Worst Final Fantasy Game

The Worst Final Fantasy Game?

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I have played FFI-X, XII and MQ.

I haven´t touched X-2 and I won´t. It looks like stupid game, It sounds like stupid game but since I haven´t play it I can´t say it is the worst FF.

So I voted for VIII. To me story was bullcrap and very ridiculous plot twists, most of the characters are annoying and nonpersonality. Junction system is boring and music and graphics are only good things in this game and maybe few characters like Laguna and Seifer.
I voted for FF10-2. This has GOT to be the worst FF game made EVAR! It was a toss-up between this and FF2. Hell, I'd rather play The Little Mermaid for the NES. At least I can be done with the game quicker.
X-2. I though the battle system with the Dress Spheres and whatnot was good but thats its only redeeming feature. The story is crap, the Chapter system is crap, the mini-games are crap, old characters from X who were actually good before are now cringe worthy, and the music sucks. Not to mention those god awful phrases the girls say in fights and such. It ruined X and it made shame of the FF seires in general. I knew it wasn't going to be great, and I knew it was probably going to ruin the satisfaction that I got from X....but this really took the piss.

Second up would be FFII. Not much an improvement but in those days can't be helped, but its the development system that makes it really fail. Storywise its fine. Another nit-pick is the world map. Most of it is connect at comepoint, looks really tacky.
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FF X-2. It was HORRIBLE. Everything about it sucked. Not to mention I don't like FFX in the first place. My favorites are the old school ones like IV and VI. I also really liked IX cause it brought back more of the "old school" feel.
FFX-2. Unliek most people I enjoyed the various FFVII spinoffs and smaller platform games like CC. But X-2 was a garbage man since all of its content was trash.
Have enjoyed all FF games I hve played bar Dirge of Cerberus so my vote is with that. I cant believe FFVII has had so many votes as well, is not only my fave FF game but serious contender for my fave game ever.
FVIII for me, overall imo it was a horrid game. I didn't really care for any of the characters except for Quistis, Laguna and Seifer.

The story and the gameplay where pretty lousy too imo - I didn't like the plot twists like the rubbish such as time compression and that damned orphanage scene and the junction system to be honest.

I also didn't like FFX-2 - the gameplay was ok but I didn't like the story. I don't care much for FFII either, the gameplay and levelling system where horrid.
I vote for FFVII. While I like Advent Children...I don't like the game. So far I've played FFVII(a bit of it and gave up), FFVIII(loved it), FFIX(loving it), FFX(best of FF), FFX-2( boring story but I had loads of fun playing it). I won't say FFVII sucks...but from the list above...it was the game that impressed me the least. Hope you FFVII fans out there won't hate me.;)
For me, I would say that FFX-2 would be the worst. I wont say anything about the oldest ones because that would just be plain unfair for them to be compared to the newest games. Though, with that being said, I would rather play FFI and FFII than FFX-2. FFX-2 was good as an RPG, but the one thing that ruined the game for me was that it was a sequel to FFX. I loved the ending to FFX. I thought it was great as it was. It should have ended right there. The notion of a sequel to FFX should have only been seen in fanfiction, but they just had to continue it. So, I think it's the worst because it's a sequel to FFX, and a bad one at that. I don't hate it, but I definitely don't like it. Plus, having everything mission-based was annoying as hell.
I had to go with "Other: Final Fnatasy XI" for this one. Not that I feel it's a bad game; I've never played it.

I chose XI mainly because it's online ONLY. Sure I have an Xbox 360 and Xbox Live so I could play it, but I heard it takes forever to level up in and plus the additional charge per month to just play it. Sorry Squenix, but if you're going to make a main series game in the FF franchise, please do us all a favor and keep it off-line.
FF X-2 got me into Final Fantasy. Its one of the best video games I've played .__. But everyone says it sucks compared to other FF games. I recently bought FF XII, maybe that will be better. >>; But as for the worst. . .I wouldn't know. I guess I'd choose the first one made; since the graphics suck. XD
I loved FFX, but FFX-2 is simply disgraceful. It ruined an otherwise perfect story, ruined some of its characters (that means you, Yuna); and just dragged it too far.

Controlling Barbie dolls is no fun. I could tolerate one half-naked female character if that's her style, but when all your characters get almost undressed for fan-service... you kind of lose faith.

Oh and did I mentioned ruining a good story?
If i have to pick one that i would say is the worst it would have to be FF X-2. I like all Final Fantasy games though. I think FF X-2 overall is a very playable game. It just wasn't needed as a sequel to an awesome game FF X.

That being said i just want to comment on FF XI. A lot of people put it down that haven't even played it. Yes it's online only but if you actually give it effort and devote some time it's a very enjoyable game. I spent 4 years of my life playing it before i hung it up just recently. It was a blast while it lasted. I would say that it's my favorite game in the series but it's widely considered not part of the series so i'll stick with FF X
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Wow, this is probably the first forum I've seen where no one's put FFX as the worst! :P

Anyway, I voted Crystal Chronicles. It was just poorly put together.

I would have put FFX-2 just because it was a sequel, but I thought that was rather unfair. The gameplay was excellent in terms of the dress sphere system, a system that reminded me of the job system in Final Fantasy Tactics. Although the movies were few, the ones they had were inspirational, artistic, and profound. Although the storyline was hard to identify in the beginning, the Vegnagun and Bevelle parts of the storyline along with the continued corruption of Yevon spoke volumes about the flaws in modern day society's bureaucratic and religious systems.

And 1,000 Words and Real Emotion were bangin', even if Koda Kumi didn't get to shine on the U.S. release. :P
FFXI is the worst, hands down... Reasons...?

1. Online. Online does not make a good RPG, it just makes everyone epic, and thus, nobody stands out.

2. No Story. It's a curse of online games to not have a story (or much of it). This is one of the reasons that I call 'MMORPGs' as merely 'MMOs'. A game is not and can NEVER be an RPG if there is no story and...

3. No Characters. FFXI fans or MMO fans may disagree with me on this by saying 'No, there's lots of characters! You can even make your own- blah, blah, blah...' In my book, a character isn't a character until it HAS character (a.k.a., personality) so unless everyone plays the ROLE and PERSONALITY of their character when they are online, it's not an RPG to me.

Thus, FF XI Online is most definitely the WORST Final Fantasy title.
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Although a couple of the characters from IV were fairly memorable. I didn't like the story line very much and the overall game play just didn't add anything to my experience...
X-2, I really did despise that game because of the whole female genre feel. I didn't liek the fact it was a sequal either and ruined FFX.
IMO, Nothing could ruin FFX more than it did to itself, but, Okies, whatever you say. xD