Worst mission

That massage sidequest/mini-game/whatever, left me scarred and I cringed the whole time. =(

I truly had no favorite mission, they all were incredibly boring (as so many people said before me)... But if Sphere Break counts as a mission, it totally made me want to punch someone.

(Especially vs. Shinra x__x)
I truly had no favorite mission, they all were incredibly boring (as so many people said before me)... But if Sphere Break counts as a mission, it totally made me want to punch someone.

(Especially vs. Shinra x__x)

I agree with that > <

Shinra was way to hard
I didn't mind Final Fantasy X-2 to be honest.. maybe cause I'm a girl and I knew no sequal would beat FFX anyway. The whole Vegnagun thing was pretty exciting I thought.

But yeah.. worst millions.. The massage one.. was pretty softcore man.. and the matchmaker monkeys ARGH!
I don't think I enjoyed any of the missions, really. Maybe the first Sphere Hunt in Besaid because I loved all the times Brother kept trying to contact Yuna. xD

But other than that, the missions really weren't that great.

My most hated mission would have to be the monkey one in Zanarkand. Took too long and was completely useless...
I forget the name of it, but it’s at the end on the game in Chapter 5 where you have to go through 100 levels or so in the Bevelle underground (I hope I have the right spot, it’s been a while since I’ve played). Anyway, it wasn’t necessary for completing the game, but it was necessary for 100% completion and perfect ending.

Edit: xD... I remember now - it's Via Infinito... An absolute pain in the ass.
I forget the name of it, but it’s at the end on the game in Chapter 5 where you have to go through 100 levels or so in the Bevelle underground (I hope I have the right spot, it’s been a while since I’ve played). Anyway, it wasn’t necessary for completing the game, but it was necessary for 100% completion and perfect ending.

Edit: xD... I remember now - it's Via Infinito... An absolute pain in the ass.

Yeah, I kept wandering around for hours over there.. why didn't they make it just to level 40 or something >_<
Yeah, I kept wandering around for hours over there.. why didn't they make it just to level 40 or something >_<

Lol... I agree, 40 levels total would have been a relief. Actually, it wouldn't have been so bad if they didn't have so many tough fiends down there. Sometimes it just seemed like it took a good 10 - 15 minutes to complete one level...

...............One hour later, 5 levels down, 95 to go...
Pairing up the monkeys...chasing Tobli.

I liked the one in Thunder Plains where you have to hit buttons at the right time. Annoying, yet fun. Haha. I also enjoyed the one where you follow the Moogle around Luca. Almost made me cry. T_T
I hated selling tickects for Toby. We're supposed to fight! Not making pub!
The worst mission was hunting for the syndicate uniforms! Urgh that was irritating.
And it took you 55 HOURS! What was you doing?? It took me 15 thats all its worth, I wouldnt spend that long on this game. But I say that though ive replayed it over and over hehe.
I found lots of the missions to be boring, I can honestly say that FFX-2 is one of the worst overall FF games that I have ever played.
the worst mision had to be the mision you were rewarded with the Gun mage sphere (so crap can't remember it's name)
That one where Yuna was playing the part of 'masseuse' unwillingly... :/

That was... Really creepy... I'm like, 'wait... is this a Final Fantasy game or weird porn passing for a Final Fantasy game...?'