XII Play Time!?

I keep all my characters the same level, just in case I die in a tough boss battle I have someone with a decent level to take over for me.

Im currently 20 hours in and 3 are level 16 and 3 others are level 17.
Now I am at about 50+ hours and everyone is now lvl 24 or 25 and I am about to do the Elder Wyrm fight. I am already well on my way to completing this game all the way. All hunts, all license board, all lvled, all espers and the works! I am in love with this game until i get my interweb back and I can finally begin to play the fabled FFXI on my 360
I just finished the game (excluding the biggest marks and weapons tho).
Took me 2 weeks :p, playtime around 90 hours xd.

Gnna replay it now with walkthrough so I can have all hidden things :p.
currently around 20-25 hours(i'm not so sure)

basch(tank), ashe(dps/off-tank), penelo(healer) are around 25-26

vaan, balthier, fran are at around 9-12... and all i use them for it so find out stuff on the licence grid so i can get the most efficient way to run for my main characters
You shouldn't get me started on this one!....! But FF12 is one of the biggest games I ever played. I thought Dark Cloud 2 was big but DAMN. Lets see, I got the game when it came out Oct 31st and started playing it on November 3rd(I had to wrap up another game) I clocked it at 211hr,29min, and 40 sec. I did no cheats, used the stradegy guide only 5-10 times. ALL my characters lvs in the mid 80's,collected all the weapons and did Everything.. I have about 5000-6000LP pent up on everybody too. I beat the game on Dec 17,2006.
Hours 211:29:40 Days Played:45
5hrs,11min,17sec A DAY....
And this was right in the middle of my senior year of highschool,folks. I had a job and didn't get a single D at the end of that semester. I still had somewhat a social life goin on somehow, too. Maybe I wasn't sleeping enough but it kept me busy. This ain't counting the hours wasted from dying either.

I just finished the game (excluding the biggest marks and weapons tho).
Took me 2 weeks :p, playtime around 90 hours xd.

Gnna replay it now with walkthrough so I can have all hidden things :p.
Heh, I love your name.
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I had 74 first time through and 150 second time. is anybody else trying to perfect it? levels:Basch, Ashe, Vaan 82 Penelo, Fran, Balthier 71
Yiazmat is a b*tch
i have a life
LMAO Bustersword, I know that kind of situations.

I had the idea to replay FFVII just before my exams started, needless to say during the exams I septn almost a smuich time playing FF as studying. Luckily I did study a lot for the exams that mattered the most and I was lucky to pass the exams all in all altho with only a small amount over the barrier lmao.

Never ever start a new FF game before your exams, do it after! xD

play time: roughly 159 hours

i beat hell wyrm today :)

hunts:1-41 completed apart from fafnir
I logged way more than 100 hours on this game. It was definitely the most time I've spent with any FF. I was surprised because it sure didn't feel like it...
Im 26 hours and 32 minutes into the game. Ive completed 3 more hunts and I can advance with the main storyline now.
It was around 105 hours for me. I had most of the hunts completed and most of the areas discovered. While the game may not be my favorite; I think it features the best world in the Final Fantasy series. That's why my playtime is so long.
90Hours so far, just building up more strength to get ready take on the last espers and take out the top monsters on the hunt quests.
Just 40 hours. I am like at 70 and all my char. are 30! lol..im slow, or maybe your just fast.
Play time so far :


Character levels at this point:

Vaan - 70
Balthier - 70
Basch - 70

Fran - 94
Ashe - 94
Penelo - 94

... Girl power! :D