PC WOW or FFXI online?

Jun 25, 2007
I have been playing WOW for a while now and i played FFXI in the past. But I have always wondered if it is worth playing instead of WOW. I heard of all gil sellers and the jacked up prices on the equips nowadays. One of my friends has played it a few years ago but they still charge him even though he doesnt play im not sure if anyone has had that problem but i dont want that to happen to me . If anyone has any input its much appreciated
I remember my ex mentioning something about FFOnline charging him when he doesnt play and they charge you if you want to cancel your account. What I dont like about FFOnline is the fact that you had to pay for an additional character when on WoW you can make as many as you wish as far as I know.
You can make up to 10 characters, and all you need to do is pay the monthly fee. £9, not much. My dad pays for it :P

I love WoW, although it can get a bit boring. I'd like to see how XI Online is, but ... I dunno ... something is holding me back. Can you only Grind on XI?
As long as you cancel your account you will not be charged. As for the gilsellers SE has got rid of a lot of them lateley and you can check http://www.ffxiah.com/ to see how prices are these days, they're waay down.
And in FFXI theres only a need for 1 character, you can do everything with 1 character. You can have every job (http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/Jobs) at max level on a single character, you just talk to your moogle to change jobs whenever you want.

Theres plenty to do in FFXI other than grind, I've been playing about 4 years and I only have 3 jobs at max level, some of my friends that i've been with since the start have 5-10.
just to list a few things theres:
- Special Events (http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/Category:Special_Events) Theres lots year round, Christmas and Halloween for example every year
- Crafting (http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/Crafting)
- Ballista (http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/Ballista)
- Besieged (http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/Besieged)
- Brenner (http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/Brenner)
- Fellow NPC (http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/Fellow)
- Quests (http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/Category:Quests) Tons of these
- Missions (http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/Category:Missions) again theres a ton of these, with awesome cutscenes and good story lines to follow.
- Chocobo breeding (http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/Chocobo_Raising)
- Chocobo racing (http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/Chocobo_Racing)
- Notorious Monsters (http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/Category:Notorious_Monsters)
- Dynamis (http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/Category:Dynamis)
- Limbus (http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/Category:Limbus)
- Salvage (http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/Category:Salvage)
- Einherjar (http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/Category:Einherjar)
- Assault (http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/Category:Assault) still somewhat new, but thers already a lot of these with great rewards.
- Then theres The Pit coming some time this year which will be somewhat like a pokemon thing, collect and battle monsters.

I'm sure I missed something, but take a look at all those things theres plenty of fun to be had. And the first month is free so I'd say its worth a try since the game is pretty cheap (for PC/360 anyway)
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FF11 is harsh when it comes to death. WoW isn't. In my opinion, that makes all the difference. Plus, FF11 doesn't have a catchy anagram.
I played 11 for 10 months but did not enjoy it too much and then i tried WOW (which 6 of my friends played compared to 0 on 11) and enjoyed it so i quit 11.

It wasn't a horrible game but wasn't for me.
Ive played both Wow and FFX11 though not to much on WoW, and FFX11 so far has been better. Seems more open ended and right now not ending do to a large amount of quests that can be done. Then theres the large number of jobs you can change into and some of the various and nasty combination of jobs. Just from my experience FFX11 is better thus far.
i have xi and wow. both of which i got from my friend sam who died recently but iv been playing wow for about a year and its pretty fun when you first start. the horrible thing about wow is the horrible grinds between levels. its really bad.i just quit wow because im to poor and it got really boring for me. i think i may try 11 sometime.if i ever pick up another copy because mine wont work cuz sam haad it installed once already
I have played A LOT of WoW and it just is tooo questy for my test...i want variety...and so far it sounds that i will get just htat from this game...so i am going to try it out.
the horrible thing about wow is the horrible grinds between levels. its really bad.i just quit wow because im to poor and it got really boring for me.

Errrr, are you kidding me? It takes a year to get to level 75 even, when playing 4 hours a day from what I heard. It takes less than a month to hit 60 in WoW.

I've played WoW for almost two years. I've done the whole raiding and collecting 'phat lootz'. I enjoyed playing WoW. I had two level 60s and one lvl 50 after a stopped.

I played on a Player vs Player server and it was fun. ;D Sure, leveling suck when you keep getting killed, but it's worth leveling in the long run. There are also some player vs player games as well.

Blizzard is pretty helpful as well. You can message a game master and they can answer you within 15 minutes to 45 minutes. They're very helpful. If your account gets hack they restore all of your items back. :)

WoW also has many holiday celebrations. There are many items to get such as pets and exclusive holiday items.

