Wired: Final Fantasy XIII is More Movie than Game

I was just talking about people in general! :gasp:

As for the map, I can dig that. Linearity doesn't bother me, neither does no towns or shopping at save points. :monster:
Well have reading the first post, I will not be getting this game. I already knew I wasn't going to like this game (battle setup made me think it) but we can't pick who we want to play? We get split up so many times? And by the sound of "running" makes me think the maps are smashed together.

I can't believe they spent 4 years on this.

Hopefully Versus is a lot better *sigh* they should just go back to the old FF style instead of forcing this shite on us >.<
I can't believe they spent 4 years on this.

Well, you know how SE are such perfectionists when it comes to the cutscenes. FMVs in general, take ridiculous lengths of time to produce. I wager that most of the time was spent on FMVs- which saddens me slightly because of the style-over-substance road SE has seemingly adopted.

Hopefully Versus is a lot better *sigh* they should just go back to the old FF style instead of forcing this shite on us >.<
From what Nomura has hinted- Versus may actually have a world map (Hallelujah!), but I wouldn't get too excited yet. After Crisis Core, the developer can still make anything overly linear (not that linearity is that of a bad thing).

And relax- we don't know if the game is shit or not as it can turn out better than we envisage- we'll have to wait and see :)

I'd love to see a traditional FF style as well, but with the current gaming climate, SE knows it can't stick to tradition. Many western gamers are already dismissing JRPGs because they don't evolve like WRPGs have (e.g. Mass Effect and Fallout 3).
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I don't really read any reviews for games.

I find it rather pointless to read someone elses opinion on a game, when their tastes could be much different to that of your own.

Regardless I will be getting this game, because for me I'm not that fussed.

I'm easy when it comes to games and don't mind if a few things aren't perfect about it.

It will still be awesome no doubt. =)
I don't really read any reviews for games.

I find it rather pointless to read someone elses opinion on a game, when their tastes could be much different to that of your own.

Regardless I will be getting this game, because for me I'm not that fussed.

I'm easy when it comes to games and don't mind if a few things aren't perfect about it.

It will still be awesome no doubt. =)

I'm actually much the same. I don't mind the linearity of the games at all. In fact, it makes things easier in the beginning because when you're free to roam wherever you please, then you know where everything is and you know where to go and where not to go, etc... That's just my opinion. But to be honest, I don't quite understand people. You always hear complaints that games aren't difficult enough or there's not enough FMVs, etc... So, SE tries to fullfill those wishes by adding more cutscenes and movies and yet we get people complaining...I think people just like to bitch for the sake of bitching. No matter what, people are never satisfied. It's ridiculous.
This sounds lazy..

It sounds like SE weren't even trying much, and they focused too much on the Eye Candy and trying to make it seem like *Final Fantasy VII * so it would sell massively. All they think about is money these days, and it is becoming ridiculous...

It sounds like they have forgotten that storyline beats graphics, anyday. That's why Final Fantasy VI is becoming a huge working format for Final Fantasy fans because it has everything Final Fantasy can possibly give you. A amazing storyline, towns/ cities to explore, random NPC to speak too, and the feeling of working as a team when facing a powerful enemy or a boss...

And Final Fantasy 13 has taken that format away ? Sorry but don't think that it's bitching or complaining, because judging by the review. It sounds like quite alot of what is considered to be *magical * out of Final Fantasy 13 has now been taken away, to serve Graphic space..

Though will at least still hire out the game. Because it might just sound slightly disappointing..
Is pretty positive that there will be something really good about the game, and is positive is wrong and that SE have worked just as hard on the storyline and character development just as much as the graphic *prettiness * though judging by the review. Final Fantasy 13 sounds like a person with beautiful and stunning almost prefect looks, but a bitter and almost empty persona.


This sounds lazy..

Oh yes, whatever were we thinking. It's SO LAZY considering it took them what 4-5 years to make the bloody thing? Oh yes, so incredibly lazy...:ffs:

It sounds like SE weren't even trying much, and they focused too much on the Eye Candy and trying to make it seem like *Final Fantasy VII * so it would sell massively. All they think about is money these days, and it is becoming ridiculous...
This game is nothing like or has nothing to do with Final Fantasy VII. Amusing how you'd throw that assumption in. Amazing how all you FFVII fans have to compare nearly everything that comes out to that bloody game. That's ridiculous tbh. Not to mention, SE doesn't give a shit what fans want. What they care about is money. It's always been money and always will be money. It has never NOT been about money.

