why is square putting the sequel on the DS?

Final Fantasy should always have releases on Nintendo consoles/handhelds, since Nintendo was how FF started. BUT the major series should stay on the PS consoles, since that is where people expect those. I don't see much harm in giving Nintendo some spin-offs. Also, had it not been for FF:TA, I probably wouldn't be playing Final Fantasy games today. Spin-offs can stir interest in the series and increase the fanbase.

People who don't own a DS are not going to be missing out on an essential chapter (or so I'd think), and in all honesty, I think that the new-to-the-series players will appreciate it more (see FFTA; FF veterans said it sucked, newbies loved it to bits). I think that it's the right thing to do.
yeah maybe but what about the people that played XII and want to play a sequel but are broke as hell (like myself) and dont want to buy a DS? where does that leave us? maybe they should have it released on multiple platforms.
i've not read all of this but there was a statement from Square saying that they put this game on the DS because the DS is one of the biggest selling consoles.

(and therefore they can potentially make more profit).

However, I think Square-Enix is becomming bad because all they care about now is making profits. They used to focus on a game at a time for consoles, now they are doing multiple games across multiple platforms.

I've got a PS3 and PSP. I'm NOT getting a Nintendo Wii for Crystal Chronicals and i'm not getting a DS for a watered down FF game..

no way..
WHY are they putting revenant wings or whatever on DS and not ps2 or 3. i mean its going to be completely different and itll be a stepdown in sales and gameplay since not everyone has a DS and the ps2 is obviously a better platform. this makes me kinda mad, i wont be buying it but id like to play it...only problem is i dont own a DS, and im not buying one cause it definitely doesnt look worth all that trouble or money

Yeah it Should Be on the PS2/3. Square Once abandoned Nintendo.
They Should Do it again.
At the very least They should have it on the PSP. It's more fitting since the graphics would be better
Yeah it Should Be on the PS2/3. Square Once abandoned Nintendo.
They Should Do it again.
At the very least They should have it on the PSP. It's more fitting since the graphics would be better

Why do graphics even matter? It's the gameplay that's the most important thing of all.
once again some recents evernts between sony and SE has pissed SE off and theres a good chance we may see a decline in the number of Sony & SE Games
I like it that it's going to be on the DS, there's nothing wrong with that console. I think it's a neat gaming system in my opinion. Sure it may not be as advance and the graphics might not be as good but that doesn't stop the gameplay from being horrible. We'll just have to wait and see what it is like. I do think that it is weird that XII came out on the Playstation 2 while this sequel has gone to Nintendo. Oh well, either way I'm sure it'll be a reasonable game.
It will gives chances to those who own a DS but not a PS2. Square probably wants support from the Nintendo fans as well.