Why is there so much hate?

I mean holy crap! You go to any other FF forum and the minute someone mentions FFVII, everybody spams out and are like "OMZSG FFVII MAJORLY SUCKKKKSSSS!!!!!!!!111111" or some crap like that.

Just wondering if anyone knows why all the hate for a game that PAVED the way for other Japanese RPG to even come to the states.

Hate for FFVII = No Respect :D

That's because they're really stupid, they can't except the fact that they didn't make a movie of FFVIII. Which btw, would be horrible, FFVIII should stay right where it is. Unless it was a movie of the original story, then I would respect the decision. Personally, I didn't like FFVII. The materia system got on my nerves quite a bit. There is no "perfect combination", unless you call W-summon and KOTR a perfect combo.
Coz it's unfair actually FFVII is crap...it's have over 1000 guy and it's hard to remember there names!! it's unfair Coz they made a movie for it...Why they didn't made FFVIII movie or 9,10 and 12...thats why FFVII is f**kin sucks.

First off, your post is highly unintelligible, and I don't really understand what you are saying except for: 8 is greater than 7, omfg its not faiiirr. Hmm, so I guess I do understand...

That being said, a movie about FFVIII would be astronomically stupid, as it's basically one huge movie anyways...
Nine would be interesting, but doesn't have the mass appeal of seven.
Ten was one huge movie as well, and doesn't need to be made again.
Twelve would be too long to make a coherent movie out of, and if it was translated into a GOOD CG film, we would need Square Enix to stop being money grubbing jerks. They clearly cannot do this, as shown by the FFVII vomit they've been producing:

Seven = lots of fans. Lots of fans = lots of money. Lots of money = happy square.

So all these FFVII remakes and movies, blah blah blah, all of it is just a scheme to make tons of freaking money. You know it.

Also, one other reason as to why VIII was not made into a film and VII was, is this: VII beats the crap out of VIII using a metal baseball bat forged in the fires of Mt. Doom or some other awesome flaming thing. It just wins, guys. Materia wasn't hard to understand, hard to level up, or hard to find. Money was easy enough to get, the characters were enjoyable and varied, and the Golden Saucer is hilarious. Not to mention that one scene in the Honey Bee Inn, you guys know what I'm talking about. Priceless humour. And damn, it sure looked good compared to some other games being produced at that time (except Xenogears, which beats VII entirely).

Phew, that was a long winded post...
That's because they're really stupid
r u calling us stupid?...we didn' insult u so keep ur mouth shut.
FFVIII will be cooler, at least Squall isn't Psycho who runing after a dead girl to have sex with her...
maybe other game companies spead false rumours about it just because their jealous. CONSIRACY!!!
Possibly the graphics? FF7's graphics do suck compared to the latest games. Plus I guarantee those who say it sucks most likely haven't even completed the game.

r u calling us stupid?...we didn' insult u so keep ur mouth shut.
FFVIII will be cooler, at least Squall isn't Psycho who runing after a dead girl to have sex with her...

I think that was really uncalled for to post in this thread. If anymore of this continues I will warn you for spam and drama.
I know a few people who don't like FFVII because their firsts were FFI, FFIV (FFII in America for the SES), and FFVI (FFIII in America for the SNES. They don't like it because it is too Sci-Fi and doesn't feel like Final Fantasy. They have the same feelings for FFVIII, but they all like FFIX. Lol. So, I think it all depends on what you first Final Fantasy's were. If your first Final Fantasy was VII and it got you hooked, then naturally you are going to like the more Sci-Fi story ones. I, personally, don't really enjoy FFX, for basically some of the same reasons.
It could be also that most of the people that has such a high dis-like for FF VII are also young and did not grow up in the "No Game Zone."

I watched Video games start with Atari, which was OK, but I did not much care for the blip on the screen, especially when Dragon Lair was on one of the game machines at the local stores.

I watched Nintendo come out with their consul with Mario, Pitfall, and my old favorite (which I play occasionally), Zelda. Now I was impressed to buy a consul. Then I was blown away with Final Fantasy series and Dragon Warrior Series. Now I was really enjoying the "Game Zone."

Then PlayStation hit the Market. After enjoying all the previous games, I was hit with the FF VII. This was a total different taste as compared to the previous versions. Then everything got better from there. Even though I did not care as much for VIII and IX, I was pleasantly impressed for what was and is coming.

FFVII, paved the way for all the future games, as Atari did, and the first Nintendo games did.

The view point of those who dislike FF VII are to be respected, as mis-guided as they are. But, they are just spoiled from newer games that they know now and not seeing how important FF VII really was. That is why we, the whole hearted loyal fans of FF VII and all the FF series, get so annoyed with those who bash the game. They read what those who really still enjoy the game have to say and then try to knock them down. They have not experienced the "No Game Zone."

Give them the old Atari and the blipping paddle game and tank game for a few years and then let them play FF VII and experience the difference.

Then there are those who are younger and are deeper thinkers, they are the ones that enjoy the concept and story line of the older games. (Lady Aerith for instance)


I played FFX a few years back, at first did not enjoy it as much, but as I continued to play completely through the game, I was pleasantly surprised with the game and view it as one of the better games too.
who cares about what they say FF7 was the most selling RPG in america and its the best. i played from 7 till 12 and all the others were ok but 7 was amazing i loved it from the first time i played it.. it has the best music and best story and best game play, all it needs now is some better graphics when they make the remake it will be the best...
and if FF7 sucked then why did they make Advent children, Dirge of cerberus, and Last order. all those have to do with FF7..
Trust me its the best of all final fantasy thats why jelousy is in poeple saying it sucked
I have actually seen more hate for VIII and IX than for VII. Most people claim VII as their favorite and you just get the usual trolls on message boards.

Some people just simply did not like VII. Others just hate anything that is popular. Some put the first disc in after watching Advent Children and go "Ewe! The graphics!" and put ten back into the console. And others are fed up with the fandom, which I have to agree, VII has one of the most annoying fandoms out there. Go to any anime con. That does not stop me from enjoying the game.