they didn't write her character so we could see her true colors....which was one of the disappointing parts of IV for me.

Rydia was my personal favorite of the two...because we see her transition from a girl to a woman...and she remains strong the whole time. So I guess thats why we might have more of a connection to her. Her abilities were on the more intriguing side with her summons and etc... so of course a white mage like Rosa might seem a little on the blander side :lew:
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Actually i think because of the events which happen with Rydia early in the game makes the players feel attached to her while as Rosa was like: "I was Cecil's childhood friend." Nothing really happens in the game which draws the player to like Rosa really i suppose, if the same thing that happened with Rydia happened to Rosa i'd imagine more people would like Rosa.
I liked them equally - Rydia was Square's first real attempt at a "strong" female, and Rosa was still in the classic 90's RPG damsel box. Though looking at the things you didn't see Rosa do, she's a pretty brave woman. To follow the man you love into the desert alone on a hunch that he just *might* still be alive is pretty darn brave to me. She also stood up to Kain and Golbez, helped Rydia overcome her fear of fire and well, without her who the hell would heal the party? I also don't believe Rosa ever sheds a tear once throughout the game, whereas Rydia bursts into tears more than once (and as an adult). This could be interpreted as Rosa having no personality or that she is strong, depending on how you choose to see her. So Rydia isn't necessarily THAT tough or strong compared to Rosa, in my opinion.
Bear in mind I have only played the original and GBA versions of the game; I don't know how they may have altered the characters' personalities in the DS version.
I liked them equally - Rydia was Square's first real attempt at a "strong" female, and Rosa was still in the classic 90's RPG damsel box. Though looking at the things you didn't see Rosa do, she's a pretty brave woman. To follow the man you love into the desert alone on a hunch that he just *might* still be alive is pretty darn brave to me. She also stood up to Kain and Golbez, helped Rydia overcome her fear of fire and well, without her who the hell would heal the party? I also don't believe Rosa ever sheds a tear once throughout the game, whereas Rydia bursts into tears more than once (and as an adult). This could be interpreted as Rosa having no personality or that she is strong, depending on how you choose to see her. So Rydia isn't necessarily THAT tough or strong compared to Rosa, in my opinion.
Bear in mind I have only played the original and GBA versions of the game; I don't know how they may have altered the characters' personalities in the DS version.

Aha I hate to spam the page with the whole quote but I completely agreed ^^ I just recently completed final fantasy IV and was well aware of the Rydia fandom from forums and the like, and honestly, when playing through I did actually wonder why Rosa wasnt quite as liked. I also have'nt played the DS version and I see most of the signatures etc that use Rydia's image come from the DS version, but that could be more because it's pretty much the only non-sprite and "realistic" portrayal of her that I can think of excepting concept art (where she looks fairly different anyway) rather than her personality in the DS version methinks.
Don't get me wrong; I love Rydia, but if you think about it Rosa was the prototype for all the most popular and beloved leading FF heroines: Aerith, Yuna, Garnet...all gentle white mages who need to get rescued at least once ;-)
You can't honestly say you don't like rescuing the pretty love interest if you're a guy player!
Rydia was more the model for characters such as Tifa, Celes and Ashe in my opinion: sassy, independent women who didn't need a man to save their butts every time. These kind of characters appeal more to modern women gamers for that reason, and to male players who prefer their pixellated beauties with a bit more spunk.
I like both as characters, but for me Rydia was more memorable not because she's hot or whatever. It's because of how she developed throughout the story, she was just a little kid when Cecil met her, he saved her and then instead of relying on Cecil to save her, she decided to be strong and fight for herself. After that a lot of happened and you play with her in you know. I would explain more but I can't bother start putting spoilers.

Rosa, although I didn't see much of her, and she annoyed me by the fact
she got kidnapped
, I still liked her for being a caring character, Rosa never played a part as a main character for me, she was there JUST to support Cecil IMO and I thought she did her part good disregarding not having a personality.
Personally, I thought that Rydia, as the game progressed on, had more admirable qualities and traits than Rosa did. Most 7 year olds take more than an hour or less to stop mourning over the fact that their mother was killed and forgive the people held responsible for it. I also found it humorous that she had more gumption than a 24 year old prince, and managed to survive being thrown off of a ship during the attack from Leviathan, only to be sent to the Feymarch, a place that she could call home and where she got even more connections with Eidolons. I liked how the Feymarch was like a different planet with the much faster time rate than Earth/Gaia and how Rydia quickly grew up and evolved into a more independent girl, being of much more aid to the party. I wasn't expecting any of that as I played through the game.

Unfortunately for Rosa, even though FFIV is one of the more earlier games in the series, her story follows up with the FF series stereotype, and turn outs for her were easily predicted: A princess or some beautiful woman has a more close connection with the male protagonist than any of the other characters. At some point, she may have a condition that'll effect her output in battle or events in the future, or is taken away from the party for some time until they go to rescue her. Then there's the fact that she's always the damsel in distress that is somehow envied by one of the antagonists (in this case, it would be
Kain whenever he was being controlled by Golbez. Not surprised by what he confessed later on as he got his head back

So yeah, the reason why Rydia seems more popular than Rosa is more than likely the fact that Rydia had a more unique history and personality. Rosa only fitted the FF Damsel In Distress role, so she didn't.
Of course, I'm not saying Rosa isn't respectable. I loved her too. :griin:
i like rydia better because she was more fun to have in your party with her fantastic spells and summoning abilities while rosa only really had healing spells. also rosa had less personality and was mainly in the game to just be cecil love interest.

despite all that i still like rosa just not as much as rydia.
I think Rydias better because she has 2 very powerfull skills which are black magic and summoning while rosa has only white magic.
She also has green hair and when adult all she wears is silk which is kinda traditional like. Just don't get water on it ey? lol
But the Black Magic packs a punch to the face I'd say.