Worst Cid ?

Ashe B'nargin

Sweet Gambler..
Jan 18, 2009
The Local Coffee bar
Just started playing this game a week ago and just got up to meeting Cid yesterday. Loving the game to death, but reckon that Final Fantasy V has the worst Cid in the series. He's just so damn pessimistic and negative for really no big reason..

Also hated how they introduced him in Prison. Hiding in the shadows, was screaming out loud " Who the HECK is that guy " ?? It was just really annoying espically when you think that there maybe no way of a chance of escaping from Prison and you might be game stuck..

If have to listen to Cid say " It's all my fault that the crystals are dieing, It's all because of me..." One more time..

But what did you think about V's Cid ? Did you like him or hate him ??
Or just think that he was alright/ somewhere down the middle ?

I liked FFV's Cid, he gets better as the story goes along, especially when they
introduce Mid

I don't think he's the worst Cid in the series either. He had a personality and actually played a part in the storyline, for me, FFII had the worst Cid.
Not really the worst, Cid Previa (Huh? Am I starting to call full names now?) can be annoying at times, like the other have said, too pessimistic and hard to motivate (and pretty boring too), but overall he's just somewhere in the middle.
On another note, I really dislike FF6's Cid, he looks like he's wearing a banana costume. Now THAT'S the worst Cid ever.
ff iii and vi,the remake on the ds for iii made him look like a garden gnome,and all nice,where in vii,he was a badass,and vi had him look like a banana(suit wise)
I wasn't a fan of V's Cid but I definitely don't think he's the worst of the worst. VI's Cid was pretty blah. I guess if it comes down to it I would say VI's Cid was the worst followed by V's.

I still like VII's Cid and XII's Cid's (I consider Al-Cid another Cid) the best.
Ofcourse after you first meet him he is a bit of a buzz kill haha. But that is fairly understandable after the realization that he ultimatley caused the doom of the world. He gets better though as the game goes along and realizes he might be able to fix things by helping the main characters out. I actually like him quite a bit in FFV.
I didn't care for 9's Cid, he gave me the creeps. I also didn't like 7's Cid, he was too much of a cowboy wannabe. I loved his theme though.
i think FF7 cid was the best, lol

But FF10 cid had to be the worst... I mean he just yelled allot.
I didn't think he was that bad...Mid on the other hand bugged the hell outta me. I guess I will agree that 10's Cid was the absolute worst.
Definitely FINAL FANTASY VIII's Cid. That one was just.... I can't explain it. He was to wacko for my taste. He didn't even fit the Cid person IMO.
Definitely FINAL FANTASY VIII's Cid. That one was just.... I can't explain it. He was to wacko for my taste. He didn't even fit the Cid person IMO.

That is true I suppose. VIII was my first and my favorite so I always have a soft spot for everyone in that game (except Selfie). I think VIII's Cid looks a lot like Robin Williams
I disliked FFX's Cid. As someone has said he does shout a lot and is quite annoying.

Dirges for Damcyan said:
I think VIII's Cid looks a lot like Robin Williams

Yeah, he does doesnt he? I like him :D
FF5 Cid isn't the WORST but he's not the best either. I never understand how he fixed the Fire Ship, or whatever it's called. We know that it was powered by the crystal, and then the crystal broke, therefore the ship can;t work either. All Cid does is look in a book and say, "Oh, that's how..." and then it's magically fixed. wtf?

FF7 Cid was the BEST! I can't think of a better character who swears.cusses A LOT, drinks, beats his wife -or whoever that broad was that he lived with- and smokes when he wins a battle. That's character! Best line in FF7 was: "Sit down and drink your %#@?& tea!"

FF10 Cid looks like a child molester to me.
I quite like Cid in V. Now I haven't played every FF game yet, so I can't give a definite opinion, but I prefer V's Cid to VI's Cid since he seems to play a bigger part and is kinda more helpful.
And yep I agree, VII's Cid is amazing. One of my favourite characters in the game.

Best line in FF7 was: "Sit down and drink your %#@?& tea!"

I definitely concur. Hilarious line. :D