Worst Characters

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i dont likle brother his voice does ny heading its too annoiying i couldnt put up with tht. i had to get through the part with him in very fast
Am I the only one who actually likes Tidus? I thought he was a pretty good for an FF hero. Why do people say he whines? The only part I remember that could be considered whining was when he was in the Al-Bhed ship and he was complaining that he was hungry. Tidus isn't an emo, which automatically makes him likable. He also has a big heart, but he still can be cocky sometimes, which makes him more believable as a character. I liked the way he developed throughout the game.
I actually like all the characters in FFX, but if had to pick aome of them as the worst, it would be the following:
Wakka- Don't get me wrong, I actually liked him, but he could be a little bit obnoxious sometimes.
Shelinda- She's a nice character, but her voice actor sucked
Donna and Barthello- It's not that I hated them, but they just didn't do it for me.
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