Worst FF character

Yuna X-2, I can't stop thinking about the fact that she became a b1atch.

Nero, he's scary, emo lookin' and too in love with his brother.
I would say Selphie too. I never liked her character and her personality was crap. Plus she was useless in battle. Amazes me that she made it into SeeD. I was like wtf when I was playing it.
Vincent. I don't like characters in my RPGs that use guns as a primary weapon. Barret was cool because it was a "gun-arm".

I'm really not liking Aerith in Crisis Core because she just sounds kind of dingy.
I personally dislike the thief from FFI but that's just me (I am not into thief characters)

p.s. Cait Sith was friggin' awesome
Lets see here, the worst FF Character huh. Well we have Quina whom I couldn't stand, Rikku who looked good but I never really figured out her in battle. Amarant who isnt even really needed in the party to begin with. Now personality wise I'm saying Cloud, I couldn't grow attached to his character what so ever, I felt pity for the guy and hes not a character I found interesting. Vincent and Barret in combat were absolutly horrible and didnt do sh!t for damage. I only lvled them so I could keep it evenly distributed.
Hmmm, well, Yuffie annoyed me more than anything else, I wouldn't say she was a bad character, just annoying at times. Quina seemed a bit pointless I suppose because he/she didn't have much of a story. I totally agree with everyone who said Cait Sith, useless in battle and...well it was a doll for god sake. Having said that, not all the characters can be great otherwise it would make it difficult for you to choose a permanent team.
>> the worst character in battle would have to be Cat Sith. I just plain never used him in battle and I could care less about his limit breaks. I like vincent and then again when i was battling the green dragon an used his limit break the first time i battled it well lets say all my other characters died an he was the only one left till he died then again maybe it was because i was using his weakest limit break *Shrugs* any ways. I dont really care much for red mages.
Hmmm...tough one, but i gotta say Quina in the sense that I never really used him, but he always gave me a good laugh with the frog catching, speech dialect, and the way he looked XD. However as far as worst goes by "most annoying", I'd have to say Steiner, he was always on Zidanes case regarding Garnet/Dagger, at times he made me want to: :eek:uttahere:. Personality wise I didn't like Squall or Cloud. Squall was quite the antisocial type, and Cloud was just like a robot at times.
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Well from the top:

Edward. I hate bards. There useless. I'm with Tellah on this one.

Cait Seith. What a useless jerk. It didn't seem to contribute anything to battle or the story. He just sat there with is useless being useless with his useless limit.

Renoa. Granted I have never finished VIII, battlewise she was pretty useless. Her and her retarded boomerang thingy... and her little dog too!

Quina. s/her and s/his stupid fork. Let me say that Blue magic is neat, but the work that you have to go through in order to get quina's is retarded. Eating monsters to get Blue magic skills is the worst idea I have ever heard of.

Kimahri. I thought he was a Dragoon at first, but to my shock jump was just another retarded ploy to get Blue Magic. Whee.... :argh:

That's about it.

Like what was the point of him in the game? To have a even party number?

Tidus was quick sorta the time mage.

Auron was tough and could take down big enemies and enemies with shields.

Wakka could take down the flying fiends.

Rikku was the quick thinking thief.

Yuna was the summoner.

Lulu was the black mage that could pwn elementals and fans.

Kimahri ....? Some blue guy who can't talk? He was sorta the Ditto of the FF World.
So far, I've gotten halfway through IX and a wee bit of X, and I have to say that I can't stand Tidus. >_< Character wise, I mean. He keeps trying to act cool, but he really just sounds like a dork.

Battle wise? Eiko. Except for her summons and the healing, she can't hit very hard. I really like her character, though. ^_^

And as far as being involved in the storyline, I say Quina. Hell, nobody even knows it's gender. All she (I personally think Quina's a female) ever does is talk about food and frogs. 0_o
Quinna from Final Fantasy 9! What was the purpose of Him/her/it? Is it a boy or a girl? Its a mystery that requires a detective to solve. lol