It sounds like they have forgotten that storyline beats graphics, anyday. That's why Final Fantasy VI is becoming a huge working format for Final Fantasy fans because it has everything Final Fantasy can possibly give you. A amazing storyline, towns/ cities to explore, random NPC to speak too, and the feeling of working as a team when facing a powerful enemy or a boss
I'm sorry but how exactly do you know this? You've not played FFXIII yet. People are complaining it's more movie than game. Well typically it's the cut scenes and FMVs that really make the story! :awesome: You're contradicting yourself now.

And Final Fantasy 13 has taken that format away ? Sorry but don't think that it's bitching or complaining, because judging by the review. It sounds like quite alot of what is considered to be *magical * out of Final Fantasy 13 has now been taken away, to serve Graphic space..
Graphics are going to be nice obviously since this is the newest generation console and they wanted to broaden and expand their horizons and try something new. I can't help but laugh over you people who judge the game based on a few reviews made by trolls. Another thing I don't understand is why other game companies can make games with updated graphics but SE makes a new FF game with graphics and you FFVII fans totally flip out. It makes no sense to me...:nope:

Though will at least still hire out the game. Because it might just sound slightly disappointing..
Is pretty positive that there will be something really good about the game, and is positive is wrong and that SE have worked just as hard on the storyline and character development just as much as the graphic *prettiness * though judging by the review. Final Fantasy 13 sounds like a person with beautiful and stunning almost prefect looks, but a bitter and almost empty persona.

And yet you just complained all over the place above, but now you're convinced that it'll be a great game with great character development, etc...You make no sense here. You really don't. You really don't know what FFXIII is until you yourself play it. There have been both good and bad reviews. It's funny how people tend to focus only on the bad reviews and not the good ones. I wonder why that is? Just for the sake of having something to bitch about perhaps? Who knows.
This sounds lazy..

While not necessarily lazy, they just chose to go into a different direction... again... with the franchise. Not everyone is going to like it (I.E me) but ultimately is is to bring in a new fan base and appeal to new gamers. (Doesn't change the fact that I don't like it though. -__-)

It sounds like SE weren't even trying much, and they focused too much on the Eye Candy and trying to make it seem like *Final Fantasy VII * so it would sell massively. All they think about is money these days, and it is becoming ridiculous...

Why must it ALWAYS be FFVII with you people? FFVII was nothing like this to be quite frank with you. FFVII is old, and gameplay wise, the two are nothing alike. Seriously, broaden your horizons. FFVII wasn't all that great. It's a good game, but over rated as hell.

A amazing storyline, towns/ cities to explore, random NPC to speak too, and the feeling of working as a team when facing a powerful enemy or a boss

I'm pretty sure the story will be quite alright. However, they've changed the gameplay far too much for my liking this time. I'm not even going to try to play the game.

I'm sorry but how exactly do you know this? You've not played FFXIII yet.

She could have done what I did and look up 50 live streams of the game and read 50 reviews that all told me the same thing: That I didn't want to touch this game. :(

And yes, I'm disagreeing with you... AGAIN! :rage:

FFVII fans totally flip out.

Most FFVII fanboys/girls are rabid. If the game doesn't look like FFVII it's a bad game. :rage: /sarcasm

It's funny how people tend to focus only on the bad reviews and not the good ones.

I've read both. :) Even so, while reading the good reviews that went into great detail about the good points, I found myself not liking the sound of the good points. Typically because the good points are what the bad reviews were calling bad points. The bad reviews said it was too linear, and the good reviews said that it was only linear until chapter 11, but then went on to confirm that it's still somewhat linear (which I've seen from live streams) and that most of the other criticisms were true, but they didn't mind.

but they didn't mind.

I could go on a HUGE EPIC RANT right there, but I won't because I'm in a great mood and I love you guys. :D

...For now.

Bottom line here folks: Play it if you want, don't play it if you don't want. I far to busy running Tsukianei Inc. to give a poop. :mokken:
Oh my God, this could be worse then 12. Ill still grab a copy of the game, defo. But now after reading this, Im kinda 50/50 with it. Why are Square changing everything all the damn time. I mean yeah everything changes for the times, but 12 sucked major arsecrack. In my opinion ...

