Working this weekend?

Big Casino

Money for Nothing
Mar 4, 2007
Ive gotta work 2moro, its not that im being forced too, i just really need the money. I hate working weekends, it feels like you cant enjoy your friday night when your up early the next day. il be up at 6am, start at 7.00 finish at 12.00 which isnt so bad and its double time all the way. Still i wanna lie in on saturdays.

Any1 else got it worse?
My girlfriend works all day every day of the week and saturdays. I rarely get to see her and I am at university miles away from her so when I AM down, I don't get to see her either. When my girlfriend isn't working, she's on call so has to be nearby to work, if she isn't on call she's spending time with her dog or doing all the housework at her parents' place. Overall in a week, whether I'm down or at uni, chances of getting to spend half a day with her is slim!! and then when holidays kick in for me , i work nights and she works during the day - we are both working for money for our future but nonetheless, a relationship still needs to be fun, even now... :sad:
I work every weekend (nights) and haven't had one off since I started over a year ago. Well I've had the odd night off but not the whole lot. and this weekend is extra hours aswell but fuck it, extra moneys in the bank. What tends to get my goat from time to time is my job involves me having to be about people who DO have the weekends off and are having a darn good time, and I get the odd text saying how much I should've taken that night off....especially if it's from certain lasses.
They are cunts though. Half the reason we need Marshals near the Taxi Ranks is because of the driver's. and they cause shit load of accident's with their reckless driving n'shit. and they are rude when we ask them to co-operate....god I hate them so.
Some of them are weirdos, and try to be your best friend and everything. They probably get made to watch Taxi Driver when they get the job or something.
ive never had one who tries to be my friend...ever, i just get the story ' iv been busy today '
Obviously not all Taxi driver's on the hole as it is a great service, just the ones in Bristol and similar busy city's I've got beef with.