Worst Final Fantasy Game

The Worst Final Fantasy Game?

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FF X-2 because if they did that with 10 y didnt they do it to there better ones like 7 or 8
I think the worst ff game series in my opinion is Crystal Chronicles sorry AG I just never really liked it.But the second one would have to be X-2 honestly why couldnt Enix leave X alone. :P Other then those two the FF series has great games.
I liked all the FF games ive played including ffx-2 which everyone seems too hate so much. so I voted for ff 1 cause after the first play through you dun want to play it again because of its old school rpg gameplay which I find to be really boring. The game was just too easy and Im the type that likes a bit of a challenge playing games.
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It would be X-2 they actually ruined X by that game, I didn't like the Dresspheres and I believe it's the only FF game that you can't use summons in it.
Gee FFX-2 has a bad rap, in all honesty i enjoyed it! Although it was a bit Spice girlish hehe.

I voted for FFVII, i know everyone loves it, but it was not the first FF i played and by the time i got round to playin it, i had already played the likes of FFX and KH, so the graphics were average, not that thats a big problem. I have yet to finish it!! i will one day hehe
I voted for FFVII, i know everyone loves it, but it was not the first FF i played and by the time i got round to playin it, i had already played the likes of FFX and KH, so the graphics were average, not that thats a big problem. I have yet to finish it!! i will one day hehe

If you haven't finished it you can't really say it's the worst one, especially since you plan on finishing it one day. Especially since you haven't even stated why you think it's the worst, just the fact that you played it after FFX and KH >_>
No offense Mark, but yes he can say that - he may have got to a certain part of the game and has just not liked it, for whatever reasons. There's also people here who haven't stated why too, they hate such games.

If he's only at the beginning, he should try it a bit more before really slating it.
It's VI, for me. I just can't take to it at all. I literally feel myself being pulled along by the heels, if I ever turn it on. The story is just ... all over the place and it's not as though the ending accounts for a gruellingly horrible game.

I'd have went for X-2 but, at the end of the day, it's more of Spira and the immaculacy that was Final Fantasy X - the concept itself may have been dire but, admit it, X-2 was entertaining.
I was going to vote for X-2, but at least it had a storyline, XII's characters were used completely wrong and the story was very weak.
3 was a bit hard imo

Mod Edit:
Please try and put some more effort into your posts in future. Thank you!
- Try saying something like 'why' you thought it was hard.
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I thought X-2 was a complete failure.

Mod Edit:
Please try and put some more effort into your posts in future. Thank you!
- Try saying something like 'why' you disliked X-2.
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XII, the story didn't take me anywhere and i liked x-2 because it tied up the loose ends, i just like things that end well!
I wasn't a big fan of Final fantasy VI, as the beginning lacked logical sequence, but overall it was a great game, however i voted for X-2, it made me want to do what this smiley did. --> :eek:uttahere:
The general consensus seems to be X-2.
And I'm not gonna disagree. It was total crap.

Switching jobs in the middle of battle is pretty cool, but that's all I'm gonna say to it's credit. Otherwise it was a waste of time. For me it not only was the retarded filth spewing out of Yuna and Rikku's mouth, everything about Brother, and the retarded storyline that felt like it was Charlie's Angles in Final Fantasy. But it was also the music, the dancing, and the Yuna/Rikku/Paine-Zord thing. What was that? All of the sudden when you went though the dress sphere-grid-card... thing you turned in to this megazord thing that was different depending on the girl you were.
