Will the story bomb?

As it isn't the main game they could make it into a shooter or action game like FFVII: DoC. I don't know why but I think FFVXIII looks a lot more cool than the main game, maybe because of the main character?

So far versus does look more intersting than XIII and I think its because nomura is directing. The versus trailer is also more intriguing than XIII.
As for your criticism on FF7 AC it was made that way i think so as to keep the people who didn't play the game into it while at trying to keep the hardcore players interested at the same time. If you cater only to the hardcore audience and basically add on to the story to make it great then you lose $$$$ because the regular viewers will have no idea wtf they're talking about when they mention Holy and how they retrieved cloud's memories etc.

As for FF13, i sincerely doubt it will bomb. Every debut FF theyve come out with on a new console has been an instant classic and has received nothing but praise from just about every critic out there. After viewing just about every ff13 video i can find i think when he says action he means the battle system. Most likely it will be turnbased with more pizzazz or something but to be honest Nomura has never failed me yet. The closest i've ever been to disatisfied with him was on FF12 when he made the main character Vaan the most annoying FF character ever created.