Would you ever eat broccoli on a pizza?

I would definitely try it. I quite like broccoli with cheese and tomato anyway so I suppose it would be alright on a pizza.

Plus, I once had potato on a pizza and it was great. You never know what will taste good until you try it.
No way would i buy a broccoli pizza.

Dont get me wrong i love broccolli and i think pizza is...average. But if i buy a pizza its gunna be cheese and some meat. I dont want it with broccolli on top.
Id try it but wouldnt buy it :dave:
I suppose broccoli on pizza doesn't sound that bad. I quite like broccoli on its own - fortunate because my parents keep feeding me broccoli. I've had spinach on pizza and that turned out alright.

However, I can't stand red peppers on pizza. I hate peppers in general and my parents oddly insist on having peppers as a topping. The taste to me is just too strong to ignore and it's practically intolerable for me.

Pineapple is also something I hate as a topping. Yes, they're good in fruit salads, but mixed in with cheese and tomato, I can't handle it. On the whole I generally prefer plain pizzas. I am quite picky as an eater.
I've had broccoli on pizza and i loved it. I've had salmon on pizza and it was also pretty good. I had cucumbers on a pizza and it wasn't too bad.

I've never been able to eat pinapples on pizza. A lot of my friends like it but it never appealed ot me. lol and I tried black olives but I do not like olives that much so it wasn't good to me. And I might be the only person out there that doesn't like cheese on pizza XD
Broccoli on pizza sounds pretty gross actually. Then again, I could never understand the concept of putting pineapple on pizza. I guess my taste just isn't refined. It's like, I like pizza and I like ice cream, it doesn't mean I should combine them together. :mokken: /random pizza rant

Anyways, to answer the question at hand, I have not had any bizarre toppings on pizza. I'm pretty conservative with pizza (as if you hadn't noticed :lew:). I either go with pepperoni or just plain cheese.
Broccoli on pizza sounds pretty gross actually. Then again, I could never understand the concept of putting pineapple on pizza. I guess my taste just isn't refined. It's like, I like pizza and I like ice cream, it doesn't mean I should combine them together. :mokken: /random pizza rant

Anyways, to answer the question at hand, I have not had any bizarre toppings on pizza. I'm pretty conservative with pizza (as if you hadn't noticed :lew:). I either go with pepperoni or just plain cheese.

LOL, I don't think I'd like ice cream on a pizza either xD

It's funny, I was actually really conservative about toppings too until a few years ago--ever since I was a kid I would only eat black olives and cheese, nothing else, and I always got mad when I had to eat something different xD But now after having a lot of other toppings that have been really good, I am willing to try a few different ones now and then. And I've never had pineapple on a pizza, but I suspect I probably wouldn't like it either, since I'm not really crazy about mixing fruit with cheese :hmmm:
I've have had broccoli on a pizza before and it wasn't that bad... I can't remember it being great either, but it was an ok pizza. I think it was at a party somewhere, which of course is often the environment where crazy people experiment with odd pizza toppings (partly suggesting that they were throwing anything they could find in the house onto the pizzas).

I'm not sure if I can really think of many other crazy pizza toppings I have tried though. I'm not as adventurous with food as I would love to be.
Yes! I love veggies! Especially broccoli *yum* And since I LOVE PIzza(veggie kind too) it just sounds delicious!

Of course, it's hard to find around here >.< Everyone always orders pepperoni and sausage. But, still it's good. <3
I'm pretty adventurous when it comes to food, so yes. I would definitely try broccoli...as a topping. I remember having tried sushi pizza before. It was a strange experience. :wacky:
Sure, I guess.

Can't be too different from broccoli and cheese sauce. Had Lobster pizza at Red Lobster once, it wasn't too bad.
Actually, I would eat broccoli on pizza. I DO eat broccoli on pizza. xD Broccoli is one of my favorite things to eat, and I've had it on pizza with some sort of white cheese.

I was at my dad's and we were making homemade pizza and had enough pizza dough for one more pizza... but we were out of normal cheese, pepperoni, and sausage by that time, so I suggested broccoli. We tried it and now we make it every once in a while as a treat, because it's actually quite good. xD One of my favorite odd pizza toppings... after pineapple, if that counts. :wacky:
Broccoli on a pizza?:sick: Wow, uh no. But then they did have the Oreo Pizza which was the worst idea ever. But to each his own. Guess you can put anything you want on a pizza.
I would never eat broccoli on a pizza (I hate it) but I usually don't shy away from unusual toppings. Kebab, meatballs, and sauce bernaise used to be a personal favourite of mine!
Cant say Ive ever had broc on a pizza, but i love the stuff, so I would defo try it if it was available. I like most veggies on pizza anyway
Not broccoli on a pizza for me. :(

I've tried pizzas with different toppings to them, like pineapple or apple, and they tasted alright, but a pizza to me should never taste sweet, so I don't really go nuts over weird toppings. Just regular meat lovers.
I dunno if I could eat fresh broccoli on pizza. It would have to be steamed broccoli. Quite frankly broccoli is quite gross to me unless steamed soft. I dont think I would mind steamed broccoli on my pizza, in fact I might try it sometime :)

Thank you for this idea! :monster:
Eh, why the hell not? I like trying new things, so I'll be interested in this. Besides, if I'm willing to try nutella on a pizza I think I'll try pretty much anything. Broccoli seems rather normal compared to nutella