Worst FF character

X-2 Brother. That game had a habit of changing the characters personalities ...

He is so annoying. I just wanted to stand on his throat so he'd shut the hell up.
We have a worst and favorite discussion, I'll let this thread go since no one really posts there....

HardkoreEnigma and Sky_Piarte, please put more effort into your posts.
Battlewise, I'd probably have to say Cait Sith aswel, I just never used him much I did try to level my characters evenly and get all their Limits but with him, I just could be all that bothered -__-

That maga phone has to be the most useless weapon ever
Right then...


Yuffie, Vincent, Cloud, Quistis, Rinoa, Paine, Rikku, Yuna, Ashe, Balthier...

Yeah, I could probably list some more.

Battlewise, I haven't a clue. I just thought their character personalities were absolutely horrendous.
Personality wise...I really disagree with Tifa, and Tidus, and Paine. They just annoy me, each in their own unique way.

Battlewise, I dislike Cait Sith, Quina, and Kimarhi. Quina and Kimarhi are tricky to work with and master, and I concede that they can be good characters, I just can't be chewed with them. And Cait Sith is just weird.
Every character has it's place, depending on what you mean.
Yuna from X-2 is the worst character in my opinion. For God's sake why the hell did they have to change her so much. She's some sort of wannabe now. Her clothes are awful, her hair is terrible and most of all, he bloody attidude. I get that Sin's gone and everything but there's no need to act like a pervert! (okay I don't mean that)

Vaan is the most useless character in battle and character. How is he the main character? He can't handle weapons that great either. Sure you get to run around the city as him but that doesn't explain anything.
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Right then...


Yuffie, Vincent, Cloud, Quistis, Rinoa, Paine, Rikku, Yuna, Ashe, Balthier...

Yeah, I could probably list some more.

Battlewise, I haven't a clue. I just thought their character personalities were absolutely horrendous.

I'd have to completely disagree with Yuffie, Rinoa, Yuna, Cloud, and Balthier having bad personalities. I thought they were some of the better characters, overall. Yuna, strong and determined. Balthier, the egotistical, yet suave "James Bond of Final Fantasy". He was one of the best characters in XII, in my opinion, and made up for the sheer agony of having to listen to Vaan. :ffs:

Yuffie, well, I thought she was pretty cool, being sneaky and cunning.
Rinoa is the worst character, by far. She wasn't really a 'heroine,' because she never really saved anyone. She was the classic damsel in distress, and if I, as the gamer, didn't have to save her on 7 different occasions, I might have had a chance to like her.
Really depends. I don't mind a "damsel in distress" if they're worth saving. However, seven times is probably a bit too much.

Haha, exactly. If it was like...3 times, I wouldn't be so annoyed, but seven?
I'm going to be more detailed on why I dislike Rinoa, since my previous post was pretty short for my typical ones.

Why Rinoa is the worst FF Character:
1. She has to be rescued 7 times.
2. She doesn't know how to read properly. [Remember the contract from Cid?]
3. She devises unnecessarily complex plans that are sure to fail, or, just comes up with plans that...always fail.

Example #1: Train mission. So, she was able to make an EXACT REPLICA of President Deling's train, but she didn't know about him employing a ZOMBIE BODY DOUBLE?!
Example #2: Against everyone's wishes, she decides to 'help' her SeeD buddies by giving Sorceress Edea, a practically omnipotent Sorceress, a bangle created by Dr. Odine...one of the most well known scientists in the world. And, of course...Rinoa was promptly offered as food for the giant lizards. Good thinking on that one, Chief.