Oh yes, whatever were we thinking. It's SO LAZY considering it took them what 4-5 years to make the bloody thing? Oh yes, so incredibly lazy...:ffs:

Dude. It sounds like SE didn't even try on the character development or storyline and just spent the four/ three years on battle development and graphical power and FMVs.
Amazing how you FFVII have to compare nearly everything that comes out to that bloody game. That's ridiculous tbh..

What Sorry ? " You FFVII" ? Lol. Haha ! I dislike FF VII ! And only care about Cloud and Tifa. Oh wow, liking two characters automatically makes me a hardout shallow FFVII fangirl huh ?
Haha, Haha !
:fail: If anything, SE did try and make this like FFVII otherwise they wouldn't of bothered trying to making Lighting a female version of Cloud Strife. xD

BTW- I'm a FFVI & FFIV tard. Please get you facts right, before you assume that somebody is something, when they are actually quite the opposite...

I'm sorry but how exactly do you know this? You've not played FFXIII yet. People are complaining it's more movie than game. Well typically it's the cut scenes and FMVs that really make the story!

It says it in the main review on the first page that towns/ cities have been removed. Battles begin at full HP and strength and there is no point in phoenix downs anymore. Seriously ? How do you know ? Could of easily got a Japanese version from Japan like some other people.
And that's not true sorry. Otherwise FFVI- FF I would be completely failed games, and FF I is raved to be great among fans, the same goes with FFVI and FFIV. FFVI is even to be considered to be one of the best by loyal FF Fans and it doesn't have a single FMV in slight...
I can't help but laugh over you people who judge the game based on a few reviews made by trolls.

Annd.. I cannot help but laugh at people like you, who think that somebody who believes that SE was trying to make FF13 like FFVII a automatic FFVII- Tard and souly believes that FF I-FFVI were *failed* games, because they didn't have a single FMV to *push* the *storyline* along. Lol, Seriously Lol ! xD

Another thing I don't understand is why other game companies can make games with updated graphics but SE makes a new FF game with graphics and you FFVII fans totally flip out. It makes no sense to me...:nope:

So everysingle FFVII fan likes Final Fantasy VII because it has crappy graphics ? xD [* Raises eyebrow *]

And yet you just complained all over the place above, but now you're convinced that it'll be a great game with great character development, etc...You make no sense here. You really don't. You really don't know what FFXIII is until you yourself play it. There have been both good and bad reviews. It's funny how people tend to focus only on the bad reviews and not the good ones. I wonder why that is? Just for the sake of having something to bitch about perhaps? Who knows.

It's giving something a go, no matter how terrible it sounds and giving it the game a chance by your own eyes. Lol, this wasn't something to bitch about but it's a online FF Forum and is free to express a personal opinion and thoughts dislike/ likes. It's called expressing a opinion. xD

Tsukianei said:
Why must it ALWAYS be FFVII with you people? FFVII was nothing like this to be quite frank with you. FFVII is old, and gameplay wise, the two are nothing alike. Seriously, broaden your horizons. FFVII wasn't all that great. It's a good game, but over rated as hell.

Omgosh. I'm not a hardcore FFVII * Fangirl * >_> What meant to say that was believe that SE was trying to make this the next FFVII. In otherwords. Cool. Famous. Going down in SE as a massive success. And enjoyed by Final Fantasy Fans..

Tsukianei said:
She could have done what I did and look up 50 live streams of the game and read 50 reviews that all told me the same thing: That I didn't want to touch this game.

Have read some FF13 reviews online, and yeah. They don't sound neat, but have read one one on a site early this morning and it can has actually bringing out some hope into the game and thanks to the review the new battle system sounds amazing, and a really great improvement on FF12's battle system..
FF13 sounds terrible at the moment, but don't think is going to give up hope on it too soon....
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Omgosh. I'm not a hardcore FFVII * Fangirl * >_> What meant to say that was believe that SE was trying to make this the next FFVII. In otherwords. Cool. Famous. Going down in SE as a massive success. And enjoyed by Final Fantasy Fans..