Most classes are pretty balanced. I'm not sure if Warlocks are still overpowered. >_<
I have FFXI and well to tell the truth i was very confused at first on getting it to work with my internet and stuff so i gave up lol and now i hear that they charge alot it's like thank god i didn't start playing.but i would play wow......even though i love FF
Sorry but getting FFXI setup is not hard at all... and FFXI is $12.95 a month while WoW is $15
The Difference is...you can play WoW for free with a little code here and there...but u cant with FFXI...well at least i dont think..
Can you minimize in WoW? That was one thing that annoyed me about FFXI is that if you wanted to have a quick check on a website or talk on MSN, you had to log out and then log back on which gets really annoying. Especially if you are in a party. I was told you could get a programme for it but was recommended not to as there was a possibility of being banned.
Yeah WoW had the option of pressing the Windows button on your keyboard to go to your desktop and you could access the Internet and Msn. I always did that for checking stuff on Internet when it was stuck.
Yeah, I run my WoW in windowed mode. Mostly because this laptop isn't quite up to the graphical prowess my fried Gateway was, so I have it running in 800x600 mode, but with it windowed in my desktop the graphical quality rendering is still up to par with the smoothness of my 1280x800 desktop resolution. You might say that I've "tricked" it into running smoother while looking just as good.

I love the WoW, if you couldn't already tell from the avatar and sig. I haven't tried FF11 yet. But I'm told you lose exp each time you die and can actually level DOWN and that doesn't quite sit well with me. But overall, I'd have to sit down and test out a trial or some such if they even offer one. When I finally get completely dead-ass bored of the WoW, maybe I'll check out this one or another MMO.
I played WoW since Open Beta and just quit last month, I had 3 lvl 70s in epics and some 60s and 50s. I was fun for awhile but it got annoying and boring real fast waiting on group members for instances. It's very easy to sit down for what feels like an hour and it's suddenly dark outside.

I tried FFXI and it was kind of confusing and the battle system seemed kind of clunky compared to wow. The game had more substance and lvling is more rewarding. It's more then just grinding to lvl 70. In FFXI their are many side quests, and customization for your character. I'd give FFXI another chance if I felt like playing $12 a month.
When I finally get completely dead-ass bored of the WoW, maybe I'll check out this one or another MMO.

It's hard to get bored of WoW. Blizzard is good at keeping their subscribers occupied. Now that Illidan , Lady Vashj and the other guys (forgot their names) are defeated Blizzard is releasing another dungeon. (From what I heard >_>)

I was fun for awhile but it got annoying and boring real fast waiting on group members for instances.
Yeah, I remember waiting for instances. We use to schedule our raids an hour early to get everyone ready. Even then it takes another half and hour to run into the instance, and make sure all 40 party members were ready to go. Oh well, at least for AQ 40 I ran around mind controlling people and got killed by guards before we started.
Yup, Blizz has always been real good about putting your $15 a month to good use and keeping the content updated. Even if much of it are things I'm not interested in, like all of that holiday garbage or that faire that travels between Goldshire and Thunder Bluff, I've still got to recognize that they've put it out there and people go off on it and it keeps them busy. Black Temple is that Illidan instance, that's the latest one they've thrown out there. I haven't heard anything about a new dungeon after that, but I haven't yet looked over the latest summary of the next patch and I'm told there's already going to be a couple new features like an integrated voice thing so people won't have to rely on outside programs like Vent, etc for party voice chat, and there's going to be a separate guild bank for all the guilds out there.

Raid instances...bleh. I think they toned it down from 40 now, the highest is 20 or 25 or some such. My only excursion into that has been a really ugly and poorly organized PuG into Zul'Gurub over in STV, it was a 20 man and it took FOREVER to get everyone set up to enter the place, and FOREVER again to gear up for the first boss. Some priestess bitch, I don't remember her name. I just remember it took bloody ages and much debate to figure out how to go about engaging her, and it was finally decided that the main tank would run up the stairs and keep her occupied. The rest of us 19 folks were to stay well below her stairs and stay back because she has some devastating AoEs. The plan was everyone else takes out her guards and extra support while the tank obviously keeps the main boss distracted, then we all move in and take out her once her adds are all dead. The very first thing that happens once it took like 20 minutes making sure everyone understood what the plan would be is that half the group runs up the stairs just like they were told not to do and they get decimated by her AoEs. It was a group wipe of course, and naturally suddenly everyone had tons of errands and other such lame excuses to leave the group and out of a group of 20 there were only 5 or 6 of us left at the end to distribute the meager loot between. At least the group leader had the presence of mind to have the loot system set to master loot like that.
I never played wow, but started FFXI yesteday actually....so I am gonna give it a go....at least I can say in the end of my free trial I tried it if I do not like it and do not want to continue....:)

Set up was not hard, but took ages,..bleeding 4 hours of updating and uploading files....in the end it was all ready to go...works fine and well...:)

Though I am confused as hell :D...have no clue what I am doing but I guess I'll find my way around....ahmm...eventually...