Will i get in trouble if i name a thread Areis Dies?


Chocobo Breeder
Jul 19, 2009
okay, so yes the wow moment of the game
oo shocks!
they killed a main character
annd a love interest
and really i liked her better than tifa
even though i suspect she was a prostitute
i mean she sold flowers in the slums
and there's something up with all of those loveless billboards
plus the other large amount of weird sexual stuff in ff7
but i think that makes her kinda beautiful in a way
and still all of this is irrelevant.

so she's the last of the ancients, cloud's main squeeze, (depending on who you were nice to earlier in the game) and a playable care

and even though i did tear up a bit when i first played i realized, y'know it doesnt really mattter if she dies.

i mean they never say what the relevance of her being the last of the ancients is to defeating the bad guys, or why the bad guys want them, something about weapons and materia im sure, still evil seems to go on and you too defeating it either way.

and well tifa, childhood sweetheart, so there goes that hole in our love deprived hearts

and really aerith as a playable character is almost, if not completely worthless.

i mean she's like the stereotypical white mage right.
but hey, everyone can use materia!
so wait, cloud, barret, red XIII, yuffie, and vincent can use cure AND do damage well, like hell im gonna use aeries
she does what like 110 by the time she goes, yeah, that was okay when i was still killing the rats in the cellar, but i've moved on babe.
Er. I agree, that does make Aerith more beautiful, that's actually why she's in the slums. She makes it more beautiful, grows flowers in the wrecked church, stuff like that.

You probably would get in trouble. You realise it's Aeris, right? Aeris/Aerith.

She's not worthless >.> I've never played the game and I know how helpful she is. It does matter if she dies, she was about to
cast Holy and save the damn world.

What's this thread really about, anyway? xDD
well you may do, but if so you will anyways, as you have blatently put it in this thread name anyway, and you done the whole thread without spoilers so its viewable. so you might aswell have. and yes the rest can use cure but she can use better healing spells. she is not worthless
Considering the fact you did spell her name wrong on the title, you may be spared...
I agree she wasn't that useful as a playable character, but I still found her healing Limit Break quite useful. I quite liked her and I think
her death is a great twist to the game's plot. It is sad I knew it was gonna happen before even playing the game...
I was 14 when I seen it and I was slightly annoyed or two reasons: I actually used her in my party throughout the entire game up until that point. And I knew a character was going to die but I didnt know who, and assumed they wouldnt have the balls to kill her off.

Believe me, get her other limit breaks and shes not useless ;) my first time playing i was severly underleveled up to nibleheim and the only way i could unlock Vincent was with her limit breaks after levelling up. Throw her an enemy skill and let her limit breaks roll in while leveling in the mountains.
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Well, Aeris/Aerith was a sweet girl, and she had a lot of fans, so yeah, maybe you will get in trouble depending on where the conversation in the thread leads to.

Also, I'll admit that she really isn't the most powerful member on the team. Physically, she was probably the weakest, but as you said, her limit breaks were very helpful. Hell, they were my lifesavers (especially Great Gospel). Another thing about Aeris is that I found her useful as a magic caster. I just kept her in the back row.
and there's something up with all of those loveless billboards
It's the name of a theatrical performance in Midgar, and it's also a reference to the album "Loveless" by the shoegazing band My Bloody Valentine. If you look at the background images on FFVII using a program that views them, you'll see "MY BLOODY VALENTINE" written sideways on one of the larger Loveless posters.

Anyway, I usually never bothered playing with Aeris unless I had to. Because I knew she was going to die so I'd rather just level up Tifa or Barret or somebody (but still keep Aeris strong enough to be able to last in the Temple of the Ancients).
really, man i should've caught the my bloody valentine reference, i love that album.
and i do think it was great in regards to the story and all
i was just thinking about it i guess, and i thought wow, they killed off a character, what if you actually used her.
but as i got to thinking i realized how pointless healers would be in 7, because regardless of how much more she can heal because everybody else can heal Enough for that point in the game.
i didnt know she was going to die the first time i played and so it was a shock to me.
sorry about my spelling
and sorry for the altogether lack of direction in my entire thought process for the beinging of this, i have a bad habit of just rambling on the internet