Worst Final Fantasy Game?

Worst Final Fantasy Game

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If anyone answered anything other than X-2, theres definitely something wrong. Final Fantasy X-2 killed the FF series and it hasnt revived since. I was the biggest fan of FF ever, and ill never forget going home that day and plugging this disc in my PS2, only to witness my favorite game series of all time hands down - be completely destroyed in a matter of about 15 minutes. The story picks up from my least favorite of the classic FF games, FFX, except takes it in a direction far, far worse than I could have imagined in my worst nightmares.

When I saw the scene with the "YRP" thing, that was the first time ive ever searched around my house for a vomit bag. Between this, and the dress spheres, no summons, the worst battle system EVER, no Nobuo Uematsu, the worst main characters EVER, and a story line that can be summed up in 2 words, nothing could possibly be worse. I'd rather be forced into a 48 hour marathon session of playing E.T. on the Atari than play X-2. I'd rather gargle with a cup of drano than play X-2.

In fact, this game was so bad the series still hasnt revived itself some 6 years later. 12 tried to do something in the right direction, but the characters were so forgettable and the story line was as flavorful as eating a piece of cardboard, with no salt, ketchup or other assorted condiments included. Not to mention the battle system was terrible, and it was almost as if the game was controlling itself. The only character I can even remember is Balthier, I literally couldnt even tell you the names of the other characters in the story.

However, ive played the demo for Dissidia and its absolutely amazing! This might have restored my faith a bit that things are going back in the right direction. But as great as Dissidia looks and will be....I want a Final Fantasy game. A REAL Final Fantasy game. One thats new, one that brings unforgettable characters, melodies, story and a battle system that you get addicted to and cant get enough of. One that has a Villain that is so memorable and epic (See Sephiroth, Kefka) that you can love or hate. One that has Nobuo Uematsu writing his epic tunes (See Battle with Gilgamesh, One Winged Angel, Dancing Mad, The Castle, The Four Fiends, Neo ExDeath, etc etc).

Heres to hoping FF13 will cast a much needed Phoenix Down followed up by a Megalixir on the Final Fantasy series.


Your right about X-2 completly killed FF.

But FFXII brought it the new turn it need. another complicated story like X but fantastic interplay of the characters. Vaan's Character is brilliant. you get to play the little brother of the supposed main character. Also the fact that the other characters when they join have a level in corrospondance to yours like the average of your team + 5 or something.. It makes it easier in parts..

They have gotten rid of the ulitma challange but replaced it with an IMPOSSIBLE challange which makes it really good to level to that standard. I found the AP grid brilliant and you needed AP from every hit to level up skills.

Took ages but i filled this grid :) brilliant bit of gameplay by Square Enix there (Y)

Lets hope that 13 carrys on and does indeed have a elixer on the game :)

Dissida looks really cool as well I had a go on the Demo on PSP today :) Looks a lot bigger hands on version :)
Goddamn, why don't you just consider X-2 a spin-off and ignore it, just like Dirge of Cerberus etc.
Goddamn, why don't you just consider X-2 a spin-off and ignore it, just like Dirge of Cerberus etc.

Agreed, someone should a thread with X-2 excluded. It would be a much more interesting poll.

To me the answer is X (never played X-2.) It just felt wayyyy different after playing great games like IV, VI, VII, VIII, and IX. Didn't grab me nearly as much to say the least, but my age may have played a factor there. That said, I enjoyed XII more than X.

X gets more support here than I've ever seen, which just proves that there's justification for nearly any FF to be called the best/worst. They are all really unique.

Interestingly enough FF fans are split in discussions like these because the games are so different in every way, whereas it's 900 times easier for Zelda fans to agree on which title was the best.
As for me I gotta go with FFI just because it is so basic and I'm part of the younger generation. Not only that, the economic properties in the game were absolutely terrible imo. I just didn't find it fun at all.

As far as X-2 goes... I quite liked it. It was a lot different from the normal FF series with the Garment Grid, and the girly characters and the story line. But I think it was a good comedic addition to the series. Rikku's ditsyness, Yuna's attemp to be like Rikkue, and Paine's... Paineness :P I thought it was funny in a good way and it got a + from me... but I do understand where everyone comes from on their dislike for it.

FFXII was another one I didn't really care for. The thing about having to buy a liscense for every bit of equipment was... a bit annoying to me. The graphics were good and amazing at the cutscenes... however I'm not sure if it was REALLY better than FFX. Deffinately not the best FF game I've played but its not at the bottom of my list.
I can't say I hate X-2 since I never played (and I don't plan to), but it looks like they utterly KILLED Yuna. :gonk: Yuna + Guns = O_O

Anyway, moving on...
of all of them, i really hated XII.
It started out alright, it had some good parts at the start, like when Vaan pick pocketed, I actually liked that. :PWhen I met Fran and Balthier, things started going uphill, they were so cool & I was thinking it was an alright game... but then it just became TOO much like Star Wars. Ugh. Empires... wars... rebellion...
Not to mention that I HATE VAAN. GOSH. I wish it was Basch as the main character, he had a much better story & background. What's Vaan's story exactly? "OMG MY BROTHER DIED I'M GONNA KILL YOU AND BECOME A SKY PIRATE WHILE I'M AT IT."
Brilliant, round of applause for him. :randompoke:

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I don't really like final fantasy XII, I think it's the worst final fantasy ever.
Gambit sistem is nice, but not right for a FF, so FFXII is too much different from the preceding chapters, it seems like an action role play game. The story is very very bad, without surprises, nothing to do with FFVII or FFVIII. The characters.. no comment. They don't have charisma, the costumes are horrible, and Vaan, he should be the main character.. Are we joking? During the game he never said something important or deep, just things like "ok, let's go.." "all right". Nothing to do with Squall or Cloud. Balthier is the only one I can save, he's so cool, and Fran is ok too, but Final Fantasy XII is a terrible game in any case.
ff8 is my least favorite all though it was very interesting with being able to have some control over the attacks (r1 for gunblade) etc. the level system just bothered me all to hell. I never liked drawing magic (magic as an item!? no thank you, even ff7's had a better reason for magic than that.) then equipping the item to boost stats was a bit strange. then finally when you leveled so did the enemies... so in essence you never actually gained any advantage from leveling. also the story just wasn't very striking to me. the characters weren't interesting at all to me.
lol why do everybody hate x-2 :S I loved it <3

Revenant wings on the other hand.... Yuck :<

I recon Final Fantasy IV is really bad. I don't really like how you have to wait a certain amount of time before you can attack. Maybe it's just because I have it on DS, cause the graphics are :holyshit:. Not the holy bit though.
I recon Final Fantasy IV is really bad. I don't really like how you have to wait a certain amount of time before you can attack. Maybe it's just because I have it on DS, cause the graphics are :holyshit:. Not the holy bit though.

The ATB does seem slower in the DS version. The ATB battle system was faster in the other versions of FF IV. FF IV is an excellent game, I highly recemmond you check out the GBA or PS1 versions.

Although, I will note that I found the combat system in FF VII to be fairly slow. When compared to FF V-VI or VIII-IX, combat just felt slower due to changes they made to the system(Namely removing the ability to target all allies or enemies without materia).

So, I can understand how a slow-moving battle system can turn you off a game.

And the graphics for the DS version of IV are pretty good considering they crammed more into the game than what was in III.
FFTA2...This game is full of crap. Stupid and boring story line, fucked up fighting system and stupid character. The main character looks stupid and when he die you lose!!! I mean are you shitting me?!!:gasp:

I usually go with FFX-2, but after I played this soulless game *TA2* I just know it's not that crappy>_>

SE really fucked up making such a game!
Instead of just swearing, can you actually elaborate your reasons as to why it's fucked up and crap? Thanks if you can..
Instead of just swearing, can you actually elaborate your reasons as to why it's fucked up and crap? Thanks if you can..
Stupid and boring story line, fucked up fighting system and stupid characters. The main character looks stupid and when he die you lose!!!
The cut scenes really sucked and there's no voice acting >_>
I think this is crystal clear >_>
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Stupid and boring story line, fucked up fighting system and stupid characters. The main character looks stupid and when he die you lose!!!
The cut scenes really sucked and there's no voice acting >_>
I think this is crystal clear >_>

is that not how it is with every FF? you die you lose and have to go back to your last save? I havent played TA2 so maybe you can clear up what you mean.
Well I didn't enjoy the tactics games mostly all of them because I enjoy what they did with FF 7 and 8 where you get time to play moves I don't know if FF 9 is like that I never played it.

:sparta:"Everything I do, I do with no regrets"
Yuna, FF X, Mt Gagzet.
Stupid and boring story line, fucked up fighting system and stupid characters. The main character looks stupid and when he die you lose!!!
The cut scenes really sucked and there's no voice acting >_>
I think this is crystal clear >_>

Don't bother swearing in the future okay? And to people posting less then half a sentence...do extend your sentences and describe why you didn't like a certain game.
I'm going to have to say FFX-2 and FFXII.

FFX-2 was a fun game and worth playing, but no where near as good as the original. Which was probably the most popular game after VII. The style of gaming changed quite drastically, it was rarely serious and more about the fun. Which wasn't bad but not really what makes a Final Fantasy game. I think a lot of people bought it and didn't really bother with it.

FFXII, the same ^ a lot of people bought it after waiting so long for a new FF game to come out (that wasn't online) and left dissapointed, lacking the drive to complete it. I only played a few hours before I lost my motivation, I'll probably get back to it eventually but right now it doesn't seem that there's anything worth playing for. I can't even remember a story or anything about the characters. They really lacked... well anything. Nothing about the game really makes you excited to continue to find out what happens. Again, a game that lacked most of what made Final Fantasy so great. It just had the title, but it didn't remind me of a FF game really. I missed the way it used to be. Now this is how all the newer games are going to be like and I'm really dissapointed about that. To me, there was nothing special about FFXII (and I think a lot of people would agree), and if all the newer games went down this path, then there's no hope for an amazing FF game as they used to be. :(
i would say ff12. not because it was all out and out bad or anything. i really liked the battle system! thought it was really awsome,. but the characters were not as likeable as in other games. they all seemed like they didnt have much spark. the storyline was a bit too war-orientated aswell, without much elements of fun, i thought. i still liked it, just not as much as previous ff games.
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