Worst Final Fantasy Game

The Worst Final Fantasy Game?

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hands down its final fantasy X-2

was vaguely interesting to play at first and the whole dress sphere majigy wasnt such a bad mechanic i jus lost interest really quickly.

oh and was it jus me i do anyone else jus want to strangle yuna and rikku with there stupid laughs and random idiotic whiney comments.

lets jus say its the 1 ff game i wasnt to bothered bout losing when i moved.
hands down its final fantasy X-2

was vaguely interesting to play at first and the whole dress sphere majigy wasnt such a bad mechanic i jus lost interest really quickly.

oh and was it jus me i do anyone else jus want to strangle yuna and rikku with there stupid laughs and random idiotic whiney comments.

lets jus say its the 1 ff game i wasnt to bothered bout losing when i moved.
I'd have to say Final Fantasy X-2. The dress-sphere thingy is weird.

I haven't beaten the game yet though too...I'll still play it.
X-2 . It was like XenoSaga for Xenogears. They added a female based theme behind it which tried to find the "male" link.

You can't just reverse the story lines once a game is a made. Final Fantasy 10 was made very well, with Auron telling it up to the point where each character has to stick with the "dream".

When X-2 came out, it completely put a feminine swing on things. Singing? Dancing? Where the hell did this come from? I admit they tried to be creative, but the creativity was to forced. It sucked to the very end. You can't except this to appeal to the female mind, when alread you have games such as FF-7 - FF12 that already did such way.

Squaresoft should have gone back to the drawing board way before they released this game and dissapointed FF fans globally.
FF Legend was the toughest FF I've ever played, but that said, not the worst, I'd go with FFII, I just didn't get it at all, the lvl up system that is, FF III (DS) was a bit of a disapointment, it could've had more extras to it for such an over-hyped game.

I can't understand why most people dislike FF-X2, I thought it was pretty cool, although I miss the Summons though. I guess they really were a big part of the series to some. I suppose the same 3 characters throughout the game got boring for some too, but the dress-spheres made up for it, for me anyway.
The worst FF game, I was torn between FFIX and FFX-2, they both suck and have a horrible plot line.

In the end I chose FFIX, it was the one that got me in the wrost FF mood, I mean most of the characters were freaking annoying (except for Vivi), the major villian was pretty much a drag queen and the final enemy was a person/thing or whatever whose name was never said in any part of the damn game...
Wow, still no votes for FFX or FFIII O_O

I'm actually quite surprised by some of the votes, obviously X2 would be the worst game for the majority, but I'm still sticking to my original vote and saying FFVIII.
Concerning the summons from X were gone at the end of the game, if people didn't see that coming, then they needed a bitchslap.
Strictly from ranking the games I've played, XII comes at the bottom. I just bought X2 today to try. Bought it mostly to add to my collection :P.

I found XII to be the most boring. Granted it had a ton of sidequests but that to me doesn't make up for a weak storyline and weaker characters. I did not feel any sympathy or compassion to this troop of people. Balthier somewhat but only because he could enunciate english but still...It was the least enjoyable FF to me.
FF X-2 Hands down and i do agree that the dress thing was kinda a weird thing to put in a FF game
I was tempted to vote for VIII because of my dislike of the junctioning system...or for X-2 because I've heard so many people complain about it (but I haven't played it so can't really vote for it), but ended voting for XI.

It's an MMO, so is hugely different to the other final fantasy games. I bought it for the PC for £5 with the first month free (I didn't buy any more time in the game after the free month ran out). The first thing that annoyed me was the lack of documentation that came with the game...when I got home and opened it up, I just found the CD and the serial for the free trial. There was nothing to say what the controls were. So I thought I'd just press some buttons and see what they did to find it out...easier said than done. It wasn't til 2 or 3 days after I had installed the game that I discovered how to open the menu: by pressing the middle mouse button. Now I don't know about everyone else, but to me this seems a bit of a stupid button to have as the one to open the menu, especially seeing as not all mice even have a middle button, and not everyone will be using a mouse (for example on a laptop). As a result of not being able to access the menu - I didn't even realise there WAS a menu until I stumbled across it - I wasn't able to equip anything, which made the first few quests rather difficult. Also, I didn't realise that to heal yourself, you needed to type "/heal" rather than using magic, so I just fought enemies til I died and revived at the nearest town.
This was about a month or two ago, so there's probably some more stuff I've forgotten about. But despite all the stuff I've just said about, the main reason I chose FFXI as the worst Final Fantasy game was because it just didn't feel like a Final Fantasy game.
I voted FFI, I just didn't enjoy it all that much. I really hated the ending it was poor. Had it been my first Final Fantasy I prolly wouldn't have ever gotten into the series at all

Oh noes >_< now I want to vote for FFII darn why didn't I think about this. I despise the way you level up, or whatever it is considering you don't actually level up. I haven't even completed it yet I just don't want to because it's so damn irritating
*well everyones got some good comments and bad ones too :) for me i dont really think theres a fibal fantasy game that disappointed me,i enjoyed evey series and since the classic Final Fabtasy 1,the game just keeps evolving better! :)
Many have said that FF X-2 is the worst of the game, but at least it had a time based battle system....CC didn't even have that....it was so boring...going to the same place over and over again....I also died of boredom...but the trees were pretty tho....I thik I only played it to mess with the Moogle >>;;
I voted FFXII. It had no emotion nor backround in the characters.
And well, Before FFXIII came out, FFX-2 was the only FF game that had girls in it.
I mean, there's gotta be girl power sometime, should there?
I would say the worst FF game would have to be X-2. Though the story was sweet and enticing, it lacked challenging puzzles and fights like all of the other games contained. I enjoyed the outfits, but I missed the main character being male, and the fact that I could beat the game in less then three days was dissapointing.
Final Fantasy X-2 was the first sequel, and the last to date. Sequels are never as good as the originals. X-2 took away from the greatness of X.

Whoever voted FF I has never played it. Considering when it was made it is a masterpiece. Okay it is a little confusing at times (e.g. raising the airship from the desert with the levistone) and there is not a great story line, but it is timeless nonetheless.