4. She is headstrong, and not in a good way. She creates a Rebel faction, yet seems to fail at every attempt she makes with them. I also found it hilarious how some 'Rebel Leader' lives in a nice cushy room by herself, while everyone else gets train floorspace. Nice leadership example there.
5. In the guide, it says that Rinoa is...get this....STRONGER THAN SQUALL. She has higher strength stats than he does. So, let me get this straight...she does...more damage with a SLING-SHOT, than Squall does with a GUNBLADE. Some people would argue it's because she's a Sorceress, to which I argue: If that were so, then her Magic stat would be higher than Squall's, not her strength.
6. I'm sorry, but I can't take anyone seriously who mounts their dog on their sling-shot of a weapon and launches it like a rocket. Shadow and his dog were cool...Rinoa and Angelo made me question animal cruelty. =/
7. I thought she was pretty awful from the beginning, personality-wise. She's always described as sweet and good-spirited, yet we're introduced to her as the girl who 'can't be seen on the dance floor alone,' and who will only dance with the 'best-looking guy there.' Not to mention, at the time, she had feelings for SEIFER.

I just really...didn't see any redeeming qualities from the character itself. Sure, she made Squall a nice guy...but that's not enough of a saving grace for me to forgive her for the 40+ hours I spent with her around, constantly getting herself, or others into trouble.
Gosh someone mentioned Tidus and Vincent? o_O

My worst character is probably Ashe. As much as I agree about Rinoa, Ashe makes Rinoa look really sweet!!! She's the epitome of stuck-up-bitch imo. I never understood why the guide said she was one of the most powerful in the group, if anything she was worst for ignoring the gambits I set and doing her own thing.

As far as NPCs go, I really dislike Lucrecia. EBIL!!! :mad:
Contra Fates said:
6. I'm sorry, but I can't take anyone seriously who mounts their dog on their sling-shot of a weapon and launches it like a rocket. Shadow and his dog were cool...Rinoa and Angelo made me question animal cruelty. =/

YES. Interceptor > Angelo forever.

I'm not really that irritated by any party characters' personalities, but as far as usefulness, I don't get why we really needed Rafa and Malak in Tactics. They both do pretty much the same thing. I always ended up using Rafa as a Heaven Knight and changing Malak to a Geomancer or something.
Quina is the crappiest thing out there. Compared to her Rinoa is a little angel. I just can't stand looking at that....whatever Quina is....and it's weapon...the way it speaks, the way it acts during combat......ugh...everything about Quina sucks. The worst Final Fantasy character ever. Even Kimahri is better.>_<
Right then...


Yuffie, Vincent, Cloud, Quistis, Rinoa, Paine, Rikku, Yuna, Ashe, Balthier...

Yeah, I could probably list some more.

Battlewise, I haven't a clue. I just thought their character personalities were absolutely horrendous.

I'm going have to disagree with you on Ashe,
I thought she was a pretty developed character, with motives and all.
I mean, maybe she was a b*tch most of the time,
but that's because her throne was taken away and her lover was dead, I think most women would be hard to talk to after that =P

And Yuffie was cool,
I thought she was pretty funny.
I'd have to say the worst character was Buddy. They took his role way to far in X-2 by making him like Yuna, and I absolutley hated every scene with him in it. He was really annoying, and the way he was always after her was just disgusting. And then that ending sequence XD Higher Buddy! Faster Buddy! Could it be any more wrong? He was a very stupid character if you ask me.
I'm spoilt for choice here, I would say Yuna from X2 because the whole "Hey, hey I wanna be a popstar" images really doesn't suit her too well, she was much better off in FFX when she actually had a likeable personality.

Then there are the characters in XII (although its mainly the main characters), who had no personality or emotion at all, I thought XII was a decent game but the lack of depth and emotions to Vaan, Ashe, Basch etc, really annoyed me because it was difficult to become attatched to them.
I can't decide between Rikku,Paine, Vincent or Sephiroth. For the sake of being a complete bitch to the super zomgz i luv sephy!!1111111oneoneoneelveneleven fangirls/boys/hermaprodites, I'll say Sephrioth. What is he without Jenova controlling him? Nothing. So when all the fan-its are orgasming over how "hardcore" he is, they really have no idea what they're actually doing.