why so rare?

My brother found it at EB-games and thena few years later gave it to me it was pretty hard to find.
its hard to find now cuz its 6 yrz olDDDD

if u want it u gotta download it from the InterNet...

i heard there's ff9 for PC???????????????????????
Sephiroth of darkness - there is a webby: http://www.game.co.uk/

But no - it doesn't have FFIX :/ eBay is everyone's best bet. I got mine factory sealed for £18.99. Amazon also have it but they charge huge amounts...

I think the reason people don't like it is because of ff7 and 8. Thin about it: FF9 has hundreds of references to ffs1-6, and is at a similar period of time. FF7 and ,particularly, ff8 are set in a sci-fi era. And as for ffx, it was a little lowest common denominator. But i think the biggest turn off was Kuja's rusty thong.

Exactly right - it all depends on which game you play first. Because I played IX first - I hated VIII because it was so different. In fact, I'll never play another FF unless it has a medieval theme...
why is this game so hard to find?

I just bought a copy of FF IX online about a week ago for about $15. As a matter of fact, it was from a site I discovered in an ad right here on the forums! lol

You can also find a brand new copy of it on Amazon.com for like $14.90.
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I didn't actually think of it as rare o_O I mean there's TONS in Gamestation ( Well VII, VIII and IX). But it seems that everybody I talk to have really played IX as there first FF game ... Maybe that might have something to do with it.

And well... If people didn't liek it, wouldn't you think that they would hand back the game into stores:P
Boy, I'm lucky to have a friend who'll let me borrow their copy of it! But the copy i bought a while back (that was destroyed!) i found at a local store for $20.
Apparently this game isn't popularly demanded.
I recently went to purchase some new FF games since mine are old and scratached, but no matter where I go, no one sells FFIX...only VII and VIII.
Well around here where I live there is a game store called EB Games and they sell alot of the old Final Fantasys but when I can't find it there then I turn to the local pawn shops. They always have games that you can't find there.
Yeah, we have a lot of second hand game stores here in Cali, but they just recently quit selling PS1 games.
The only place to get them is at a special store about an hour or so away here...but that store only sells the games brand new and factory sealed. ^_^
I'd go on ebay, if I were you. That's where I found FFVII and FFVIII. Um, expect to spend around 30-70 bucks. Depends if you want a used or new game.
I gave away a Kobe Bryant basketball card to get my copy of the game. Greatest swap I've ever made since I've fallen in love with FFIX. eBay is always an option if you're desperate.
I didn't find it hard to get it at all,
Got mine from GameStation 2 weeks ago for £8.00
Your best bet is Ebay or Play.com.
Try any computer game shops in your area. Really it depends where you live.
its really weird - ive heard of loads of people complaining that FFVII VIII and IX are so hard to find yet my Gamestation store always has at LEAST 3 copys of each in ^_^

Because we pwn like that XD

seriously though like sapphire star said it probably depends on where you live...and Ebay is a brilliant thing as well.
LOL I found it on Amazon for a decent price. Though, it seems the prices have been going up lately for 8 & 9. I also saw 7, 8 & 9 at a local pawn shop yesterday for quite a bit. I think 9 was $30. Pretty crazy huh? I'm actually surprised these aren't going for more online :hmmm: