Woman still breastfeeds her 8 year old

This'll result in a very awkward mother-child relationship when the kid hits his teens and beyond...

The kid will probably grow up a typical "mama's boy" and be scared to go out of his house with people without her. I see no reason for doing it that long unless this mom has some sort of oral fixation as Vikki would put it.

This thread has compelled me to search the case... I think this maybe the same one the thread is about. Guuuuuh, so so creepy I say.


Given the nature of the topic, I don't think I should have to warn anyone about the video's contents. Of course, I think there still might be few who maybe offended, or whatever.

Yah it is the same one lol.

This doesnt make any sense. How can the mother be still producing milk for 8 years after birth? This story seems a bit far fetched. Something for the Riply's Believe it or Not.

Under normal circumstances, the breasts will continue to make milk indefinitely as long as milk removal continues.

For the most part, milk production is a "use it or lose it" process.
The more often and effectively your baby nurses, the more milk you will make.


Have a read if you must. It is normal for women to continue to produce breastmilk if their child is still breastfeeding regularly.