XII Ruined Summoning

Do you like the Espers in FFXII compared to other FF games

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 30.8%
  • No

    Votes: 18 69.2%

  • Total voters

Jasmine You

s i l v e r - i c e ;
Jan 20, 2008
Lost Woods, Hyrule
Okay this has really been ticking me off late.
When one goes to fight the Esper to obtain him he's so bad he's so powerful
he almost kicked your ass!! But then...when you obtain him he's so....worthless =/
They make you go through all the trouble to obtain this higher force and when you summon them, they almost always die before you do =/

Any thoughts?

PS, if this was made before, I apologize.
Their limit breaks are quite cool, that's why I have Zalera as my avatar, love it's limit break.

I don't summon that often as I use magic quite alot so prefer to keep my MP, but they can be pretty cool.
I prefer to keep my MP for healing and such. At any rate, the main reason summons are of less value is because of the battle system; you can exploit it heavily, and the fact that Espers are like a 'Secondary Party Member', it becomes weaker still. If however, they replaced it with a one-attack spell, it would much more useful.
I agree. The espers were useless in this game. Your party is much more effective, but then again that's how it's supposed to be in an FF game. However I didn't use espers in this game, not even once. In all other FF games I've used summons at least once and they're helpful but in this game they got nerfed.
I summoned the various Espers to see their most powerful attacks, and then they were promptly forgotten. It's just like was stated earlier: the battle system was designed just so summons are basically useless (rather, unnecessary).
I feel that FFIII's summons are way better than the Espers here (party because Zodiark just mopped the floor with my ass) because the FFIII Summons just come in, let hell loose (especially Bahamut's Mega-Flare) and leave. Kewl.
I'm inclined to agree about the Espers. For as difficult as they were, they should have been a bit more rewarding. I used Espers maybe about 6 times throughout the entire way through FFXII. But, as mentioned earlier...if your characters are leveled up enough, than the effectiveness of your summons is not as much as it could be.
I see the only possible use of an Esper in this game is for their overdrive. I mean there was one time alone when Belias did help me and it was because he was needed to open the gate to Giruvegan. Lol
Other than that any reason why would any summon I think it's to use the overdrive and one summons the damn thing and makes sure that's the first and only thing they do. Because for anything else I think they're pretty much....worthless. =/

The Espers were different but they were more rewarding and the fact you actaully had to fight them to get them was cool.

I liked the Espers overall but that is my opinon.
I just think they should have been a bit better I mean even in X sure you had to summon them and then they came in and didn't do their overdrive right away and such but you got to actually control them and tell them what to do to at least make them last a bit longer. In XII you have absolutely no control over them which makes it a bit harder to make them as effective as they should be.

It most Final Fantasies, in fact, well, all apart from X, you couldn't control them. They did their bit, and then buggered off.
Belias can wipe the floor with Vossler and his crew when you first get him, aslong as you don't give him to Basch (Vossler usually focusses on him) or Fran (she's beserked)

They can be usefull at times, if you focus on keeping their HP up and let the Esper do the fighting, the first time I fought Bergan, summoned Matius(sp) and just let her rip the Judges to shreds while I was just alternating between helping her out fighting and curing her. Battle didn't last very long.
The Esper's only use for me was facing Tiamat with Belias in the 122333 challenge. On Basch, because he has the low MP which make it much easier to summon Belias straight away. The less running around in tiny little circles while cowering behind an unreliable Esper, the better.

In a normal game, I'd say most of the Espers are worthless, save for Famfrit and Zodiark. With little water magick spells, Famfrit is the best thing for preying on water elemental weakness. Zodiark was great for some quick damage, if you summoned him while petrified.
I wouldn't say they ruined summons as a whole with the esper system, I just believe they wanted to try something different. Each of the FF's incoporate a new battle system and/or different magic and/or different summon and/or materia. I do believe they did amazingly well with the new battle system here, a bit like the MMORPG FFXI, but to be honest the summons, as you said, are not up to par with the other games.

With the new AI system it made the game WAY to easy, in my honest opinion but, then again to each his own. There were moments in the game where I used summons to just mess around and found out their weaknesses/strengths, but as a whole I would only used them where bosses/mini bosses were weak against a certain element. (earth,holy,fire,wind,water,dark).
Okay this has really been ticking me off late.
When one goes to fight the Esper to obtain him he's so bad he's so powerful he almost kicked your ass!! But then...when you obtain him he's so....worthless =/
They make you go through all the trouble to obtain this higher force and when you summon them, they almost always die before you do =/

Any thoughts?

PS, if this was made before, I apologize.

Yeah know that you mention it, I did notice that the Espers were lacking in their physical and magical capabilities during battle. Yet when you fight them to obtain them they are fricking god like. Heh well on this subject anyway I never really did care for summoning in FF12. It just never appealed to me that much, and I liked being able to name your "summons" but you can't in FF12. That's basically why I never use Mist and summon in FF12 yeah they are stupidly weak when you summon I totally agree. :mad:

I would like to add, people are addicted to summons :P. Ever Since FFIII for SNES came out people want to see these awesome espers or since FFVII and the whole Bahamut, Neo Bahamut, Nights of the Round or lastly FFX when you get Aenima.

I'm addicted as well, have been since the early days, but if I could have added anything to FFXII it would have been to up the difficulties, or add to the magic system at least.

Combat seemed to be the only tried and true for the game, the only magic that was beneficial as I recall was Restorative magic. (Healing and Buffs).

I do believe the the New Devs for Enix were a bit A.D.D. they just put way to much stuff in the game.. like Multi Jobs? I mean what's the point of having 4 people as Two handed sword users.. they didn't give the Summoner addicts their love. Everything was to .. automated. This was the first FF I was able to get into a battle, set my AI up and walk away and come back 10 minutes later to find out that I killed the boss..

Sad but true.

Give us our "amazing" summons back, I say.
I loved the summons in 8, didn't like the ones in 9 that much, and 10's were okay again. 12's went back downhill again. So now, I just wish that they would do well in 13 and have customizations and levels like in 8.
I wasn't really a fan of summoning when it came to FFXII. Summoning on FFXII wasn't really all that. You were better off keeping your party. Sure, their overdrives were handy...but that's only the best thing to them.

I don't think the game's battle system and summoning didn't make a good combination. I only really got the hidden summons for the sake of the challenge really =/
Well it does appear that in XII, summoning went down hill. Players only for them to say that they got them and for the challenge of an extra boss! ^^

PS: Stich....I got distracted by your little Yuna emot xDD
The espers were cool and the fact that you had to defeat them to get them was good. But as said before with a strong, well-equipped party, they are useless and they take away too much MP. But I do like their attacks and the challenge they put up during the battle to unlock them.