Worst Malboros

Standard Malboros in FFX never troubled me much. Great Malboros, however... training for an hour or more and having one of them appear and Bad Breath you, causing you to lose all that training time? Not fun.

FFXII's were abysmal. I mean, Vivian? Cassie? What the hell? And they were far too common and just generally weak. I never thought "Oh crap!" when one appeared, I was just a bit "Meh, more XP".

Oh and "Carrot" sucked too. Well done, Square Enix, for making the Malboros look completely retarded by giving them moustaches. And female names. Yes.
FFXII's were abysmal. I mean, Vivian? Cassie? What the hell? And they were far too common and just generally weak. I never thought "Oh crap!" when one appeared, I was just a bit "Meh, more XP".

And their XP was crap too.

Oh and "Carrot" sucked too. Well done, Square Enix, for making the Malboros look completely retarded by giving them moustaches. And female names. Yes.

Carrot was pathetic. It was the only malboro in the game to have an intimidating size and it was still weak. I bet the conversations at SE went down something like this:


*puts on granny voice* Ah, I remember the good times when Malboro's were actually intimidating. Not so much anymore though.

Here are my thoughts on Malboro's on the three FF games I've played so far:

1. FFX: The first time I met a Malboro was in the Calm Lands. I was like "Oh, cool! A big monster. I bet it gives a lot of AP". Needles to say Bad Breath followed and all of my characters died a slow painful death at the hands of each other. Granny's recipe to beating them: Create Berserk proof and Confuse proof armor along with Auto-Potion. You shouldn't have much trouble defeating them. Sure they'll still be annoying but nothing else.

FFVII: This time I knew Malboros were gonna be in it. I just didn't knew where. When I finally encountered one I had a ribbon equipped and that's pretty much the only thing you can do to protect yourself.

FFVIII: Again, I knew this guys were gonna be in the game, just not where. So I got caught by surprise. Granny's recipe to defeating them: Just junction Confuse, Berserk, Sleep, and Pain to your status defense and have someone with Siren's treatment ability because even if you junction all those spells you still won't be fully protected. However if you have that you can even beat them at level 30 in the Island Closest to Hell, like I did.
Final Fantasy X for me in the Omega Ruins.

My first time in the Ruins I was going after Ultima and Omega. Of course there is only that one save point initially right in the beginning which I did not go back to because I thought I was capable of surviving the place until the end. So I walked around and battled trying to uncover the whole mini-map of the Omega Ruins before I fought Omega. I got right to the end where you run into Tonberries and everything (before Omega and the Save Sphere after him) and I run into a Marlboro and no one is protected from Confusion AND no one has First Attack.

From then on I always had "First Attack" on Auron.
I had that exact same problem >_< I could handle everything else fine and I had no idea there were Malboros there.....naturally when I ran into one I died. Then I learned about the beauty of first strike and ran from everything so I could have full health when I fought the Weapons.
Oh hell yeah, those X Marlboros are horrible. And XII marlboros are the worst also, but worst as in they suck so bad they can't even damage me worse. xD

But srsly, X Marlboros are something I hated encountering in the Caverns. They usually get me when I'm well away from that savepoint by the entrance and then it kills me in about 10 seconds.
VIII's Malboros are the worst, you can never fully protect against their Bad Breath and you have to fight them if you want Doomtrain (if you can't stand Card Refining).

I used to think VII's Malboro's were quite hard aswell, but nowadays everytime I've faced one I've always had the Ribbon equipt by that time.

The Great Malboros in X are quite hard aswell but other than that no other Malboro is difficult.
FFVIII are the worst malboros I've encountered. I think FF Tactics Advance malboros are the easiest. They don't seem to have any of the horrible status effects of the FFVIII ones, or if they do they aren't so formidable.
FFVIII Malboros where the worst for me. I've tried time and time again to kill them but I just end up dying. I think I died more time against a Malboro than all the bosses combined.
Today, a Malboro attacked me in FFX. I had 'herding staff' equiped onto Yuna (which had Capture and first strike abilities). I couldn't take it so I summoned the Magus Sisters. I got overkill. After that battle I started shouting "Yes yes!! How do you like that you... you smelly optopus-that-doesn't-live-in-the-sea-but-hunts-me-on-land-and-kills-me-with-it's-really-bad-breath-attack-thing!!!"
I remember them being a pain in FFX although in XII I actually like fighting them, easy kills for quite a bit exp.
I think overall FFXII's were the easiest to fight off and defeat late in the game. Once you obtain Excalibur the Holy Effect added in on each swipe of the blade almost automatically makes the instant-kill 9,999 apear.
FFXII had the worst Malboros I think, Cassie, Vivian, Wild Malboro and Carrot anyway, unless you have hastega, you risk being hit by "Putrid Breath" which inflicts next to all negative status effects in the game, unless you have Esunaga, Cleanse and handkerchiefs, you're toast.
FFXII had the worst Malboros I think, Cassie, Vivian, Wild Malboro and Carrot anyway, unless you have hastega, you risk being hit by "Putrid Breath" which inflicts next to all negative status effects in the game, unless you have Esunaga, Cleanse and handkerchiefs, you're toast.

o_o I thought XII's were the easiest, because you could actually remove the status effects... in VIII and X all you could do was sit there and watch your characters slowly die (unless you just got annoyed and reset like I normally did) altho X's were marginally less annoying (Im talking the guys in Omegas ruins) because of the equipment you could, er, equip ^_^
because of the equipment you could, er, equip

XII were easy cause they sucked. in VIII they always did bad breath straight away. so when i had to get the tentacles i kept saving and reseting until odin got em.
X's were easy though, summoned bahamut, attacks them and does 99,999 and is immune to all stat ailments
That Ruby Dragon from VIII was pretty annoying with that Meteor thing, even on 9999, but that said, Malboro was always a pain for me, the worst by far is X and VIII a close second, i run straight away. :lol:
I thought the FFX malboros were the worst, the FFXII ones were the easiest, when you first see them in the Golmore Jungle you don't think "Oh shit" like you did in earlier games because they were so easy.
Malbross, we always fear them v.v;; I think I hated the FFVII ones
Well, since I always trying to get the Enemy Skills the bastards would never cast Bad Breath when I needed it....then when I did....oh god...they would cast it non stop...bastards -.-;;
*well obviously the FVIII Malboro was the worst of all,as everyone said their status changing ability makes em a hard foe to vanquish.the only way i can defeat one is when odin or gilgamesh appears and slices the bugger to pieces :)

*the weakes malboro in Final fantasy is in the tactics version,i think...cause they dont usually use their status changing ability often :)

*basiclly you dont need to kill the malboro to get the goods just steal em right! :) itd be bad if they added another effect to its bad breath,lets say an anti run effect! :) thatd be wicked! :) :)
I always thought the FFVIII Malboro's were the worst
Especially when you came across them completely unprepared.
Malboro hunting was all well-and-good, still annoyingly hard(!) but if you were hunting for them to get Malboro Tentacles, like for Weapons and GF's and the like that was fine, you expected them.
But (for example) running from your newly obtained Ragnarok to Esther and then *Poof!* A Great Huge Green Malboro pops out and Bad Breaths you in about three seconds... that was pure evil...
Especially the first (Sadly, not the last) time that happened to me and I hadn't saved since before going into Space (forgot too...) (Luckily, the second time that happened, I had saved immediately after exiting Ragnarok.)