WHY?! Is Wakka The ONLY one in All of SPIRA!!...

Wakka's voice - annoying? I don't know what you're talking about, ya. (o_O);

No, but seriously, I don't think it's all that bad. It just takes a little getting used to.
Hahah, nice one on the Rikku to Riku.

Like others, his voice is just... fitting ya know? (Is it me or is saying ya know at the end of a sentace very infectious?!) It just fit him, and everything else in the game to. But the whole the guy that does Bender's voice and then Wakka's and Khimari's... I played the game one more time just to hear them speak then watch Futurama... Scary to say the least.

Besides. If anything, could you imagine the roles reversed? Auron with Wakka's accent and Wakka with aurons tone? I prefer the normal way man... though it's a scary thought...

Yeah, that would be scary.

Want to know real terror though?

Watch this:

Yuna gets Kimhari's tone and terseness (Is that the word I want?)
Kimhari gets Yuna's attitude.
Auron gets Wakka's attitude and speech habits.
Lulu gets Yuna's attitude.
And Tidus...........He and Seymour switch bodies. *evil grin*

Now that combo would be freaky.
Wakka's voice - annoying? I don't know what you're talking about, ya. (o_O);

No, but seriously, I don't think it's all that bad. It just takes a little getting used to.

I find this comment reasonable enough to concur with. Come to think of it, his accent never bothered me at all really. It's an aid to his dense persona. Works pretty well, too.

As for the original question, it's just the accent of Besaid. Well, for the most part. There's always the black sheep who don't have it.
I always thought it was kind of stupid.
Why the hell does he sound jamaican anyway?NVM, everyone else in that shitty island says "ya" too.
It's an aid to his dense persona. Works pretty well, too.
I agree. What's ironic though is that out of all the characters, I think he's one of the more down-to-earth & reasonable characters. :P