Ah, my bad then. I've had my FFVII fanboy/girl guard up lately. XD Sorry about that. :D
I am going to step in here before this goes out of hand. Guys, remember...an opinion is an opinion, however positive or negative it may be towards a game. There is no need to prove your point to another if it's only going to turn into one big ugly argument. Please cease now and leave it be to further avoid unnecessary complications. Thank you.
more movie than game? hey it's just like xenosaga! ah, sweet memories. a must buy for me then <3

really, people are so uptight these days. rather than compare this game to other/previous games/titles why not just play it and then judge it for what it is? rent it if you must.
I've played the Demo of FF13 and I've watched other people stream the game on various websites. Cutscenes aren't nessecarily a bad thing, but too many cutscenes and long cutscenes can get a bit annoying. Take for instance, I'm a huge fan of Metal Gear Solid, but MGS4 I think was a bit over the top. I can handle cutscenes. For me, It's not the Movie Aspect of the game that's going to ruin it for me, I just think the battle system is going to be terrible. I love the Turn Based Battle system the best.

Like FF7, 8, 9, 10...that's what the battle system should be like. FF should stay true to their origins. But in 12, (which was not at all a bad game) the battle system is what really ruined it for me. Like I said, I have played the demo of FF13 and honestly, I liked it alot, but I was somewhat dissapointed, and it seems too much like the battle system of 12, a bit different, but just doesn't have the same feeling that an older FF game would have to it.

All in all, I suppose I'll just have to wait for the actual release of the game to actually have an oppinion on it. But so far, I'm anticipating this game less and less.
Ah, my bad then. I've had my FFVII fanboy/girl guard up lately. XD Sorry about that. :D

Some FFVII addicts can be very annoying, but they are not all annoying. :] Have a best friend who is really addicted to FFVII but she also enjoys playing the Persona series, think Fire Emblem, and the Tales series like Tales of the Abyss. Seriously FF Fans who favor FFVII the most need to stop being judged and put into a stereotype box and don't let one bad egg spoil the whole bunch..

Used to favor FFVII the most when was 10- 17. But have stopped playing because is unsure about Jenova. And being a christian, is really unsure what SE is meant to be secretly saying here..

<- Back on topic with FFI3- >

Is kind of annoyed about it being more graphical movie than game, but don't think a review should let the hope down for this game. Have been reading other FF13 reviews online and really the battle system to FF13 sounds great and really addictive. FF13 might have improvements from the actual original roots, and may be a improvement from classics like FF6 and FF7. The change and everything might sound bad at the moment. But who knows, maybe it will turn out great and all for the better..
Final Fantasy is fictional and thereby shouldn't affect you as a Christian, assuming that you don't believe it as real. If any of the Final Fantasies are against Christianity (or religion in general), X would be the likely candidate. In X, they fight and defeat the god that everyone worships, thereby freeing man from sin. This is all fictional, of course, but it could be a representation of the creator's feelings about religion. Though, the fayth and the farplane suggest a greater diety than Yevon, but that's, again, all fictional and shouldn't have any affect on your beliefs. Sorry, just clearing that up.

Back on topic, I'll just sum up what I said in the other thread. Final Fantasy XIII appears to have taken a vastly different approach than VI or VII did. It seems to focus on presentation over narrative and gameplay. I don't know this to be sure and will need to play the game before I can make an accurate assessment, but I'm just going off of what other people have said about the game so far. Apparently, Square has almost completely eliminated the gameplay and made it a movie. I'm not really against this, per se, but it's moving in a vastly different direction than what made the series popular in the first place (VI and VII). I'll just need to play the game before I can give an honest assessment.
Final Fantasy is fictional and thereby shouldn't affect you as a Christian, assuming that you don't believe it as real. If any of the Final Fantasies are against Christianity (or religion in general), X would be the likely candidate. In X, they fight and defeat the god that everyone worships, thereby freeing man from sin. This is all fictional, of course, but it could be a representation of the creator's feelings about religion. Though, the fayth and the farplane suggest a greater diety than Yevon, but that's, again, all fictional and shouldn't have any affect on your beliefs. Sorry, just clearing that up.

I wouldn't say that X was against Christianity at all. Maybe against religion in general, but not specifically Christianity. Of course, some of the Gods from...?Buddhism? was on your side, such as Shiva...

Anyway, I'm definitely buying FF13, because it looks better than 12. That wouldn't take much imo, but if it's an improvement, then I think it's worth a buy.