FFX-2 why you didn't play FFX-2??

yes..i don't play it..
dunno why..but...i think somethings is missconnected here...
i don't like the way YUNA here...
really dunno what is the connection between s aummoner who have a JOB to destroy SIN wih an GUNNER..
and the MOST confusion things is...
SHe is a SINGER?
really wierd..
summoner..and then..being a SINGER with a SEXY OUTFITs..?
i think thats why i don't want to play it...
i like YUNA at FFX..not FFX-2...
she is really pretty at FFX...

some of my friend also said that thing...hahaha...
some of them also add this comment...
"yeahh....maybe she desperated because of Tidus..so she became like that..
(well...i just try to give my opinion..for all YUNA's fans...i don't have any purpose..because i love YUNA too^w^)
I've never played FFX-2, and I'll never have to, because I'm watching it as a movie, which is a compilation of all the cutscenes from the game. The story is all that interests me.
I would say it was because it was mostly because I just really couldnt get into the whole girl power thing. From what I heard it does explain alot but I just couldnt get into it that much.
I just haven't got round to playing it yet. Maybe I'll start it when I finish up FFII. But I haven't heard too many good things about it so I'm not sure if I will enjoy it or not.
"What can I do for you?"

Seriously, I bought this game on release day, like a good FF fan, got it home, set it spinning and I was confronted with this. I also got through the first scenario or two (maybe an hour or so of gameplay) before I thought "screw this".

I think this was mostly down to my addicition to Morrowind at the time though, if I hadn't been playing that hardcore, I probably would have given FFX-2 a fairer chance. I actually quite like the job system on it actually, but I still haven't played the game to anywhere near the degree I have played any of the other FF games (not including FFII).
I just haven't got round to playing it yet. Maybe I'll start it when I finish up FFII. But I haven't heard too many good things about it so I'm not sure if I will enjoy it or not.

don't let other things affect you. Who knows, you might enjoy the game when you play it. giving it a try is not bad. :)
for me as a personal opinion, nothing's wrong with the game.
the game rocks. :)
FFX-2 Is A Great Game!!!

It's Prety Hard Too If Your Tryna Gain 100% Completion And Master All Your CLasses.

Mod edit~

Keep on topic please, the title is why you DIDN'T play X-2 ~
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yes..i don't play it..
dunno why..but...i think somethings is missconnected here...
i don't like the way YUNA here...
really dunno what is the connection between s aummoner who have a JOB to destroy SIN wih an GUNNER..
and the MOST confusion things is...
SHe is a SINGER?
really wierd..
summoner..and then..being a SINGER with a SEXY OUTFITs..?
i think thats why i don't want to play it...
i like YUNA at FFX..not FFX-2...
she is really pretty at FFX...

some of my friend also said that thing...hahaha...
some of them also add this comment...
"yeahh....maybe she desperated because of Tidus..so she became like that..
(well...i just try to give my opinion..for all YUNA's fans...i don't have any purpose..because i love YUNA too^w^)

The reason yuna is a gunner is because she
Killed all the aeons in ffx and there is no more left
so she had to go to somthing else.
And the reason she is a singer is virtually because she gets Lennes dress sphere.
The reason yuna is a gunner is because she
Killed all the aeons in ffx and there is no more left
so she had to go to somthing else.
And the reason she is a singer is virtually because she gets Lennes dress sphere.
Keep on topic please, its asking people why they didnt playX-2, thanks
well, i had heard tons of times that its a horrible game......ive seen a few clips of it and thought that chicks and guns cant be all that bad....but the one hour i spent playing it...didnt like anything....
the whole thing looked like.....it was made just to get some more cash...
adding jumping.....reminded me GTA San Andreas.....only that rockstar games knows how to use the same engine and make it look like a next gen game.
anyway....expected alot more
maybe i should try playing it again....

also agree that yuna looked better in ffx and she is somewhere in the top 10 in my ''girls with most beautiful eyes'' list^^
three cheers... Yuna, Rikku, and Paine

I quit playing once I failed to do some tasks. If you are going for every thing in the game, you have to play it multiple times. I failed and thats why I didn't play FF10-2 all this year.