Dirge of Cerberus Wolf pack chaos!....

Dispatch of his Cronies with Melee Attacks since they all attack at once then just keep your distance and use a Rifle to shoot the Leader, if he jumps down either switch your gun to Handgun and shoot or use Melee Attacks.

I think Melee Attacks are really under-estimated in this game, they're really useful if you're surrounded or if you encounter a Monster you can't shoot easily e.g Those little Robot Crab things :dry:
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ok, listen to me!! i completed the game in just over 4 hours and got everything inculding the golden doll (does that actually have a purpose??) and i find that the best thing to do is have a medium cerberus, long rifle and no short barrel coz its a waste of time, jsut rely on the cerberus and hydra, theyre more than enough but with the L hydra you need to get the auto reloader
ok well ill try to clear your head about the guns. there are three basic types of guns:

shortbarrel/machine frame:

best for short range attacks. works best if the enemies are crowded closely together .eg at a doorway, or if you are in a cramped spaced and a bit cornered

medium barrel/hand frame (the good old cerbreus):

my personally fav. i find it works for most situations but is best suited for medium range attacks. i tend to use it over malee attacks by walking/running backwards while firing, but that took a while to get to work for me, takes a bit of practice. i use it all the time apart from snipers and super far enemies and of course hitting those cut-scene targets are easier to shot using the sniper gun

shot frame/ long barrel:
for sinpers long distance shots and sneak attacks on the enemies head using the sniper scope

there is a fourth gun type but ill let you discover that for yourself

with the accessories, scope and option slots, most of them are pretty self-explainatory eg. sniper scope, fire materia. but like most things experimenting is the best way to find out.

i hope that has helped, i know how overwhelming it can be (DC was my first shooter game, it took me 2 run throughs of the game till i got the hang of it)

for the snipers in Edge ( i assume thats where you mean)

stand really still and just look around sloowly. check the top edges of the walkways and roof all along. they souldnt be hard to see as they move on the spot. use the sniper scope to aim and shot them (hit down on L3, the right analog stick, to get into sniper mode). If one of them trys to take you out try to find where the shot came from, at least look in the direction that it orginiated, the chances are the guy will try to hit you again. then using the target on the centre of the screen, aim fire back.

VERY IMPORTANT: something that i tend to forget. WATCH YOUR HP where snipers are around, one hit from a sniper can take a relatively huge portion of you so be prepared to use a fair number of positions as you go.

well i hope this has helped. good luck!