Worth it??


Nov 16, 2006
well, for christmas i can either get a psp for FF7 crises (omg w/e) core or the nintendo ds for ff3

whihc do you guys think would be better, like is ff3 even worth it i mean 200,000 some jobs, sounds sweet to me
Really hard choice really. Im having the same dilema. PSP cos of Crisis Core as well as GTA: Liberty City and Vice City Stories among others, and DS for FFIII and Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Tis a hard thing indeedie.
tough call

but for the GTA fan, liberty city stories is availible for ps2 and so will vice city stories eventually
i will give you a hint watch the trailers this is the direccion ign .com i think ff3 for the ds is better but is up to you


blackrose the honest thief
We still don't really know when Crisis Core is going to come out, so if you're up to waiting for a date (and not just a release in Japan date, but a release in NA date), than it's up to you. ^___^ If there were some other PSP games you'd been itching to get, than that would be another story altogether as well.

But the Nintendo DS is a solid system with tons of fun games, IMO. And FFIII DS is one of them. I'm not that far into it, but I'm enjoying it a lot so far. And they're so cute! How can you resist the chibi cuteness?!?!
I'd get a DS, since the PSP is a little more complicated. Crisis Core just looks like a pointless spin-off that probably has a badly wound story, I would say, unless it was remaking the original. Why can't they just do that? It would fit brilliantly on the PSP, but nooooo, they have to put it on the way-too-expensive PS3. Damn.

Anyway, FFIII is pretty fun.^_^ It was pretty awesome seeing all the jobs, but the outfits looked kinda' funny. The only ones I really liked were the Ninja and the Red Mage. But, the game overall is great, and the music is nicely sound. Although...I hated the last boss, because the music sounded like a bad techno record out of the 70's. It was horrible. But, generally, the DS has a more clear future in my opinion, with Diamond and Pearl and the speculation of a Smash Bros on it, which I doubt, but there is a possibility.

However, if you have a good computer (like a Vaio that reads SDs and Memory Sticks), then you can make a lot of use of the PSP, since you can stream various media types on it, especially now with version 3 (I have one, so I know^_^ ). Also, a game like Daxter is pretty awesome to have, as well as Tekken, Burnout Legends, and my favorite, Lumines.

I my opinion, they're quite equal, but off the bat, I'd choose the DS for the long run. The PSP is going to come up shortlived in about 2007-2009, unless they really utilize the better game franchises, and the new connectivity with the PS3.
I'd get a DS, since the PSP is a little more complicated. Crisis Core just looks like a pointless spin-off that probably has a badly wound story, I would say, unless it was remaking the original. Why can't they just do that? It would fit brilliantly on the PSP, but nooooo, they have to put it on the way-too-expensive PS3. Damn.

Anyway, FFIII is pretty fun.^_^ It was pretty awesome seeing all the jobs, but the outfits looked kinda' funny. The only ones I really liked were the Ninja and the Red Mage. But, the game overall is great, and the music is nicely sound. Although...I hated the last boss, because the music sounded like a bad techno record out of the 70's. It was horrible. But, generally, the DS has a more clear future in my opinion, with Diamond and Pearl and the speculation of a Smash Bros on it, which I doubt, but there is a possibility.

However, if you have a good computer (like a Vaio that reads SDs and Memory Sticks), then you can make a lot of use of the PSP, since you can stream various media types on it, especially now with version 3 (I have one, so I know^_^ ). Also, a game like Daxter is pretty awesome to have, as well as Tekken, Burnout Legends, and my favorite, Lumines.

I my opinion, they're quite equal, but off the bat, I'd choose the DS for the long run. The PSP is going to come up shortlived in about 2007-2009, unless they really utilize the better game franchises, and the new connectivity with the PS3.
From what I can tell its going to be a expanded version of the Nibelheim incident and such, seeing as you can play as Zach and theres a screen shot where hes fighting Sephiroth.

And you do realise there isn't going to be a re-make on the PS3 dont you? DONT YOU!? :mellow: (I swear the amont of people who think so is just getting silly)
From what I can tell its going to be a expanded version of the Nibelheim incident and such, seeing as you can play as Zach and theres a screen shot where hes fighting Sephiroth.

And you do realise there isn't going to be a re-make on the PS3 dont you? DONT YOU!? :mellow: (I swear the amont of people who think so is just getting silly)

Well, I never played FFVII, so I kind of heard once and neve rheard again.
Well Crisis Core probably won't come out for a while so I;d say get FF3 Ds. Then after Crisis cor eis about to come out go buy A Psp and Crisis core. Cause I think by then you could have enough money to buy both. Besides your getting FF3 for christmas right? then well your money is still saved.