WHY?! Is Wakka The ONLY one in All of SPIRA!!...


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
To have that stupid accent?

I mean really - is it just some stupid thing they had wakka do to make him sound cool? or is it crappy voice acting on their part?

i actually had no explanation for this - because my cousin and uncle were building the shower in my house and had to go through my bedroom wall :-)dry:) and it was a scene where everyone was all talking (i was playing FFX at the time) and my cousin asked why wakka was the only one with an accent.

O_0 a year later and i still have no answer > _< any answers out their? :P
It's just due to where they live. Irish people have accents, Mexicans have accents, hell I bet if FFVIII was done with voice actors, Fujin would have one too. I couldn't imagine Wakka with any other voice. It fits him perfectly and he's one of my favorite characters in the game.
i thought Lulu was a native to the island? wouldnt she have the accent too?

*imagines lulu with wakkas accent*
*dies laughing*

seriously though...its a tad messed up :P
Wakka's voice reminded me between Arnold shcwarzennger(sp?) and a typicial indian shopkeeper,but on crack.
Regarding Lulu...

I think she just ended up there at Besaid after her previous pilgrimages. Remember, she already has had a lot of experience around Spira before we are introduced to her in the game. She's been a guardian before and could have easily been raised elsewhere during periods of her early life. Yuna can be considered a Native to, to Besaid, but she was traveling at a young age and formed her own speach (which seems normal to us). Wakka is just Besaid to the bone. Apparently his accent is supposed to be the real-world equivalent of a Polynesian accent.
I really did like Wakka's accent... but definitely no one else in the game had nearly as thick of an accent as he did. It was kind of strange, although I did love it. At least he wasn't scottish... like another FF character.
Some of the Aurochs have the same accent, by the way.
You might ask why Gabranth, Basch and Cait Sith all have Scottish accents.
It's because their voice actors have accents :]
... or have been told to force an accent, as the case is for Cait Sith.
I thought his voice acting is good. The guy who voices him (John DiMaggio) voices Bender and has done various other voices in Final Fantasy characters.
It cannot be bad voice acting, because the actor who does Wakka (John DiMaggio) also does the voice of Kimahri. Two completely different voices.

Off topic, John also does a character off of Futurama, although I can't remember who. Check IMDB if you care that much.

Edit: Yeah, check him out at www.imdb.com, he's been in a lot of stuff, you can tell it wasn't bad voice acting.
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Wasn't exactly bad voice acting, but it did have something to do with the English version because in the original (Japanese) version, the accents weren't quite that....obvious.
LOL as bad as Wakka's accent was...Yuna's voiceover was more annoying.
She had like a serious stuttering disorder.
Yeah, lol i was in kilika capturing feinds and i had yuna, lulu and wakka and yuna said " yea, thiers alot of feinds here YA! (in wakkas voice)" and lulus like (-_-") "please don't like that"

Off Topic (a lil bit): were all forgetting about yuna and tidus' laugh at Luca!! wasn't that a little bit weird??? ahahahahahahahah >_<
Star_Player said:
Off Topic (a lil bit): were all forgetting about yuna and tidus' laugh at Luca!! wasn't that a little bit weird??? ahahahahahahahah
Don't get started on the Laugh scene...that is an entirely different topic that's been mentioned more than once here.

Focus the topic on Wakka's accent.
I thought Wakka's accent and voice was pretty good, but maybe I'm biased with the voice actor being Bender in Futurama and all ^^ - for that alone, he can't do much wrong for me. But I did think the accent was perfectly fine regardless.
wakka had a hell cool accent... ya know it just at the end of every sentence he said ya know... ya know